Tag Archives: Branch_Business

Call for Leaders and Program Ideas

Call for Leaders and Program Ideas By Hedda Smithson

AAUW Sacramento has a long and rich history – at 100 years and counting, we have seen a lot. But one thing has always been true: This is our branch and we are committed to seeing that it continues to thrive and prosper.

At the December branch meeting President Nancy McCabe reminded us of our new board structure – fewer positions to fill – and easy meetings by Zoom. In the coming months, we will elect a president and vice president for program.

So, what is involved in the role of president? First: There are lots of resources available to facilitate your experience. Check out our branch website (https://sacramento-ca.aauw.net). Click on the Membership on the top banner and then click on Members Only. Use the password in the back of the directory to access the Members-Only page.

Here are some of the expectations:

  • Be familiar with our governing documents: our bylaws, policies and leadership responsibilities, and see that these are followed.
  • Have good communication skills.
  • Be comfortable using email, texting and Zoom
  • Commit to a two-year term.
  • Preside during board and business meetings, and play a part in general membership meetings in welcoming guests and helping with the program.

Our rules allow for self-nominations.

And Second – you would not be alone – take a look at page 35 of the brightly colored AAUW Sacramento Directory. These women have been there, done that and would be happy to be your “go to” resource!!

Tempted? Interested? Curious? We hope so. Contact our president, Nancy McCabe. She will help you get involved.

The other VIP you will be electing is program vice president. For 2023-25 membership years, Barbara Smith and Hedda Smithson have been sharing the position. Two people have bounced ideas around with super results (well – we are a little prejudiced!).  And we have had fun — like throwing parties with other people’s money????

Tempted? Curious? Let us know – we have learned a lot!! However, like typical AAUW members, we can always learn more!

SO – we would like your feedback: Below is the text of some forms that have been available at the last two branch meetings:

Your Branch Program Committee wants to hear from you!!

You can find contact information for Barbara Smith or Hedda Smithson in the Membership Directory, OR complete the form and mail it (see directory for street addresses.)

I have suggestions for program topics for the 2025-2026 membership year:




I have a suggestion or two for places for meetings:




I would like to talk to someone with my thoughts. My contact information is:




Our Branch Moves Forward!

Our Branch Moves Forward! By Hedda Smithson

Last month we read about the new structure of our governing body – the board in its new
format. Now we ask you to look at some of the back pages of our membership directory.

Liz Jordan! Donna Holmes! Marty McKnew! Nancy McCabe! Cherril Peabody! Molly
Dugan! Gloria Yost! Barbara Smith! Hedda Smithson! Jane Cooley! Jean Bonar! Linda Sparks! What do all these women have in common? YEP! Each has served as AAUW
Sacramento Branch President! (A couple have done repeat performances!!) AND each is still
active at some level in our current membership year. So – something about that experience
sparked a passion for our branch and a desire to continue being involved.

Guess what – your name could be added to that Presidents list! Sometimes being
president is a bit easier than taking on a director’s responsibility and/or committee chair.
Regardless of the “job”, there are lots of resources available to facilitate your experience. Check
out our branch web site (https://sacramento-ca.aauw.net). Use the password in the back of the
directory to access the Members-Only page.

Here are some of the expectations:
* Be familiar with our governing documents: our bylaws, policies and leadership responsibilities and see that these are followed.
* Have good communication skills.
* Be comfortable using email, texting and Zoom
* Commit to a two-year term.
* Preside during board and business meetings and play a part in general membership meetings in welcoming guests and helping with the program.

Our election will be held early in 2025. Our rules allow for self-nominations.
AND – you would not be alone – the dozen women listed above are more than willing to be your cheerleaders.
Oh! Did we mention that the job comes with a gavel at the beginning and a lovely pin at the end? Tempted? Interested? Curious? We hope so. Contact our president, Nancy McCabe. She will help you get involved.

AAUW Sacramento Has a New Look!

AAUW Sacramento Has a New Look! By Hedda Smithson

Take a look at your current membership directory. Find a page called Board of Directors. We are slimmer, sleeker, and very nimble!! Instead of six elected and eight appointed positions, we now have four elected officers and five appointed directors. If you still have your 2022-2023 directory (bright pink cover), you might compare it to the 2023-2024 membership directory (lime green cover.) The board meets on Zoom so keeping track of nine or ten faces is easier than fourteen.

Our policies tell us that the terms for President and Program Vice President are two years; Secretary and Finance Director terms are the same but staggered so there are always board members with institutional memory to move the branch forward. The directors are appointed for one- year terms and may serve a second year if desired. The focus areas are Membership Support, Membership Development, Local Projects, AAUW Priorities, and Communications. We will be looking for members to step up to take on the President and Program VP roles for the 2025-2026 AAUW year, so please consider it.

Still have questions? Contact anyone on the Board! We are always looking for new faces and fresh ideas! Thanks!

Strategic Planning and Call for Volunteers

Strategic Planning at Work

On May 20 at 11 a.m., we installed our new president and vice presidents of programming, heard from this year’s Speech Trek winner, and recognized our branch’s named-gift honorees and new 50-year members. We also voted on updates to our branch’s bylaws. More information on these topics can be found elsewhere in the newsletter.

Marty McKnew and Hedda Smithson, two of our strategic planning committee members, substantially revised the bylaws by eliminating duplicate sections and adding new verbiage for our new at-large director positions. Click the link below to read the clean copy of the bylaws.

Contact Marty at martymcknew@comcast.net to see the marked-up copy of the bylaws.

Click <here> for AAUW Sacramento Bylaws.

Volunteer to join the AAUW Sacramento Board as a DIRECTOR AT LARGE

in one of the following areas:

Member support – Communications – AAUW Priorities – Local Projects – Membership Development

AAUW Sacramento has REGROUPED with a newly Reorganized Board!!

  • Do you want to expand AAUW’s Mission supporting Women and Girls in Sacramento?
  • Would you like to be part of building deeper friendships and camaraderie?
  • Are you looking for a place to share your talents and skills such as enthusiasm, creativity, and bringing people together?

What you will do:

  • Serve as a voting member of the Governing Board
  • Take an active and collaborative role in leading and setting branch goals
  • Maintain active communication with the groups within your focus areas listed above
  • Keep the Board regularly informed about your focus areas’ activities/needs

What you will gain:

  • Leadership skills
  • New friends
  • Satisfaction of making a difference for our AAUW Mission

Sacramento Branch Needs You! Help us RENEW and REFRESH!

For questions or more information please contact President Nancy McCabe. Her contact information can be found in the Membership Directory.