Speech Trek Contest Updates By Ann Arneill, Speech Trek Committee Co-Director

The Speech Trek Committee has been busy in November conducting workshops at the Elk Grove Unified School District high schools, recruiting students to compete in the contest. Most of the high schools yielded some students that are serious about competing in the contest. The topic is “ARE MEN AND WOMEN TRULY EQUAL TODAY? OR ARE THE SUFFRAGISTS OF 1920 STILL SUFFERING IN 2020.”  Most of the students will likely say that the suffragists are still suffering because we have not yet achieved gender equality. They will narrow down the topic to discuss gender equality in various aspects of society, such as school, the military, the workplace, or the media. We urge you to come to the contest because the students will present very interesting speeches. The contest will be held on Feb. 15, from 9 a.m. to noon at Cosumnes River College, Room Winn 150.