Tag Archives: BookGroups

Living Our Mission of Equity

Living Our Mission of Equity By Charmen Goehring

We hope you will join us in a monthly equity conversation looking at our own biases and what actions we can take to attract diversity to our branch and become better people in the process. Each month, we read a section of our selected book, then meet to discuss what we have learned, along with exploring other issues related to race and equity. We meet the first Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom. This is a joint CHAR/Sacramento activity.

The Zoom meeting code is 737 420 3780, or you can join using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7374203780

We will be discussing the second half (page 124-end) of our current book, “Waking Up White”, by Debby Irving at 7 p.m. on Dec. 7. If you have questions and to RSVP, please email Charmen at charminme@yahoo.com.

Sac State Buzz, Birthdays, Book Groups, and Printable Articles

Sac State Buzz By Gloria Yost

Do you know?

  • Our own Paola Mendez has become an e-member of AAUW.
  • Paola has won a Sacramento Semester Internship for spring semester and will be working at the Capitol. She is majoring in political science journalism.
  • Our NCCWSL attendee Marissa Floyd has joined AAUW. She is working full time as a behavior analyst’s assistant for a local school district and is a child development major.
  • Cynthia Gonzales has joined in our efforts to re-activate our Sac State chapter. She is a women’s studies major.

Celebrating December Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Becky Anton                                   12/1
  • Diana Squire                                  12/1
  • Aisha Engle                                     12/3
  • Jean Bonar                                      12/4
  • Marcia Becwar                               12/8
  • Diane Petersen                              12/8
  • Angela Scarlett                               12/11
  • Karen Burley*                                12/12
  • Laraine Silberstein                        12/14
  • Lynn Anderson                              12/17
  • Linda Whitney                               12/27
  • Bonnie Penix                                 12/30

December Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
No meeting in December; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
No meeting in December; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
The Uncommon Reader, by Alan Bennett, on Dec. 14; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
All the Birds in the Sky, by Charlie Jane Anders, on Dec. 19; coordinators are Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
No meeting in December; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
Holiday Party, on Dec. 15 ; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
Holiday Party, on Dec. 1; coordinator is Linda Cook

Printable Newsletter Articles

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Living Our Mission of Equity

Living Our Mission of Equity Book Discussion By Charmen Goehring

We hope you will join us in a monthly equity conversation looking at our own biases, and what actions we can take to attract diversity to our branch and become better people in the process. Each month, we read a section of our selected book then meet to discuss what we have learned, along with exploring other issues related to race and equity. We will meet the first Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom. This is a joint CHAR/Sacramento activity.

The Zoom meeting code is 737 420 3780 or you can join using this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7374203780

We will be discussing the first half (pages 1-123) of our current book, “Waking Up White” by Debby Irving, at 7 p.m. Nov. 2. If you have questions and to RSVP, please email Charmen at charminme@yahoo.com.

Birthdays, Books, and Printable Articles

Celebrating November Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathleen Asay                                    11/2
  • Esther Gaines                                    11/3
  • Cristina Whitlock                               11/6
  • Alicia Hetman                                    11/7
  • Ann Arneill                                         11/11
  • Eileen Heaser                                    11/12
  • Donna Holmes                                  11/14
  • Linda Lawrence                                 11/16
  • Carole Cline                                       11/18
  • Jennifer Henderson                          11/19
  • Elaine Ellers                                        11/23
  • Elaine Moody                                     11/30

October Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
West with Giraffes, by Lynda Rutledge, on Nov. 1; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
No meeting in Nov. and Dec.; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Kimmerer, on Nov. 9; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
Where I was From, by Joan Dideon, on Nov. 21; coordinators are Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
The Matrix, by Lauren Groff , on Nov. 28; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
Talking to Strangers, by Malcolm Gladwell, Nov. 17 ; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
The World That We Knew, by Alice Hoffman, on Nov. 3; coordinator is Linda Cook

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles

Living Our Mission of Equity

Living Our Mission of Equity By Charmen Goehring

We hope you will join us in a monthly equity conversation looking at our own biases and what actions we can take to attract diversity to our branch and become better people in the process. Each month, we read a section of our selected book then meet to discuss what we have learned, along with exploring other issues related to race and equity. We meet the first Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom. This is a joint CHAR/Sacramento activity.

The Zoom meeting code is 737 420 3780 or you can join using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7374203780

We will be discussing the second half of our current book, “Sister Outsider”, by Audre Lorde, on Oct. 5 at 7pm. If you have questions and to RSVP, please email Charmen at charminme@yahoo.com.  Our next book for November/December will be “Waking Up White” by Debby Irving.

Interest Groups, Birthdays, Books, and Printable Articles

Interest Group Happenings By Vicki Nicholson

  • ART & ARCHITECTURE:  Oct. 7, 10:30 a.m., home art studios of Paula and Joseph Bellacera.
  • BOARD GAMES:  Oct. 28, 7 p.m., at Ruth Werner’s.
  • FILM FANS:  Oct. 18, 11 a.m., Zoom, contact Cherril Peabody for details.
  • GREAT DECISIONS I:  Oct. 17, 7 p.m., Zoom, topic–Biden’s Foreign Policy. Taking orders for 2023 briefing book.  Contact Cathy Locke.
  • GREAT DECISIONS II:  Oct. 13, 7 p.m., topic–US Industrial Policy.
  • GREAT DECISIONS III:  Oct. 17, 1 p.m., home of Marge Patzer; topic–US Industrial Policy.
  • HEALTHY HEART:  Oct. 14, 11:30 a.m. at Fabian’s in Fair Oaks. Contact Jane Cooley.
  • READER’S THEATER:  Oct. 11, 10 a.m., Mary William’s home.
  • SCRABBLE:  Oct. 31, 1 p.m., home of Vivian Counts.
  • SINGLES DINING:  Oct. 2, 6 p.m., contact Nancy McCabe.

Celebrating October Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathryn Schrumpf                           10/1 
  • Janice Stuter                                     10/5
  • Mary Williams                                  10/8
  • Karen Ann Smith                             10/9
  • Lynn Blair Wood                              10/12
  • Linda Cook                                       10/13
  • Jennifer Virginia Stanley                 10/14
  • Lyn Roefs                                          10/15
  • Susan McLearan                              10/17
  • Elizabeth Hendrickson                   10/21
  • Marianne Rorden                            10/21
  • Christina Calpo                                10/23
  • Mary Margaret Baker                     10/26
  • Gail Evans                                         10/26
  • Bakula Maniar                                 10/27
  • Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin         10/27

October Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
The Road Home, by Rose Tremain, on Oct. 4; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
TBD Book Selection, on Oct. 26; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
The Warmth of Other Suns, by Isabel Wilkerson, on Oct. 12; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
There There, by Tommy Orange, on Oct. 17; coordinators are Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
The Yellow House: A Memoir, by Sarah Broom , on Oct. 24; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
The Sentence, by Louise Erdich, Oct. 20 ; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
The Island of Missing Trees, by Eilif Shafak, on Oct. 6; coordinator is Linda Cook

Printable Newsletter Articles

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Living Our Mission of Equity-Book Discussion

Living Our Mission of Equity, By Charmen Goehring

We hope you will join us in a monthly equity conversation looking at our own biases and what actions we can take to attract diversity to our branch and become better people in the process. Each month, we read a section of our selected book, then meet to discuss what we have learned, along with exploring other issues related to race and equity. We will meet the first Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom. This is a joint CHAR/Sacramento activity.

The Zoom meeting code is 737 420 3780, or you can join using this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7374203780

We will be discussing the first half, up to page 109, of our new book, Sister Outsider” by Audre Lorde, at 7 p.m. Sept. 7. If you have questions and to RSVP, please email Charmen at charminme@yahoo.com.

Birthdays, Books, and Printable Articles

Celebrating August Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy (Belated) Birthday to All!

  • Jennifer Krebsbach                           8/5 
  • Linda Patterson                                 8/5
  • Marlys Fredrickson Huez                 8/6
  • Nancy McCabe                                  8/14
  • May Ruth Lynch                                8/22
  • Susan Rubinstein Szabo                  8/22
  • Barbara Smith                                   8/25
  • Vicki Nicholson                                  8/28
  • Catherine Locke                                8/31

Celebrating September Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathleen Keers                                  9/3
  • Anne Just                                            9/6
  • Fakhri Alereza Rice                           9/6
  • Rebekah Machado de Quevedo     9/9
  • Jeanette Finn                                     9/10
  • Barbara Kamilos                               9/12
  • Marchetta Schneider                       9/13
  • Pamella Vaughn                               9/15
  • Malinda Rice                                     9/20
  • Hedda Smithson                              9/20
  • Cherril Peabody                               9/22
  • Elinor Anklin                                     9/26
  • Kathryn Brann                                  9/26
  • Danielle Metzinger                          9/26
  • Karen Humphrey                             9/27
  • Joy Clous                                           9/28

September Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
The Code Breaker, by Walter Isaacson, on Sept. 6; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
Caste: the Origins of our Discontents, by Isabel Wilkerson, on Sept. 28; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
The Daughters of Yalta: the Churchills, Roosevelts, and Harrimans, by Catherine Grace Katz, on Sept. 14; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
Infinite City: a San Francisco Atlas, by Rebecca Solnit, on Sept. 19; coordinators are Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
Afterlife, by Julia Alvarez , on Sept. 26; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
Miss Graham’s Cold War Cookbook, by Celia Rees, Sept.15 ; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
Project Hail Mary, by Andy Weir, on Sept 1; coordinator is Linda Cook

Book Group 33: 
Lady Clementine, by Marie Benedict, on Sept. 1; coordinator is Jane Pivetti

Printable Newsletter Articles

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Living Our Mission of Equity

Living Our Mission of Equity By Charmen Goehring

Help us pick our next book!

The group just wrapped up its discussion of the book “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together” by Heather McGhee. It’s time to pick our next book! This is a perfect time for you to join us.

We meet online in a monthly equity conversation to learn how racism affects us all, and what actions we can take to attract diversity to our branch and become better people in the process. Each month, we read a section of our selected book then meet to discuss what we have learned, along with exploring other issues related to race and equity. We meet the second Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom. This is a joint CHAR/Sacramento activity. Others are welcome as well.

The Zoom meeting code is 737 420 3780 or you can join using this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7374203780

We will meet on Wednesday, June 8 at 7 p.m. to discuss possible books and make our selection for our summer reading. If you have questions and to RSVP, please email Charmen at charminme@yahoo.com.

Summer Books, Birthdays, and Printable Articles

Celebrating June Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

  Happy Birthday to All!

  • Della Knowles                              6/2
  • Patricia Peck                                6/2
  • Sandra Cavey                               6/4
  • Mahnaz Khazari                           6/4
  • Shirley Wheeler                           6/8
  • Pamela Spears                             6/8
  • Jane Reinmuth                             6/10
  • Rita Walker                                   6/10
  • Ellynrose Sheehan                      6/11
  • Sharon Lee Swanson                  6/11
  • Carmen Hobbs                            6/12
  • Charmen Goehring                     6/19
  • Kathleen Papst                             6/20
  • Carol Hayes                                  6/29

Celebrating July Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Nancy Kniskern                            7/1
  • Gloria Sears                                  7/3
  • Karen Ann Rystad                        7/5
  • Patricia Winkle                             7/6
  • Judy Foote                                     7/8
  • Michele Hobza                             7/8
  • Linda Sparks                                7/9
  • Ruth Werner                                7/10
  • Shari Beck                                    7/13
  • Lisa Howard                                7/14
  • Vivian Counts                              7/16
  • Marty McKnew                            7/20
  • Lori Franz                                     7/24
  • Martha H McDowell                   7/24
  • Joan Heikkila Rhee                     7/28
  • Gina Schumacher                       7/31

July Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
No July meeting; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
Inheritance, by Dani Shapiro, on July 27; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
Reluctant Genius: Alexander Graham Bell, by Charlotte Gray, on July 13; coordinator is Nancy Lawrence

Book Group 6: 
No July meeting; coordinator is Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
Matrix: A Novel, by Lauren Groff , on July 25; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
No July meeting; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
Stoner, by John Williams, on July 7 coordinator is Linda Cook

Book Group 33: 
No July meeting; coordinators are Jane Pivetti, Nancy Lawrence

August Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
No August meeting; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
The Last Painting of Sara de Vos, by Dominic Smith, on August 24; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
Harlem Shuffle, by Colson Whitehead, on August 10; coordinator is Nancy Lawrence

Book Group 6: 
The Other Americans, by Laila Lalami, on August 15; coordinator is Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
All That She Carried, by Tiya Miles , on August 22; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
No August meeting; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
The Girl with Seven Names, by Hyeonseo Lee, on August 4; coordinator is Linda Cook

Book Group 33: 
No August meeting; coordinators are Jane Pivetti, Nancy Lawrence

Printable Newsletter Articles

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