Tag Archives: Newsletter

Did You Know?

Did You Know? By Karen Burley

Photo Policy

When you attend AAUW events photos are taken and you may find your face in a newsletter article or on our <website>. You may wonder “Are other people allowed to photograph or record me in public without my consent”? Your diligent newsletter editor researched this and here is the answer: In California, yes, people are allowed to take photos or video of you in public even if you don’t like it. Where you don’t have a “reasonable expectation of privacy,” including most public places, pretty much anything you do can be photographed or recorded. However, they may not “commercialize” (make money from) your image without your consent.

So now you know!

Scholarship Applications

In the March newsletter we will provide more information regarding our branch scholarships. But the Scholarship Application for the 2025-2026 academic year has been posted and can be found on our website. Look for the “Branch Outreach Programs” tab along the top banner on the website, then click on “Scholarships.” The application may be tweaked a bit more in February, so consider this an early look. Please get the word out to potential applicants you may know.

Sunshine Chair

Pat Winkle is our Sunshine Chair and needs to hear from you if you know members who might appreciate a get well, sympathy or “thinking of you” card. As she doesn’t know everyone, she needs your help in remembering our friends. Her contact information is in the directory.

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click <here> for Printable Newsletter Articles.

Membership Happenings

Membership Happenings By Gloria Yost and Vicky Lovell

Strengthening our AAUW Sacramento connections and friendships

Fellow active members, WE NEED YOUR HELP!
Do you know that only about half of our members read Capital Ideas?
Even fewer read the e-Blasts!
How can they participate when they are so uninformed?

Please help us increase member participation by checking on your AAUW friends.  Help them add AAUW Sacramento to their contact lists so it doesn’t end up in spam or worse

  • Our newsletter, Capital Ideas, arrives near the end of each month. Did your fellow members open and read it?
  • Look for Eblasts, usually sent out on Monday or Wednesday, that provide details about our upcoming branch events and how to sign up to attend. Do your friends read them?
  • Finally, if they accidentally unsubscribed to AAUW Sacramento, or are having computer troubles, PLEASE LET US KNOW SO WE CAN HELP.

Meet our New AAUW Sacramento Members!

We now have 18 new members who have joined this year so far.  If you meet them at an event or a book group or interest group, let them know what you enjoy and appreciate most about our branch — after telling them how glad you are they joined.  Our three newest members are:

  • Paola Mendez
  • Rebecca Peebles
  • Jeannie London

Welcome all to AAUW Sacramento!

Celebrating February Birthdays! 

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Anna Storey                                  2/1
  • Kathleen Deaver                          2/2
  • Margaret Steinberg                     2/3
  • Arlene Cullum                               2/4
  • Kathie Huff                                    2/4
  • Susan Whetstone                         2/9
  • Jane Cooley                                    2/14
  • Nancy Fox                                      2/16
  • Jean Brown                                    2/24
  • Carol Finney                                  2/25
  • Inger Lindholm                             2/26
  • Karen W. Smith                            2/26

Did You Know?

Did You Know? By Liz Jordan, Nancy McCabe, Karen Burley

You can get up to 75% off of office supplies! By Liz Jordan

Every AAUW member is entitled to a number of perks and discounts. As a member of leadership for the last few decades I used the old Office Depot discount to make copies of all kinds of materials for different programs in which I participated. Recently, I learned that Office Depot has completed a reorganization of their discount program, and if I wanted to continue to get a great discount on printed copies, etc. I needed to take a few new steps. It was easy to do. If you want to get an Office Depot discount card, here’s is what you do:

  1. Go to aauw.org. Click Log In and sign into your membership. You probably set this up when you first paid your membership online. https://www.aauw.org/membership/
  2. Once on your Profile page, click Membership tab on the upper right corner of the menu band across the top of the page.
  3. On the new page, on the right side there is a menu list. The very last item is Discounts and Perks. Click through to the list of opportunities.
  4. Scroll down. Under the red band Other Discounts and Services, the third item is Office Depot.
  5. When you read through the information, it will tell you that to receive your member discount, you’ll need to re-enroll or register for an account through our dedicated ODP site. REGISTER NOW. Click through and follow the directions, giving your name and address to register for the program. Once you have registered, you will receive an email at the address you gave, to click through and get access to the card you can carry in your wallet.

You print the paper, take it with you the next visit to Office Depot, and they will laminate the card for you.

TA-DA! “Up to 80% discount off of Preferred Products!”

Ordering AAUW Name Badges By Nancy McCabe

You probably have seen some of our members wearing AAUW badges with our branch inscribed. We ordered them about six years ago when we were using paper badges on a string around our necks. It reminded some of a work badge or a nametag for a cocker spaniel. Ten dollars looked like a bargain for a bit of self esteem. Strangely, the badges are still $10 and can be ordered at aauw.source4.com, then choose Accessorize. My second line is ‘Sacramento Branch, Inc.’ We chose not to add our leadership position name as we often change jobs within our branch. After all, $10 is $10! When we ordered the badges earlier, they added ’empowering women since 1881′ but I gather they are no longer doing that. Anyway, the badges are pretty cool, so feel free to order yours, and shop the site for other logo stuff!

Sunshine Chair

Pat Winkle is our Sunshine Chair and needs to hear from you if you know members who might appreciate a get well, sympathy or “thinking of you” card. As she doesn’t know everyone, she needs your help in remembering our friends. Her contact information is in the directory.

RBG Stamp

The U.S. Postal Service is issuing a Ruth Bader Ginsburg stamp! The Postal Service has issued a new Forever stamp that honors the legacy of late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Available now!



Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

AAUW Fund Update / Printable Articles

AAUW Fund Update By Charmen Goehring

Thanks to the generosity of many members in our branch, AAUW Sacramento contributed $17,487.50 to the AAUW Fund in 2022. This amount topped last year! Most of the funding was designated to the Greatest Needs account, which allows AAUW to remain nimble and able to respond to needs that arise. Thank you to those who donated so bountifully!

AAUW Sacramento also leads all other branches in the state in number of Legacy Circle members. There is always room for more! A special event for prospective members was held last month and netted two additional members in CA and others across the country. Another exclusive online event will be held in May for all current Legacy Circle members — I would love to see so many Sacramento faces on that Zoom screen!

You can find more information on how easy it is to become a member Here or contact me at charminme@yahoo.com. Legacy Circle is a fantastic way to ensure that our organization is around for years to come “fighting the good fight!”

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

President’s Message

President’s Message By Angela Scarlett

Angela Scarlett

Summer is right around the corner and our AAUW branch will take a bit of a break. In July new officers will convene and start planning the program and events for the coming year. I hope you enjoyed our May program “A Glimpse of the Future,” and we look forward to seeing you in September for our kickoff event.

As life starts to become more “normal,” have a fun and memorable summer and remember to stay safe!

Branch Birthdays, Book Groups, Printable Newsletter Articles, and Interest Groups

Branch Birthdays, Book Groups, and Printable Newsletter Articles

  • Click here for Branch Birthdays for May
  • Click here for Book Group books for May
  • Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles

Interest Groups

You can find out about the Interest Groups offered by the branch by looking at the banner on the home webpage (just under the branch photo) and clicking on “Activities”. Click on “Interest Groups” and you will find a list of all Interest Groups, when they meet, and the group leader to contact for more information (email addresses and phone numbers can be found in the Branch Membership Directory and Handbook).

Some Interest Groups are taking a break during the pandemic, but a number are still meeting – virtually! According to the Interest Group Coordinator, Vicki Nicholson, here are the groups that are currently meeting:

  • All Book Groups
  • All 3 sections of Great Decisions
  • Art & Architecture
  • Film Fans
  • Reader’s Theater
  • Travel

Feel free to contact a group leader to learn more about the Interest Group. They would love to have you join in!

Branch Birthdays, Book Groups, Printable Articles, and Board Briefs

Branch Birthdays and Printable Newsletter Articles

  • Click here for Branch Birthdays
  • Click here for Book Group books for October
  • Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles

Board Briefs  by Karen Burley
The Board met at the end of August and will be holding its next meeting on October 5, the first Monday of the month as per our regular schedule. Look for the October Board Briefs in the next edition of the branch newsletter.

Do You Remember Carolyn Martin? Our 1972-73 AAUW Sacramento President by Linda Tinker


Welcome back to Carolyn Martin, who served as AAUW Sacramento President in 1972-73. Since that time she has led an exciting, challenging life. I am going to spend this column talking about what she has done since she was President and in next month’s column, I will ask Carolyn to recall her term as President and to compare our organization in 1972 with the current group.

For the past 53 years, Carolyn has been married to Barry, who is a retired Administrative Law judge and currently writes books. His last book is called “Forgotten Aviator: The Adventures of Royal Leonard.” They are long-time Sacramento residents, and their two children also live in Sacramento. She has one grandson.

Carolyn worked as an adult education ESL instructor and part-time area community college U.S. history instructor.

In 1964 Carolyn, joined AAUW Walnut Creek, “and when our son was 12 days old, my husband said, ‘You will never be happy staying home. I can take care of this baby. Why don’t you go to that AAUW meeting?’” She became involved in the AAUW Walnut Creek branch, and when she and her family moved to Sacramento, she transferred her membership to our branch.

AAUW Sacramento had workshops on “Leadership can be Learned,” and Carolyn attributes that training to her future success in her anti-tobacco campaign and other leadership roles. Carolyn recalls, “The ‘Leadership can be Learned’ was excellent training; for example, after receiving the training, I started the Friends of Arden-Dimick Branch Library. “

Carolyn served as AAUW Sacramento President in 1972 -73 and following that service, she was State Legislative President and hired and trained the first AAUW state lobbyist.

She began her legislative activities as a State Legislative President for AAUW in the 1970s, and AAUW was very instrumental in getting coastal environmental and policy changes passed.

In 1988, voters passed an initiative to raise the tobacco tax 25 cents, 5 cents of which was to go to tobacco education. In 1990 Carolyn was appointed as President for the Advisory Committee of Tobacco Education. It was an innovative tobacco control program that pioneered the practice of television and radio ads against tobacco use. It was the most successful tobacco education program in the world because it combined media, local projects, and policy changes locally and in the state. For example, the ban on smoking in work places is an example of a policy change that had a tremendous impact. This model has been used by most states and many foreign countries. Even the pubs in Ireland are smoke-free!

Carolyn was chosen for this committee because she had signed the initiative petition, served on the campaign committee of the Lung Association as a volunteer, and had lots of experience at the Capitol as a volunteer advocate.

Carolyn is an avid reader, plays tennis, serves as a docent at the State Capitol and the California State Library, and enjoys travel.

Check this column in March to hear Carolyn’s impressions of the changes in our AAUW Sacramento branch.