Tag Archives: TechTrek

Tech Trek News

Tech Trek News By Mary C. Miller and Lori Franz

The Tech Trek committee is busy making plans to recruit students for the 2023 camp at UC Davis.

Plenty of new opportunities and changes have occurred at the state and camp levels.  We have attended zoom planning and orientation sessions and are managing the constant flow of communications. Committee members Gloria Yost and Kathleen Deaver have made initial contacts with two of our target schools as we await new brochures and materials from the state level. In short, we are ready to begin the recruitment process as soon as the resources are received.

A new look and feel for the 2023 camp season has already been unveiled, focusing on the “STEMpowerment” of all those who participate. We will be excited to send students for Tech Trek’s 25th year, and we thank our members for their long-term commitment.  We know participation has created many opportunities and dreams for the future for the girls representing our branch.

After camp this year, recent participants were invited to create a new program logo. McKenna Rose, a 2022 camper representing the Five Cities-Pismo Beach branch, submitted the winning concept. What a nice symbol to describe our role in empowering young women interested in the STEM fields!  (See the new logo below.)

Our branch has traditionally selected and sent six girls to the UC Davis camp. Although we would have liked to offer the opportunity to more of our wonderful applicants over the years, the capacity of the camp was limited. This year, we were invited to request additional slots; we have requested seven slots with the option to also send up to four girls to a “virtual” camp. Although the costs have increased from $900 to $1,000 per camper, along with $500 per “virtual camper”, our budget is sufficiently funded at this time.

Thanks to our board, this ambitious plan has been approved. We appreciate the past and future support of our members that allows us to resume participation in such a positive way.

Speech Trek and Tech Trek News

Speech Trek News, By Ann Arneill, Speech Trek Co-Director

Speech Trek, AAUW’s public speaking contest, is in its 16th year. The very timely topic for 2022-23 is “How can communities, organizations, and citizens of all ages help protect and expand voting rights?” 

We work with the nine high schools in the Elk Grove Unified School District and recruit students to compete in the contest that will be held this academic year on Feb. 18, 2023.  We hope to hold the contest in person this year at Cosumnes River College.

Students deliver 5-to-6-minute speeches extemporaneously for cash prizes ranging from $200 to $500. The local winner can go on to the statewide competition to compete for a prize of $1,500.

The committee is currently busy planning for student recruitment and scheduling workshops. We hope for a successful year.

On Jan. 14, 2023, we will hold the Speech Trek Challenge, designed for AAUW members to attend to discuss the topic in anticipation of the student contest.

Tech Trek is Getting Ready for a Great New Year, By Cathy Locke

Tech Trek, under the new leadership of co-chairs Mary Miller and Lori Franz, is busy planning for a great new year.

After a short hiatus and the COVID slow-down of Tech Trek activities, our branch committee is actively making plans for funding, recruiting and selecting participants for the 2023 camp at UC Davis.

Nurturing and encouraging girls in the STEM fields is an important part of the AAUW mission as we support the education of women.  Our branch continues to be proud of the impact we have had in our local community through opportunities provided for many campers over the years.

Do you have a fondness for STEM or simply a desire to increase educational opportunities for young women?  The Tech Trek Committee welcomes your enthusiasm, ideas and support!

Tech Trek  Supporter Extraordinaire

Kevin Eldridge – Tech Trek  Supporter Extraordinaire By Gloria Yost

Recently retired counselor from Will C. Wood Middle School, Kevin Eldridge, has a long history with Sacramento Branch AAUW and Tech Trek.  In Kevin’s words, “18 years ago, Liz Piazza came to Wood’s front office, spoke to the principal and (told) him about the Tech Trek program – there was no looking back.”  Will C. Wood girls have had the opportunity to attend our summer camps ever since.

Eldridge was born in Sacramento, and graduated from Luther Burbank High School and CSUS.  Prior to his education career, he has worked for the Sacramento Police Department and as a helicopter pilot in Alaska.  Of his 36 years in education, 32 years were spent as a language arts teacher and counselor at Wood.  His statement:

“As a schoolteacher and counselor, I have always been an advocate for opening our students’ eyes to the many varied careers out there just waiting for them, and Tech Trek has been a golden opportunity promoting just that. Because of AAUW’s commitment and generosity, many of our 7th grade girls over the years have had the incredible opportunity to spend a week away from home at a college campus, meet others, and immerse themselves in science, technology, and engineering. I have always felt blessed that our school was chosen to participate so long ago.”

Kevin has assured us that his replacement, Michelle Carroll, is prepared to assist Will C. Wood girls as they apply for Tech Trek in the future.

Tech Trek Update

Tech Trek Update By Charmen Goehring and Jo Reiken

AAUW Sacramento is sponsoring four of our 2020 girls this summer in the Virtual Tech Trek Camp! This new format will be interesting to see and we look forward to hearing from the girls at our September meeting. If you are interested in volunteering at this summer’s camp, which will be on a Zoom format, let Charmen or Jo know and we will get the volunteer application link to you ASAP!! Training will be available for all volunteers. Learn something new this summer!

Tech Trek Camp Goes Virtual!

Tech Trek Camp Goes Virtual! By Charmen Goehring

Overview: 2021 Virtual Camp Model

Core Education Components

  • Morning project-based robotics Core Class led by trained AAUW members.
  • After-lunch Inspiration Hour featuring speakers chosen for excellence.
  • Interactive afternoon hands-on or interactive Workshops chosen for excellence.
  • Additional resources and nighttime events for social activities, college/financial aid information, STEM speakers, etc.

Camp Delivery Program

  • Three to four 2021 Virtual Camps scheduled between mid-June and early August based on camper enrollment (likely dates 6/21-25, 7/12-16, 7/26-30, and/or 8/2-6).
  • Robotics kits to be distributed from several California locations.
  •  Zoom platform with registration, passwords and breakout rooms.

Camp Staff & Volunteer Opportunities

  •  A combination of interested branch members, camp directors and teachers, dorm moms, counselors and other volunteers.
  •  High staff to camper ratio – 1:3.
  • Several roles will be available – both in the virtual environment and on the ground; members can serve in one or more camps and training will be provided.

Currently, AAUW CA is working on building capacity for more than 1,000 girls to attend over the three to four camps. We will still need volunteers from our branch as well as others to make Tech Trek 2021 as successful as possible. More information will be shared as we receive it. The nominations process for campers will begin in January.

We would also like to thank each one of our members who made a contribution to our Tech Trek program this past year! With your support, we can show girls what a career in STEM looks like and encourage her along the way!