Monthly Archives: January 2020

Join the 100th Anniversary Celebration on February 29! by Gloria Yost

On Feb. 29, we will celebrate the 100th birthday of Sacramento Branch with a luncheon event at Northridge Country Club that will include entertainment, music, and special guests. We will also hear from AAUW CEO Kimberly Churches, who is joining us that day.

In November 2012, under the guidance of our then co-presidents, Donna Holmes and Marty McKnew, we started the fundraising campaign to raise $75,000, to establish a Sacramento Branch Research and Projects Grant. We have completed that grant enough ahead of time that the first recipient was awarded her Sacramento Branch Research and Projects grant this past fall.

Ruth Burgess called together a few members to begin envisioning our 100th celebration, and in January 2018 our steering committee began implementing that vision. We have been meeting regularly, planning our event, doing research at the Center for Sacramento History where the Branch materials are archived, and publishing monthly articles about our history, which we hope you have all enjoyed. This history has been compiled into a commemorative book, a copy of which will be included in members’ lunch reservations. Additional copies will be available for purchase.

Reservations are due by Wednesday, Feb. 19. Click here to print the reservation form if you wish to pay by check made payable to AAUW Sacramento. Mail to Cathy Locke – her address is available in the directory – or go here to register and pay by credit card on Eventbite.

We are hoping for a great turn out and encourage everyone to bring family, friends and guests. More details are on the reservation form.

The 13th Annual Speech Trek Contest will be held on February 15 by Ann Arneill, Speech Trek Co-Director

The 13th Annual Speech Trek Contest will be held on

Saturday, Feb. 15
from 9 a.m. to noon
at Cosumnes River College, Winn Room 150.
This building is located off Bruceville Road.

Parking is $2. Students from the Elk Grove Unified High School District will be participating in our public speaking contest.

The topic this year is:


 We hope to see you there! Sign up for free on Eventbrite here.

Presidents’ Message by Liz Jordan and Charmen Goehring

Dear Sacramento Branch members,

Charmen Goehring

Don’t Miss February

First, let us encourage you to participate in both of this month’s wonderful and unique AAUW Sacramento experiences.

  • Feb. 15: Speech Trek Contest at Cosumnes River College, 9 a.m.-noon. This is our 13th annual participation in this outreach program, and it never fails to inspire me. See Ann Arneill’s article and show up, meet these young people, see the future, and be inspired. (Los Rios Community College parking is $2 for absolutely everybody, no exceptions.)
  • Feb. 29: 100th Anniversary Luncheon at Northridge Country Club, 11 a.m.-3 p.m. Our fun and inspiring 100th Anniversary luncheon has been in the planning for about three years. See the article in this month’s Capital Ideas and your mailed invitation, then go to Eventbrite to register for $30 and select your meal choice.

This anniversary celebration is a once-in-a-lifetime event. Invite your friends, members who may no longer belong, and your family members who want to celebrate with us.

The future in March 2020

March 31, 2020, is Equal Pay Day. This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. The National Committee on Pay Equity reminds us to wear red to symbolize how far women and minorities are “in the red” with their pay.

Liz Jordan

Personal Note from Liz:

I was able to “woman” our table at the 2020 Women’s March on Jan. 18. What a pleasure I had in speaking with all kinds of women and men about AAUW and our special branch. Two specific young women with whom I spoke were two beneficiaries of AAUW outreach:

  • A former Tech Trekker who had benefited from another branch’s program but who now is interested in joining AAUW.
  • A Scholarship recipient of another branch’s Scholarship program but who wants now to give back and hopefully join our branch.

Also, AAUW has participated in the battle to ratify the Equal Rights Amendment since it was first introduced in 1923, and in January we moved one step closer when the Virginia legislature voted to ratify it as the 38th state, satisfying the 3/5’s of states ratifying requirement. This isn’t the end, but it is a giant step in the right direction. Stay tuned. The battle for gender equity is not over, but closer to the goal than ever before.

The Oral History Project 1983-1987 By Liz Jordan

AAUW Sacramento – Empowering Women for 100 Years

The Oral History Project began in 1983 and was an effort to interview and document memories “about their lives, ancestors, and experiences” of AAUW Sacramento branch’s 42 members who held a 50-year designation. Many of these members were born in Sacramento or came to Sacramento during the early decades of the 20th century.

The project began with a budget of $250 to purchase tapes, postage, and photocopying services. The project kicked off with a special workshop by Bruce Pierini in the art of interviewing and recording oral histories. He stressed rules like not doing an interview in the kitchen because it could make the sound hallow or we might experience unexpected noise. He told us not to interview a subject for more than an hour at a time, always bring extra batteries with our recorders, do a sound check visit and have the subject sign a release form. He taught us how to ask open-ended questions so we could get interesting stories, and how to pay attention to ask the follow-up question.

In the beginning, 12 AAUW members joined the project to do the interviews. We needed to provide our own taping equipment. We broke up the list of 42 members and began each contact by sending her a letter. Then we made a phone call to schedule our preliminary visit when we explained the process, tested our tape recorders, and had the interviewee sign a legal release form. Once we had completed an interview, we had to listen to the tape and type a transcript of the interview so there would be a hard copy as well as an audiotape to donate. Each interview took about 12 hours to complete.

On May 12, 1984, Kathryn Gaeddert, Curator of Sacramento’s new Sacramento History Center and Museum, accepted our first tapes and transcripts. The Project was able to interview 21 of the 42 original 50-year members over a five-year period ending in 1987. Several members died before we could interview them, some moved away, and a few refused to be interviewed. All of the project members agreed when they summarized the experience: “To date and without exception, each interviewer has reported having gained a new friend as well as having had a wonderful experience.”

Today, these interviews can be accessed on the Sacramento History Center’s website:

Funds Updates by Kathleen Asay and Merrie McLaughlin

It’s a New Funds Year

Kathy Asay

Kathy Asay

While our branch program year runs from September to June, AAUW Funds works on a calendar year. This means that a new cycle of funds solicitation has begun. Of course, donations are welcome at any time, but we make it easy by suggesting you include your gifts with your dues payment in the spring. Watch for instructions this year, as it will be the first year for full online renewals. Don’t worry; help will be available

Thank-you letters issued by our national association should reflect donations made in 2019. If you have not received official thanks with a note indicating the amount of the contribution, date, and AAUW’s tax I.D. number, contact AAUW and/or us. We will try to help you get what you need for tax time.

On a more fun note (awards are fun, taxes are not), Feb. 14 is the deadline for nominations for Named Gift Honorees for 2019. This unique program is the only one within AAUW that recognizes the work of our members, and with it, we say that our Funds gifts last year have been given in the names of these outstanding women for their work in 2019. Please think about your experiences within Sacramento Branch: Is there someone, or two or three you’ve seen doing the work of meetings or programs? Perhaps someone who represents the branch in your mind or who performed a service on behalf of the branch that you think is especially significant? See page 38 of your Directory for recent honorees to see who’s been honored already and to get some ideas. Send your suggestions to us. We have the difficult honor of making the final choices!

Equal Pay Day – Wear Red By Karen Jackle, AAUW-CA Public Policy Committee

The next Equal Pay Day (EPD) is Tuesday, March 31. This date symbolizes how far into the year women must work to earn what men earned in the previous year. The National Committee on Pay Equity reminds us to wear red to symbolize how far women and minorities are “in the red” with their pay. This is a great idea for branch members working EPD tables in their communities or at local colleges.

AAUW’s publication The Simple Truth update is based on the most recently released data from the U.S. Census Bureau. In 2018, women received just 82 cents for every dollar paid to a man. Women of color often face a wider gap: compared to white men, Black women make 62 cents on the dollar, and Latinas make 54 cents on the dollar. The pay gap has only decreased by a nickel in the 21st Century. For more information on the Gender Pay Gap, and ideas for EPD events, check out

On the National Level, the Paycheck Fairness Act passed in the House of Representatives and languishes in the Senate with no action yet taken. The Equal Pay Act requires that men and women be given equal pay for equal work in the same establishment. The jobs need not be identical, but they must be substantially equal. It is job content, not job titles, that determines whether jobs are substantially equal. Specifically, the EPA provides that employers may not pay unequal wages to men and women who perform jobs that require substantially equal skill, effort and responsibility, and that are performed under similar working conditions within the same establishment.

According to WAGE (Women Are Getting Even), women earn $1 million less than men in their lifetime. AAUW has facilitated Start Smart and Work Smart Workshops to help close the gap, and you can learn more about these workshops at the website: AAUW now offers an online one-hour Work Smart Workshop accessed from the website for salary negotiation skills.

Important Membership Renewal Information By Liz Jordan

This year our branch is transitioning to AAUW’s national membership renewal system called MPP (Membership Payment Program).

  • Who? All renewing members, all new members, all of us. (We can make a few exceptions for members who do not have computer access.
  • Why? Because we must. The AAUW online membership renewal system has been in place for about 20 years and used by branches all over the country, but Sacramento has not participated because we liked our system. However, AAUW will no longer take checks; Association lost too much money from stolen, lost or bad checks. Now they require all branches to participate in MPP. (Here comes the future!)
  • How will you renew your membership? Easy! You will receive an AAUW Membership Renewal letter by U.S. mail and by email from Sharon Anderson, our Membership Treasurer. Both the letter and the email will explain how to provide your information and payment for renewal.

One important thing you will need is your AAUW membership number. I write mine on my directory every year so I can always find it. I also file it with my Passwords. If you have mislaid your number, we will be able to help you retrieve it. Don’t worry.

Sharon and many other board members will be available to answer your questions by phone and/or email.

We suggest you identify and use your most secure credit card, like American Express or any other card that tracks your usage and notifies you personally about your purchases.

  • When will you renew? We will all renew during our regular renewal time in April 2020. You will receive your instructions via mail then.
  • Where? On the Confirmation of Information and Volunteer Sheet you return by U.S. mail to Sharon Anderson, you will confirm or change your contact information, check what projects and interest groups you want to join or continue, and write in how you want to volunteer for the branch. You will also be able to include a tax-deductible donation check to our local outreach programs like Tech Trek, Speech Trek, Scholarships, NCCWSL, etc
  • How else can I make donations? You will soon have two ways to keep making your tax-deductible donations to your favorite local outreach program:
  • You will be able to send a check along with your confirmation of contact information and interest list at renewal time.
  • Additionally, you may donate year-round for each outreach program on our renovated website. New donation buttons will be added to the website for your convenience. Now, you can donate in December as well as April or May.

Do two simple things before April. Find your AAUW Membership Number (if you have it), and decide which credit card you want to use to renew.

Board Briefs by Cherril Peabody

Here are the highlights of the January AAUW Sacramento Board Meeting

January 6, 2020, By Cherril Peabody

 Tech Trek Director J. Reiken reported that the committee is hoping to involve a few new schools in the program and has asked for an additional camper slot – currently, there are six – for the 2020 camp. She said it would help the branch’s chances if more branch members would support the camp by agreeing to volunteer there.

100th Anniversary Celebration Chair G. Yost announced that invitations to the Anniversary Luncheon are going out next week. She also said that singers are still needed for the reconstituted Musettes singing group that will perform at the event.

Speech Trek Co-Chair S. Beck reported that their committee purchased a camcorder that will be used to record the Feb. 15 contest. The equipment will be available to other branch committees to use as well.

Public Policy Chair A. Rose announced that the Women’s March is scheduled for Saturday, Jan. 18, After discussion, a motion was made and passed to share the cost and hosting of two tables with Citrus Heights-American River (CHAR) branch at the preceding rally and at the Capitol after the march.

Membership Director J. Stuter requested help in planning a meeting for new members to enable them to learn more about branch projects and opportunities for involvement. J. Reiken and K. Burley volunteered to assist. Membership Treasurer S. Anderson will need volunteers to help stuff renewal packets at a meeting on Sunday, April 19.

Scholarship Co-Director L. Patterson announced that the Scholarship application deadline is March 2. So far one completed application has been submitted, but most applications are received in the last week before the deadline.

University Liaison G. Yost announced that A. Rose and D. Metzinger will attend an upcoming Start Smart training session in preparation for presenting a Start Smart training hosted by the branch. The CSUS affiliate is talking about sending some of its members to the national leadership training workshop, NCCWSL, hosted by National AAUW. AAUW Sacramento has over $1,000 budgeted to assist students who want to attend, and the students are also hoping to obtain funds from the university student association and to sponsor fund-raising activities. The early bird conference deadline is Feb. 16.

The Board continues to identify resources to collect data and plan strategies to increase diversity in the branch. Board members will also determine how and when to meet the goals required in the National 5 Star Recognition Program. The Board formed a Bylaws/Policy and Procedures Committee to propose changes necessary to meet the succession plan requirement in the 5 Star Plan. Secretary T. Ardisana-James and L. Patterson, Co-Director Scholarship, both volunteered to join the committee of R.A. Hines, Parliamentarian; L. Jordan and C. Goehring, Co-Presidents; A. Scarlet, Pres.-Elect; and M. McKnew, Past-President. T. Ardisana-James volunteered to host the board on the committee, 6 p.m. Jan. 28

December 2, 2019, By Cherril Peabody

 Here are the highlights of the December AAUW Sacramento Board Meeting

 100th Anniversary Committee Chair G. Yost announced that the memory book documenting AAUW Sacramento’s first 100 years has gone to the printer. All members will receive mailed invitations to the February 29th Celebration at Northridge Country Club, and local officials and other special guests will also be invited.

Speech Trek Co-Chair A. Arneill reported that 40 Elk Grove high school students attended the workshops for prospective participants in the Speech Trek 2020 Speech Contest, scheduled for Saturday, February 15, 9 am to noon at Cosumnes River College, Winn 150.

University/College Liaison G. Yost said that the last meeting of the Sacramento State AAUW affiliate was very well attended and went very well. A. Rose, D. Metzinger and G. Yost are helping the Sac State leadership team plan an AAUW Start Smart training on the campus.

Old Business-Commission on the Status of Women: Co-President C. Goehring announced that the County Board of Supervisors has appointed a Blue Ribbon Commission on the Establishment of a Sacramento County Commission on the Status of Women. The Blue Ribbon Commission has met and decided to recommend that the proposed Commission on the Status of Women be limited to around 40 members from diverse ethnicities and backgrounds. They were to meet again on December 18th.

Old Business-AAUW CA Diversity Audit: Co-President L Jordan wants to review our branch’s diversity demographics in order to create resource awareness, identify diversity targets, increase retention and create accountability structures. After discussion a consensus was reached that the branch should conduct a member survey to collect demographic information beyond the current practice of collecting age and college information.

Old Business-National AAUW’s Strategic Plan and 5 Star Program: National AAUW has embarked on carrying out a new strategic plan, inspired by financial concerns, to give the organization more flexibility in responding to changing financial needs. L. Jordan participated in a recent Webinar about the changes and what they mean to the branch organizations. There will be new 5 Star Award requirements that our branch will aspire to achieve.

New Business-Possible Changes in Board Terms: Co-Presidents L. Jordan and C. Goehring led a discussion about potential changes in the terms served by the branch board of directors. The ideas elicited included staggering terms for board positions and expanding terms of office from one year to two. The purpose of making changes would be to allow for more continuity from year to year on the board. Citrus Heights-American River branch (CHAR) has recently made such a change in its bylaws, and C. Goehring and Parliamentarian R. Hines will consult its leadership for more information.

Annual January AAUW Funds IBC Luncheon on Saturday, January 25

One of AAUW’s most enduring contributions to the effort to help women break through barriers in research is through AAUW Funds. Each year, the Sacramento region’s InterBranch Council, composed of 7 branches, puts on a luncheon featuring two speakers from among the Funds recipients in Northern California. These women always grab our attention with their unique and interesting projects, their perspectives and their expertise.

  • Please print the flyer and mail your check to Shirley Zeff per directions on the flyer as soon as possible. The deadline is Jan. 17!

Branches bring items for a silent auction, which then adds to the monies available for future grants and fellowships. This is an excellent way to participate in this crucial AAUW effort.

Saturday, January 25
11 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Plates Café and Catering
14 Business Park Way, Sacramento