Did You Know? By Liz Jordan, Nancy McCabe, Karen Burley
You can get up to 75% off of office supplies! By Liz Jordan
Every AAUW member is entitled to a number of perks and discounts. As a member of leadership for the last few decades I used the old Office Depot discount to make copies of all kinds of materials for different programs in which I participated. Recently, I learned that Office Depot has completed a reorganization of their discount program, and if I wanted to continue to get a great discount on printed copies, etc. I needed to take a few new steps. It was easy to do. If you want to get an Office Depot discount card, here’s is what you do:
- Go to aauw.org. Click Log In and sign into your membership. You probably set this up when you first paid your membership online. https://www.aauw.org/membership/
- Once on your Profile page, click Membership tab on the upper right corner of the menu band across the top of the page.
- On the new page, on the right side there is a menu list. The very last item is Discounts and Perks. Click through to the list of opportunities.
- Scroll down. Under the red band Other Discounts and Services, the third item is Office Depot.
- When you read through the information, it will tell you that to receive your member discount, you’ll need to re-enroll or register for an account through our dedicated ODP site. REGISTER NOW. Click through and follow the directions, giving your name and address to register for the program. Once you have registered, you will receive an email at the address you gave, to click through and get access to the card you can carry in your wallet.
You print the paper, take it with you the next visit to Office Depot, and they will laminate the card for you.
TA-DA! “Up to 80% discount off of Preferred Products!”
Ordering AAUW Name Badges By Nancy McCabe
You probably have seen some of our members wearing AAUW badges with our branch
inscribed. We ordered them about six years ago when we were using paper badges on a string around our necks. It reminded some of a work badge or a nametag for a cocker spaniel. Ten dollars looked like a bargain for a bit of self esteem. Strangely, the badges are still $10 and can be ordered at aauw.source4.com, then choose Accessorize. My second line is ‘Sacramento Branch, Inc.’ We chose not to add our leadership position name as we often change jobs within our branch. After all, $10 is $10! When we ordered the badges earlier, they added ’empowering women since 1881′ but I gather they are no longer doing that. Anyway, the badges are pretty cool, so feel free to order yours, and shop the site for other logo stuff!
Sunshine Chair
Pat Winkle is our Sunshine Chair and needs to hear from you if you know members who might appreciate a get well, sympathy or “thinking of you” card. As she doesn’t know everyone, she needs your help in remembering our friends. Her contact information is in the directory.
RBG Stamp
The U.S. Postal Service is issuing a Ruth Bader Ginsburg stamp! The Postal Service has issued a new Forever stamp that honors the legacy of late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Available now!
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