Tag Archives: SpeechTrek

Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Donors

Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Donors By Ann Arneill

The Speech Trek Contest season is drawing to a close.  At the May 20, 2023 Branch Meeting our First Prize winner, Lauren Secreto, delivered her speech on the topic:  “How can communities, organizations and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights?”

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many Branch members who contributed to Speech Trek in 2022.  We appreciate our long-standing contributors and welcome the many new contributors this year.  Because of your generosity, we can award $1,075 in cash prizes to our winners each year.  Donors include Sharon Anderson, Ann Arneill, Kathleen Asay, Alice G. Bauer, Shari Beck, RosaLee, Black Jean Bonar, Margaret Brown, Karen Burley, Kathleen Deaver, Deborah Dunn, Lori Franz, Cheryl Fuller, Joan Hammond, Elizabeth Jordan, Catherine Locke, Elaine Moody, Susana Mullen, Bonnie Penix, Diane Petersen, Ann Rhodes, Georgia Richardson, Elizabeth Rose, Sandi Schoenman, Kathryn Schrumpf, Hedda Smithson, Diana Squire, Shirley Wheeler, Linda Whitney, Patricia Winkle, and Gloria Yost.

16th Annual Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Winner

16th Annual Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Winner By Ann Arneill

On Saturday, Feb. 18, 2023, the Speech Trek Committee held its Speech Trek contest at Cosumnes River College, its first in-person contest after two years of virtual contests, with great success.  An audience listened to three high school students from three Elk Grove Unified School District high schools speak on the topic:  “How can communities, organizations and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights?”

First-place winner was Lauren Secreto, a senior at Laguna Creek High School, receiving $500.  Second-place winner Maren DeMille, a junior from Pleasant Grove High School, received $300.  The third-place winner was Lauren Richie, a junior from Cosumnes Oaks High School, who received $200.

The Sacramento Branch’s winning speaker is entered in the AAUW CA Speech Trek Semi-Finals.  If Lauren Secreto makes it into the top three, she will be invited to compete in the finals for $1,500.  She will also present her speech at the May branch meeting — something to look forward to because she is a very dynamic speaker.

Virginia Kidd, Ph.D., communications professor emeritus at CSUS, and our very own members Liz Jordan and Linda Patterson judged the event.  AAUW member Kathleen Deaver served as timekeeper for the contest.  Thanks to branch member Karen Burley for technical assistance and Gloria Yost and Cathy Locke, who also helped with the contest.

Speech Trek Contest Is Coming Up

Speech Trek Contest is Coming Up By Ann Arneill

The Speech Trek Committee has completed its recruitment for Elk Grove High School students to compete in the contest with this year’s topic:  “How can communities, organizations and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights?” The contest will be held on Feb. 18, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m.  We hope to conduct it IN PERSON at Cosumnes River College, Room Winn 150, COVID-19 pandemic conditions permitting.

We hope to see you there!

Speech Trek – January and February Events

Speech Trek – January and February Events By Ann Arneill

The Speech Trek Committee has completed its recruitment for Elk Grove High School students to compete in the contest and has stimulated significant interest in this year’s topic:  “How can communities, organizations and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights?” The contest will be held on Feb. 18, 2023 – mark your calendars! We hope to be conducting it in person at Cosumnes River College, COVID-19 pandemic conditions permitting.

We are now looking forward to the Speech Trek Challenge that will be held via Zoom on Jan. 21, 2023 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 pm.  Members will have a chance to discuss the topic in advance of the contest to pique their interest. There will also be an opportunity to hear from scholarship recipients. Look for the Eventbrite registration announcement arriving in your email in mid-December and several times in January. We hope to see you there for a lively discussion of this important topic! Please register on EventBrite using this <link>. Once registered, you will  receive the Zoom link two days prior to the challenge event.

We look forward to holding the Speech Trek Contest in person this year (as long as there are no COVID-19 complications) on Feb. 18, 2023 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Cosumes River College, Room Winn 150.  We hope to see you there!

Speech Trek News

Speech Trek News, By Ann Arneill

The Speech Trek Committee has completed its recruitment for Elk Grove High School students to compete in the contest and has stimulated significant interest in this year’s topic:  “How can communities, organizations and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights? The contest will be held on Feb.18, 2023.  We hope to conduct it in person at Cosumnes River College, COVID-19 pandemic conditions permitting.

We are now looking forward to the Speech Trek Challenge that will be held via Zoom on Jan. 21, 2023 from 10:30 am to 12:00 pm.  Members will have a chance to discuss the topic in advance of the contest to pique their interest.  There will also be an opportunity to hear from scholarship recipients. Look for the Eventbrite registration announcement that will arrive in your email in mid-December and several times in January 2023.  We hope to see you there for a lively discussion of this important topic!

Speech Trek and Sac State Buzz

Speech Trek By  Ann Arneill

Speech Trek is getting into full swing with our busy fall season.  All nine campuses in the Elk Grove Unified High School District participate in our public speaking contest.  Now is the time we recruit students to participate by distributing our promotional materials and having students sign up for workshops scheduled for November, which Shari Beck and Ann Arneill will be conducting.  At these workshops, we inform students about the contest rules, present the topic, give them resources for researching the topic and provide public speaking tips.  Once the students who decide to participate have completed their speech drafts, we will give them feedback on their speeches.  The topic this year is very timely:  “How can communities, organizations and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights?” The contest will be held on Feb. 18, 2023.  We hope conduct it in person at Cosumnes River College, COVID-19 pandemic conditions permitting.

Don’t forget about the Speech Trek Challenge that will be held via Zoom on Jan. 21, 2023.  Members will have a chance to discuss the topic in advance of the contest to pique their interest.

Sac State Buzz By Gloria Yost

Do you know?

  • Sac State expects 3,200 students for the 2022-23 academic year.
  • Sac State’s mascot is the hornet – Stingers Up!!
  • All undergraduate students can sign up for free AAUW e-memberships.
  • There are hundreds of campus student clubs for students to choose from.


Speech Trek and Tech Trek News

Speech Trek News, By Ann Arneill, Speech Trek Co-Director

Speech Trek, AAUW’s public speaking contest, is in its 16th year. The very timely topic for 2022-23 is “How can communities, organizations, and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights?” 

We work with the nine high schools in the Elk Grove Unified School District and recruit students to compete in the contest that will be held this academic year on Feb. 18, 2023.  We hope to hold the contest in person this year at Cosumnes River College.

Students deliver 5-to-6-minute speeches extemporaneously for cash prizes ranging from $200 to $500. The local winner can go on to the statewide competition to compete for a prize of $1,500.

The committee is currently busy planning for student recruitment and scheduling workshops. We hope for a successful year.

On Jan. 14, 2023, we will hold the Speech Trek Challenge, designed for AAUW members to attend to discuss the topic in anticipation of the student contest.

Tech Trek is Getting Ready for a Great New Year, By Cathy Locke

Tech Trek, under the new leadership of co-chairs Mary Miller and Lori Franz, is busy planning for a great new year.

After a short hiatus and the COVID slow-down of Tech Trek activities, our branch committee is actively making plans for funding, recruiting and selecting participants for the 2023 camp at UC Davis.

Nurturing and encouraging girls in the STEM fields is an important part of the AAUW mission as we support the education of women.  Our branch continues to be proud of the impact we have had in our local community through opportunities provided for many campers over the years.

Do you have a fondness for STEM or simply a desire to increase educational opportunities for young women?  The Tech Trek Committee welcomes your enthusiasm, ideas and support!

Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Donors

Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Donors By Ann Arneill

The Speech Trek Contest season is drawing to a close.  We have one final event that we urge you all to attend:  the May 21, 2022 branch meeting where our first-prize winner, Maren DeMille, will deliver her speech on the topic:
“Has the US lived up to its pledge of liberty and justice for all?  Would requiring the study of diversity, equity, and inclusion in a high school setting help ensure liberty and justice for all?”

Maren has gone on to win fourth-place Honorable Mention in the statewide AAUW contest with 13 other branches competing.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank the many branch members who contributed to Speech Trek in 2022.  We appreciate our long-standing contributors and welcome the many new contributors this year.  Because of your generosity, we can award $1,075 in cash prizes to our winners each year.  Donors include Ann Arneill, Kathleen Asay, Alice G. Bauer, Shari Beck, RosaLee Black, Jean Bonar, Margaret Brown, Jane Cooley, Deborah Dunn, Judy Foote, Lori Franz, Cheryl Fuller, Joan Hammond, Marlys Fredrickson Huez, Elizabeth Jordan, Catherine Locke, Mary Miller, Elaine Moody, Susana Mullen, Vicki L. Nicholson, Bonnie Penix, Diane Petersen, Ann Rhodes, Georgia Richardson, Marianne Rorden, Elizabeth Rose, Sandi Schoenman, Barbara Smith, Hedda Smithson, Diana Squire, Anna Storey, Ruth Werner, Shirley Wheeler, Linda Whitney, Sandra Winter and Gloria Yost.

More Upcoming Activities!

Living Our Mission of Equity By Charmen Goehring

We hope you will join us in a monthly equity conversation learning about how racism affects us all, and what actions we can take to attract diversity to our branch and become better people in the process. Each month, we read a section of our selected book then meet to discuss what we have learned, along with exploring other issues related to race and equity. We will meet the second Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom. This is a joint CHAR/Sacramento activity. Others are welcome as well.

The Zoom meeting code is 737 420 3780 or you can join using this link:  https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7374203780

We will be discussing chapters 6 and 7 of the book, “The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together” by Heather McGhee on April 13 at 7 p.m. We have found it to be an enlightening read thus far. If you have questions and to RSVP, please email Charmen at charminme@yahoo.com.

Speech Trek Champion to Speak at May Branch Meeting By Ann Arneill

Maren DeMille, a sophomore from Pleasant Grove High School, is the first-place winner of this year’s Speech Trek Contest.  She was awarded $500.

Maren will present her speech at the May branch meeting on the topic, “Has the US lived up to its pledge of liberty and justice for all?  Would requiring the study of diversity, equity, and inclusion in a high school setting help ensure liberty and justice for all?”  She argues that the United States has not lived up to its pledge and that introducing a diversity, equity and inclusion curriculum into high schools could help ensure liberty and justice for us.  Join us at the May branch meeting to hear her very interesting speech!

Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Winner

15th Annual Speech Trek Contest Celebrates Its Winner By Ann Arneill

On Saturday, Feb. 19, 2022, the Speech Trek Committee held its Speech Trek contest via Zoom with great success.  A full audience listened to five high school students from three Elk Grove Unified School District high schools speak on the topic:  “Has the US lived up to its pledge of liberty and justice for all? Would requiring the study of diversity, equity, and inclusion in a high school setting help ensure liberty and justice for all?”

First-place winner was Maren DeMille, a sophomore at Pleasant Grove High School, receiving $500.  Second-place winner, Yasmin Haidari, a senior from Laguna Creek High School, received $300.  The third-place winner was Marielle Geresola, a junior from Sheldon High School, who received $100.

The Sacramento Branch’s winning speaker is entered in the AAUW CA Speech Trek semi-finals.   If Maren DeMille makes it into the top three, she will be invited to compete in the finals for $1,500.  She will also be presenting her speech at the May branch meeting — something to look forward to because she is a very dynamic speaker.

Virginia Kidd, Ph.D., communications professor emeritus at CSUS; Mark Hoffman, a Toastmaster club member; and our very own Liz Jordan judged the event.  AAUW member Kathleen Deaver served as timekeeper for the contest.  Thanks to branch members Kim Rutledge and Karen Burley for technical assistance.