Category Archives: AAUW Funds

Did You Know? 

Did You Know?

CA Public Policy News By Amy Hom and Melissa Maceyko

Co-chairs, AAUW California Public Policy Committee

Please click <here> for the January issue of Public Policy News. It includes

  • Information on the next Branch Public Policy meeting
  • Information on Lobby Days
  • Key links to public policy resources
  • An article about Parents’ Rights

From the IBC Fund Luncheon

One of our AAUW Fund recipients, Krystal Lau, is a published author. She wrote a book for children, “My Elastical Fantastical Bubble” and  shared a link to her story here: bubble/

April Program Quiz Answers

Banned Books and the Right to Read Anything!

Quiz answers

  1. c) Satanic Verses was banned in 14 countries = blasphemy against Islam. There are a lot of Islamic countries.
  2. b) China has banned 33; Singapore, 32; Indonesia, 24; Australia, 22, and the US, 20.
  3. d) All of the above.
  4. c) Spain

It’s AAUW’s Art Contest Time!

AAUW’s annual art contest is officially under way, and we invite members to submit a high-res image of their original painting, photography, sculpture, collage or other artwork. We will be accepting submissions through January 31, 2024. Your work could be among the winning entries!

Starting in February, AAUW members will select their favorite entries via ranked-choice voting. The winners will be featured on a collection of notecards sent to all members this spring. The back of each card will include the winning artist’s biography, a fact about AAUW and a highlight of the artist’s local branch affiliation when applicable.

For more information on submitting artwork, or to peruse last year’s art gallery, please visit the AAUW Art Contest page <here>.

Sunshine Chair

Pat Winkle is our Sunshine Chair and needs to hear from you if you know members who might appreciate a get well, sympathy or “thinking of you” card. As she doesn’t know everyone, she needs your help in remembering our friends. Her contact information is in the directory.

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

AAUW Fund Luncheon-January

AAUW Fund Luncheon By Donna Holmes

Sponsored by your Capitol Counties Interbranch Council

Saturday, January 20, 2024 Northridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave. Fair Oaks, CA
Noon – 2:00pm

Keynote speaker: Tracy Ramondini, Elk Grove Sheldon High School teacher  and Gov Trek State Committee member, will update us on the Gov Trek program.

In addition, two current AAUW Fund Recipients will share their educational journeys,  focusing on details and progress of their work.

Reserve your spot today; Deadline for reservations is  January 10, 2024.

Make your $40 check payable to AAUW CHAR and mail to:
AAUW CHAR, P.O. Box 1555, Fair Oaks, CA  95628
Include the following information:

Name _______________________________________ Branch _________________________

Phone __________________________ Email _______________________________________

Please indicate your menu choice:

____ Turkey w/mashed potatoes & veggies

____ Vegetarian Risotto

2024 AAUW IBC Luncheon Flyer

AAUW Fund Luncheon

AAUW Fund Luncheon By Donna Holmes

Sponsored by your Capitol Counties Interbranch Council

Saturday, January 20, 2024 Northridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave. Fair Oaks, CA
Noon – 2:00pm

Keynote speaker: Tracy Ramondini, Elk Grove Sheldon High School teacher  and Gov Trek State Committee member, will update us on the Gov Trek program.

In addition, two current AAUW Fund Recipients will share their educational journeys,  focusing on details and progress of their work.

Reserve your spot today; deadline for reservations is  January 10, 2024.

Make your $40 check payable to AAUW CHAR and mail to:
AAUW CHAR, P.O. Box 1555, Fair Oaks, CA  95628
Include the following information:

Name _______________________________________ Branch _________________________

Phone __________________________ Email _______________________________________

Please indicate your menu choice:

____ Turkey w/mashed potatoes & veggies

____ Vegetarian Risotto

2024 AAUW IBC Luncheon Flyer

AAUW Funds

AAUW Funds By Charmen Goehring

As we unbelievably head into the last weeks of 2023, I am asking that you consider a gift to the AAUW Fund. This is a wonderful time to do so as the National Board and Committees and the staff have created a matching campaign for all donations up to $70,000! Women and girls can reach their full potential only when the barriers holding them back are broken down. Help AAUW smash the obstacles that hold women back.

It is easy to give online where you will be able to choose which fund you would like to support. The Greatest Needs fund is my top recommendation as it allows AAUW to pay its bills as well as stay nimble to respond to issues and needs as they arise. If you choose to send a check to AAUW, please make sure you write “AAUW Sacramento” in the memo line and include a cover letter specifying that you are in the AAUW Sacramento branch and where you would like your donation to be designated.

If you are planning to give by way of an IRA Distribution ( or a Required Minimum Distribution), contact your account custodian to request a “Qualified Charitable Distribution.” The check, accompanied by your name and address information, must be sent directly from your financial institution to AAUW. Provide the recipient information below to your custodian, along with AAUW’s Tax ID #52-6037388. Before sending, please also notify AAUW at so they can keep an eye out for your gift and be sure to include the amount, your name, address and the designation of your gift (for example: Greatest Needs), and the financial institution sending your gift. Please direct your check, drawn on your IRA account and made payable to AAUW, to:

Attn: Planned Giving-IRA Distribution
1310 L St. NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005

One other consideration for those of you who love this organization and want to see AAUW continue to fight for equity for all into the future, you can become a Legacy Circle member. This is a gift that you leave from your estate and there is no minimum amount. There are many ways to set this up and you can contact me for more information. We have about 140 Legacy Circle members in California, including several in this branch, and we welcome more! As Judy Horan says, “Live, Love, Leave a Legacy!”

Thank you and have a joyful holiday season!

Upcoming Programs

Sacramento Branch of AAUW Presents (By Hedda Smithson)

Episode Three of “The Rights Stuff”:
                The Right to Personal Safety and Second Chances  

                             >>> Lights, Camera, Action!! <<<

Saturday, November 4, at the Carmichael Library

                         Coming Attraction!!      Save the date!

On Saturday, Nov. 4, 2023 we will gather at the Carmichael Library to listen to leaders from Sacramento’s leading organizations dedicated to improving the lives of women in our community. Our panel will feature representatives from My Sister’s House, St. John’s Program for Real Change, WEAVE and Women’s Empowerment, Sacramento. They will discuss their programs as well as local women’s needs for personal safety and second chances. We will look for ways to focus on our Action or Actions to support these efforts. See the next issue of Capital Ideas for more details.

And Another:        Coming Attraction!!      Save the date!

AAUW Fund Luncheon By Charmen Goehring

Save the Date!  Saturday, January 20, 2024 Noon to 2pm
Northridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave., Fair Oaks

Join us for the first in-person AAUW Fund Luncheon since 2020. Hear from your AAUW California state officers and be inspired by 2023-24 AAUW Fund scholars.

Enjoy the luncheon and speakers while benefitting the AAUW Fund.

Reserve your spot today: Send $40 to AAUW CHAR, P.O. Box 1555, Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Note “AAUW Fund Luncheon” on the memo line. Specify your luncheon choice of either Turkey with mashed potatoes and veggies  *OR* Vegetarian Risotto.

You can find the event flyer <here>.

AAUW Fund Update

AAUW Fund Update By Charmen Goehring

As we enter the second half of the AAUW fiscal year, the Sacramento branch looks to be on par with last year’s total donations to the AAUW Fund, thanks to some long-time generous donors as well as a few new contributors. Thank you so much for your support of our mission of Equity for All.

As a reminder, there are several funds under the umbrella of AAUW Fund. The most critical is the Greatest Needs Fund (9110), which finances our research, staff, communications, and advocacy efforts. It is this fund which keeps AAUW nimble and able to respond to timely issues. There are also the Education and Training Fund (4450), Leadership Fund (4452), Economic Security Fund (4449), and the Governance and Sustainability Fund (4451).

This is also a good time to consider joining the Legacy Circle, especially if you are a long-time donor to AAUW Fund or a member who loves AAUW, our mission and activities. There are many ways to join but most members just include AAUW in their estate planning- for example, I have designated AAUW as a beneficiary of a 401K. There is no cost to you now, however you will be showered with notes and kudos from your Legacy Circle Liaison (currently me!) and you will know that you are helping to secure AAUW for the future. Ask me for more information!!

Keep an eye out for the AAUW California Fund Events in October– there will be some changes this year but they will still be a great way to meet some of our Fund recipients and learn about their work.

AAUW Sac Funds/Printable Articles

AAUW Sac Funds Update By Charmen Goehring

Many thanks to those of you who send in regular gifts to AAUW to help our beloved organization advance our mission of gender equity.

Making a regular monthly gift that is automatically withdrawn from your account is very easy to set up online. No more remembering to write the check! I love how easy it makes it to give on a regular basis and it also allows AAUW to plan for the contributions.

Those of you who attended the AAUW Annual Event — the Academy AAUWards on April 22– saw that Sacramento was the No. 6 branch statewide in overall contributions to the AAUW Fund!!

I would love to welcome more AAUW Sacramento members to the Legacy Circle.  Please reach out to me for more information!! Or go right to the AAUW website to enroll! It is easy, there are many options for leaving a gift, and you can feel satisfied that you are helping to ensure AAUW is around for years to come — continuing our fight for equity for women and girls.

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

AAUW Fund Update / Printable Articles

AAUW Fund Update By Charmen Goehring

Thanks to the generosity of many members in our branch, AAUW Sacramento contributed $17,487.50 to the AAUW Fund in 2022. This amount topped last year! Most of the funding was designated to the Greatest Needs account, which allows AAUW to remain nimble and able to respond to needs that arise. Thank you to those who donated so bountifully!

AAUW Sacramento also leads all other branches in the state in number of Legacy Circle members. There is always room for more! A special event for prospective members was held last month and netted two additional members in CA and others across the country. Another exclusive online event will be held in May for all current Legacy Circle members — I would love to see so many Sacramento faces on that Zoom screen!

You can find more information on how easy it is to become a member Here or contact me at Legacy Circle is a fantastic way to ensure that our organization is around for years to come “fighting the good fight!”

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

AAUW Fund Zoom Event-Jan. 28th!

AAUW Fund Zoom Event Sponsored by Capital Counties InterBranch Council (IBC)

Saturday, Jan. 28, 1 – 3 p.m.

Your local InterBranch Council is delighted to offer members the opportunity to hear directly from four powerful women. AAUW CA State President Sandi Gabe, always engaging and knowledgeable, will bring us up to date on the issues that inspire us.  Our AAUW CA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Director, Stormy Miller Sabia, will speak on the progress and the challenges we face.  Following these articulate leaders, two dynamic AAUW Fund Grant recipients—Kyndra Cleveland and Isha Poudel — will present their research, connecting us to the passion that motivates their work and their lives.  We are delighted to sponsor their research and even more delighted to hear them speak to us directly. Register on EventBrite for this free Zoom event with this <link>. Once registered, you will be emailed the Zoom link 2 days prior to the event. Our branch members generously support AAUW Funds–please take this opportunity to do so again.

Kyndra Cleveland, pursuing her law degree at the University of California, Berkeley, seeks to amplify the voices of parents and children navigating legal systems, bringing the results of her research to policy decisions.  Children in the many thousands are removed from their families during crises, and then often face a chaotic road without a chance for family reunification.  These children can be lost in the system – but Kyndra and the Policy Advocacy Clinic at UC Berkeley are working to give voice to their challenges and use data to change policy for their well-being. She is a polished and effective speaker on a critical topic, of special relevance to AAUW’s advocacy for girls.

Isha Poudel, a graduate student at UC Davis studying international agricultural development, with a focus on gender equities, takes us to Nepal with a compelling project that makes us see the world a little differently.  In Nepal, three-fourths of the economy is agricultural—but 80% of the farmers are women. Men have emigrated to other areas to work, leaving the women farmers to deal with the challenges of gender bias, of food insecurity, of Covid-19, and of global warming.

Don’t miss these terrific four speakers on Jan. 28! Register NOW using the EventBrite link above!

AAUW Fund Zoom Event Sponsored by IBC

AAUW Fund Zoom Event Sponsored by Capital Counties InterBranch Council (IBC)

Saturday, Jan. 28, 1 – 3 p.m.

Your local InterBranch Council is delighted to offer members the opportunity to hear directly from four powerful women. AAUW CA State President Sandi Gabe, always engaging and knowledgeable, will bring us up to date on the issues that inspire us.  Our AAUW CA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Director, Stormy Miller Sabia, will speak on the progress and the challenges we face.  Following these articulate leaders, two dynamic AAUW Fund Grant recipients—Kyndra Cleveland and Isha Poudel — will present their research, connecting us to the passion that motivates their work and their lives.  We are delighted to sponsor their research and even more delighted to hear them speak to us directly. Register on EventBrite for this free Zoom event with this <link>. Once registered, you will be emailed the Zoom link 2 days prior to the event. Our branch members generously support AAUW Funds–please take this opportunity to do so again.

Kyndra Cleveland, pursuing her law degree at the University of California, Berkeley, seeks to amplify the voices of parents and children navigating legal systems, bringing the results of her research to policy decisions.  Children in the many thousands are removed from their families during crises, and then often face a chaotic road without a chance for family reunification.  These children can be lost in the system – but Kyndra and the Policy Advocacy Clinic at UC Berkeley are working to give voice to their challenges and use data to change policy for their well-being. She is a polished and effective speaker on a critical topic, of special relevance to AAUW’s advocacy for girls.

Isha Poudel, a graduate student at UC Davis studying international agricultural development, with a focus on gender equities, takes us to Nepal with a compelling project that makes us see the world a little differently.  In Nepal, three-fourths of the economy is agricultural—but 80% of the farmers are women. Men have emigrated to other areas to work, leaving the women farmers to deal with the challenges of gender bias, of food insecurity, of Covid-19, and of global warming.

Don’t miss these terrific four speakers on Jan. 28! Register NOW using the EventBrite link above!