AAUW Fund Zoom Event Sponsored by Capital Counties InterBranch Council (IBC)
Saturday, Jan. 28, 1 – 3 p.m.
Your local InterBranch Council is delighted to offer members the opportunity to hear directly from four powerful women. AAUW CA State President Sandi Gabe, always engaging and knowledgeable, will bring us up to date on the issues that inspire us. Our AAUW CA Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Director, Stormy Miller Sabia, will speak on the progress and the challenges we face. Following these articulate leaders, two dynamic AAUW Fund Grant recipients—Kyndra Cleveland and Isha Poudel — will
present their research, connecting us to the passion that motivates their work and their lives. We are delighted to sponsor their research and even more delighted to hear them speak to us directly. Register on EventBrite for this free Zoom event with this <link>. Once registered, you will be emailed the Zoom link 2 days prior to the event. Our branch members generously support AAUW Funds–please take this opportunity to do so again.
Kyndra Cleveland, pursuing her law degree at the University of California, Berkeley, seeks to amplify the voices of parents and children navigating legal systems, bringing the results of her research to policy decisions. Children in the many thousands are removed from their families during crises, and then often face a chaotic road without a chance for family reunification. These children can be lost in the system – but Kyndra and the Policy Advocacy Clinic at UC Berkeley are working to give voice to their challenges and use data to change policy for their well-being. She is a polished and effective speaker on a critical topic, of special relevance to AAUW’s advocacy for girls.
Isha Poudel, a graduate student at UC Davis studying international agricultural development, with a focus on gender equities, takes us to Nepal with a compelling project that makes us see the world a little differently. In Nepal, three-fourths of the economy is agricultural—but 80% of the farmers are women. Men have emigrated to other areas to work, leaving the women farmers to deal with the challenges of gender bias, of food insecurity, of Covid-19, and of global warming.
Don’t miss these terrific four speakers on Jan. 28! Register NOW using the EventBrite link above!