Category Archives: IBC

AAUW Fund Zoom Event-Jan. 28th!

AAUW Fund Zoom Event Sponsored by Capital Counties InterBranch Council (IBC)

Saturday, Jan. 28, 1 – 3 p.m.

Your local InterBranch Council is delighted to offer members the opportunity to hear directly from four powerful women. AAUW CA State President Sandi Gabe, always engaging and knowledgeable, will bring us up to date on the issues that inspire us.  Our AAUW CA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Director, Stormy Miller Sabia, will speak on the progress and the challenges we face.  Following these articulate leaders, two dynamic AAUW Fund Grant recipients—Kyndra Cleveland and Isha Poudel — will present their research, connecting us to the passion that motivates their work and their lives.  We are delighted to sponsor their research and even more delighted to hear them speak to us directly. Register on EventBrite for this free Zoom event with this <link>. Once registered, you will be emailed the Zoom link 2 days prior to the event. Our branch members generously support AAUW Funds–please take this opportunity to do so again.

Kyndra Cleveland, pursuing her law degree at the University of California, Berkeley, seeks to amplify the voices of parents and children navigating legal systems, bringing the results of her research to policy decisions.  Children in the many thousands are removed from their families during crises, and then often face a chaotic road without a chance for family reunification.  These children can be lost in the system – but Kyndra and the Policy Advocacy Clinic at UC Berkeley are working to give voice to their challenges and use data to change policy for their well-being. She is a polished and effective speaker on a critical topic, of special relevance to AAUW’s advocacy for girls.

Isha Poudel, a graduate student at UC Davis studying international agricultural development, with a focus on gender equities, takes us to Nepal with a compelling project that makes us see the world a little differently.  In Nepal, three-fourths of the economy is agricultural—but 80% of the farmers are women. Men have emigrated to other areas to work, leaving the women farmers to deal with the challenges of gender bias, of food insecurity, of Covid-19, and of global warming.

Don’t miss these terrific four speakers on Jan. 28! Register NOW using the EventBrite link above!

AAUW Fund Zoom Event Sponsored by IBC

AAUW Fund Zoom Event Sponsored by Capital Counties InterBranch Council (IBC)

Saturday, Jan. 28, 1 – 3 p.m.

Your local InterBranch Council is delighted to offer members the opportunity to hear directly from four powerful women. AAUW CA State President Sandi Gabe, always engaging and knowledgeable, will bring us up to date on the issues that inspire us.  Our AAUW CA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Director, Stormy Miller Sabia, will speak on the progress and the challenges we face.  Following these articulate leaders, two dynamic AAUW Fund Grant recipients—Kyndra Cleveland and Isha Poudel — will present their research, connecting us to the passion that motivates their work and their lives.  We are delighted to sponsor their research and even more delighted to hear them speak to us directly. Register on EventBrite for this free Zoom event with this <link>. Once registered, you will be emailed the Zoom link 2 days prior to the event. Our branch members generously support AAUW Funds–please take this opportunity to do so again.

Kyndra Cleveland, pursuing her law degree at the University of California, Berkeley, seeks to amplify the voices of parents and children navigating legal systems, bringing the results of her research to policy decisions.  Children in the many thousands are removed from their families during crises, and then often face a chaotic road without a chance for family reunification.  These children can be lost in the system – but Kyndra and the Policy Advocacy Clinic at UC Berkeley are working to give voice to their challenges and use data to change policy for their well-being. She is a polished and effective speaker on a critical topic, of special relevance to AAUW’s advocacy for girls.

Isha Poudel, a graduate student at UC Davis studying international agricultural development, with a focus on gender equities, takes us to Nepal with a compelling project that makes us see the world a little differently.  In Nepal, three-fourths of the economy is agricultural—but 80% of the farmers are women. Men have emigrated to other areas to work, leaving the women farmers to deal with the challenges of gender bias, of food insecurity, of Covid-19, and of global warming.

Don’t miss these terrific four speakers on Jan. 28! Register NOW using the EventBrite link above!

Capitol Counties IBC Event this Saturday!

Capitol Counties IBC Event By Donna Holmes

The AAUW Capital Counties IBC Event is coming up soon! It will be held on January 29, 2022 from 10 a.m. to Noon.

Please join us to meet 2021-22 AAUW California Fellows/Grant Recipients as they discuss their work, research, and experiences. Also hear from AAUW CA President Dianne Owens. Please register for this free program by January 28, 2022. Register on Eventbrite here to receive the zoom link for this event.

Speakers at the Capital Counties IBC Zoom Event:
-Dianne Owens, AAUW CA President, 2020-2022

Carolyn Garfein

-Carolyn Garfein, past AAUW president, 2009-2013, will talk about Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. Prior to her experience at the national AAUW level, she was active with AAUW in Georgia and was the program vice president for CA AAUW.  She graduated from Cornell University and received her MBA from Cal State Long Beach. Carolyn retired from The Marketing Workshop Inc. as senior vice president.  She has returned to California after several years living and working in Georgia and is currently a member of the Roseville South Placer branch.

-Juily Phun will speak on Contours of Care: The Influenza Pandemic, Public Health and Asian American Communities in Southern California, 1918–1941.

-Ana Grande will speak on the P F Bresee Foundation – Physical Sciences and Engineering Exploration for 100 Low-Income Central Los Angeles Girls.

-Brenna Mockler will speak on Probing Supermassive Black Holes with Tidal Disruption Events.

Click here to get more information on the CA Fellows/Grant Recipients.  Join us for this informative event to support these women!

Capital Counties IBC Event

Capital Counties IBC Event By Donna Holmes

The AAUW Capital Counties IBC Event is coming up! It will be held on January 29, 2022 from 10 a.m. to Noon.

Please join us to meet 2021-22 AAUW California Fellows/Grant Recipients as they discuss their work, research, and experiences. Also hear from AAUW CA President Dianne Owens. Please register for this free program by January 28, 2022. Register on Eventbrite here to receive the zoom link for this event.

Speakers at the Capital Counties IBC Zoom Event:
-Dianne Owens, AAUW CA President, 2020-2022

-Juily Phun will speak on Contours of Care: The Influenza Pandemic, Public Health and Asian American Communities in Southern California, 1918–1941.

-Ana Grande will speak on the P F Bresee Foundation – Physical Sciences and Engineering Exploration for 100 Low-Income Central Los Angeles Girls.

-Brenna Mockler will speak on Probing Supermassive Black Holes with Tidal Disruption Events.

Click here to get more information on the CA Fellows/Grant Recipients.  Join us for this informative event to support these women!

AAUW Funds Afternoon

AAUW Funds Afternoon By Donna Holmes

Please join us for the annual Capitol Counties Interbranch Funds Meeting
Saturday, January 30, 2021 – 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM
FREE Via Zoom which opens at 1:45 PM
Register on Eventbrite to get the Zoom link:

Our speakers are: Tracey Quezada a documentary filmmaker and journalist. She has produced and edited documentaries that address the school-to-prison pipeline, immigration and race in America. Her current documentary examines one of the most taboo issues of our time—child sexual abuse—an issue that the U.S. CDC has called a “public health crisis.” Her research investigates the fundamental systemic and structural issues that contribute to society’s failure to grapple with intergenerational sexual abuse.

And, Elizabeth Kopacz’s research  examines the relationship between popular genetic and transracial Korean adoption, and the structures informing kinship, identity, memory, narrative and loss. Through an analysis of state archives, digital communities and the emergence of the “DNA cousin” relationship, she explores the ways in which adult Korean adoptees reckon the unknown and unknowable in personal and community histories. During the fellowship year, she will focus on dissertation writing.


Plus, guest speaker Lisa Maatz! Lisa M. Maatz is a nationally sought-after speaker, writer and political analyst. Maatz was with AAUW from 2003 to 2017. During that time, she also spent 16 months serving concurrently as the interim director of the AAUW Legal Advocacy Fund.

Annual January AAUW Funds IBC Luncheon on Saturday, January 25

One of AAUW’s most enduring contributions to the effort to help women break through barriers in research is through AAUW Funds. Each year, the Sacramento region’s InterBranch Council, composed of 7 branches, puts on a luncheon featuring two speakers from among the Funds recipients in Northern California. These women always grab our attention with their unique and interesting projects, their perspectives and their expertise.

  • Please print the flyer and mail your check to Shirley Zeff per directions on the flyer as soon as possible. The deadline is Jan. 17!

Branches bring items for a silent auction, which then adds to the monies available for future grants and fellowships. This is an excellent way to participate in this crucial AAUW effort.

Saturday, January 25
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Plates Café and Catering
14 Business Park Way, Sacramento

Funds and the IBC Luncheon on January 26 by Kathleen Asay

The Funds year begins with another opportunity to meet local AAUW grant recipients. In this case, we’ll meet Kait Murray, who is using her Community Action Grant to support her campaign to increase girls’ opportunities in the sciences, and Andrea Morgan, who received a Career Development Grant while she studies public policy and environmental engineering at UC Berkeley. They will be the featured speakers at the annual InterBranch luncheon at Plates, Saturday, Jan. 26, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Reservations are $31, and payment needs to be received by Jan. 18. There will be no EventBrite or credit cards for registration. See the form linked here in the newsletter, and encourage your friends to go. Carpooling is a good idea because this is a popular event.

In addition to the speakers, the IBC luncheon brings together members of all the area’s branches for conversation and sharing, which is another benefit of attending! It’s also fun. This year, there will be a silent auction to raise funds toward the completion of the Alicia Hetman Research and Projects grant. If you have something you could contribute to the auction, let me or Donna Holmes know.

Sacramento Branch always has a good turnout for this event. Join us!

IBC Luncheon on Saturday, January 27th. Reservations Due on January 19 by Donna Holmes

This month we have the annual Capitol Cities Inter-Branch Funds Luncheon. This year’s two fellows, Kara Leong from UC Davis and Zawadi Ahidiana from UC Berkeley, are receiving their support from local grants. We are so delighted women honored to have grants in their name or their branch’s name will be introducing them at the luncheon.  Many of you have asked if we will ever meet the ladies who benefit from our soon to be completed Research and Project grant, and this is how we do it.  Just think, in another couple of years, one of our grant recipients could be speaking at this luncheon!  Click this link for the flyer and sign up today.  Note:  since this is an IBC function there is no EventBrite sign up.

We will also be hosting a silent auction to raise money for Funds.  Donna Holmes has donated an Americana double/queen size quilt.  Marty McKnew will have custom greeting cards for sale.  Bring your cash or checkbook!

IBC AAUW Funds Luncheon by Cherril Peabody

Two very accomplished young women who are awardees of National AAUW fellowships will tell us about themselves and their work at the Interbranch Council luncheon on Saturday, January 28, 2017.

Gina Turco, who was awarded an American Fellowship, is a systems biologist using mathematical models to develop higher biomass plants. She has also been involved in organizations like Girls Who Code and Skate Like a Girl.

Cloe-Mai Le Gall-Scoville, also an American Fellowship awardee, specializes in 19th century French and English literature. Her dissertation addresses how women of color, mixed-race women and Creole women are represented in romantic, naturalistic and realistic texts.

The luncheon will be held at Plates Café, 14 Business Park Way, Building 149, Sacramento, beginning at 11:30 am. Reservations and checks are due by January 18, 2017, but it would be good if you would send them right away, since our reservation chair will be away on family business from January 11 to the 21. Please use this reservation form.

The cost is $30 per person, with checks made payable to AAUW Interbranch Council, should be sent to Barbara Durst, 874 Purdue Drive, Woodland, CA 95695. (Please note that reserving and paying by credit card on Eventbrite is not an option for this event.) The cost includes honoraria to the two speakers, plus mileage reimbursement, in appreciation of their taking the time to come and speak to us.

We encourage you to invite guests to this event, especially young women who may be inspired by our speakers!