Category Archives: Legacy Circle

AAUW Funds

AAUW Funds By Charmen Goehring

As we unbelievably head into the last weeks of 2023, I am asking that you consider a gift to the AAUW Fund. This is a wonderful time to do so as the National Board and Committees and the staff have created a matching campaign for all donations up to $70,000! Women and girls can reach their full potential only when the barriers holding them back are broken down. Help AAUW smash the obstacles that hold women back.

It is easy to give online where you will be able to choose which fund you would like to support. The Greatest Needs fund is my top recommendation as it allows AAUW to pay its bills as well as stay nimble to respond to issues and needs as they arise. If you choose to send a check to AAUW, please make sure you write “AAUW Sacramento” in the memo line and include a cover letter specifying that you are in the AAUW Sacramento branch and where you would like your donation to be designated.

If you are planning to give by way of an IRA Distribution ( or a Required Minimum Distribution), contact your account custodian to request a “Qualified Charitable Distribution.” The check, accompanied by your name and address information, must be sent directly from your financial institution to AAUW. Provide the recipient information below to your custodian, along with AAUW’s Tax ID #52-6037388. Before sending, please also notify AAUW at so they can keep an eye out for your gift and be sure to include the amount, your name, address and the designation of your gift (for example: Greatest Needs), and the financial institution sending your gift. Please direct your check, drawn on your IRA account and made payable to AAUW, to:

Attn: Planned Giving-IRA Distribution
1310 L St. NW, Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20005

One other consideration for those of you who love this organization and want to see AAUW continue to fight for equity for all into the future, you can become a Legacy Circle member. This is a gift that you leave from your estate and there is no minimum amount. There are many ways to set this up and you can contact me for more information. We have about 140 Legacy Circle members in California, including several in this branch, and we welcome more! As Judy Horan says, “Live, Love, Leave a Legacy!”

Thank you and have a joyful holiday season!

AAUW Fund Update

AAUW Fund Update By Charmen Goehring

As we enter the second half of the AAUW fiscal year, the Sacramento branch looks to be on par with last year’s total donations to the AAUW Fund, thanks to some long-time generous donors as well as a few new contributors. Thank you so much for your support of our mission of Equity for All.

As a reminder, there are several funds under the umbrella of AAUW Fund. The most critical is the Greatest Needs Fund (9110), which finances our research, staff, communications, and advocacy efforts. It is this fund which keeps AAUW nimble and able to respond to timely issues. There are also the Education and Training Fund (4450), Leadership Fund (4452), Economic Security Fund (4449), and the Governance and Sustainability Fund (4451).

This is also a good time to consider joining the Legacy Circle, especially if you are a long-time donor to AAUW Fund or a member who loves AAUW, our mission and activities. There are many ways to join but most members just include AAUW in their estate planning- for example, I have designated AAUW as a beneficiary of a 401K. There is no cost to you now, however you will be showered with notes and kudos from your Legacy Circle Liaison (currently me!) and you will know that you are helping to secure AAUW for the future. Ask me for more information!!

Keep an eye out for the AAUW California Fund Events in October– there will be some changes this year but they will still be a great way to meet some of our Fund recipients and learn about their work.

AAUW Sac Funds/Printable Articles

AAUW Sac Funds Update By Charmen Goehring

Many thanks to those of you who send in regular gifts to AAUW to help our beloved organization advance our mission of gender equity.

Making a regular monthly gift that is automatically withdrawn from your account is very easy to set up online. No more remembering to write the check! I love how easy it makes it to give on a regular basis and it also allows AAUW to plan for the contributions.

Those of you who attended the AAUW Annual Event — the Academy AAUWards on April 22– saw that Sacramento was the No. 6 branch statewide in overall contributions to the AAUW Fund!!

I would love to welcome more AAUW Sacramento members to the Legacy Circle.  Please reach out to me for more information!! Or go right to the AAUW website to enroll! It is easy, there are many options for leaving a gift, and you can feel satisfied that you are helping to ensure AAUW is around for years to come — continuing our fight for equity for women and girls.

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

AAUW Fund Update / Printable Articles

AAUW Fund Update By Charmen Goehring

Thanks to the generosity of many members in our branch, AAUW Sacramento contributed $17,487.50 to the AAUW Fund in 2022. This amount topped last year! Most of the funding was designated to the Greatest Needs account, which allows AAUW to remain nimble and able to respond to needs that arise. Thank you to those who donated so bountifully!

AAUW Sacramento also leads all other branches in the state in number of Legacy Circle members. There is always room for more! A special event for prospective members was held last month and netted two additional members in CA and others across the country. Another exclusive online event will be held in May for all current Legacy Circle members — I would love to see so many Sacramento faces on that Zoom screen!

You can find more information on how easy it is to become a member Here or contact me at Legacy Circle is a fantastic way to ensure that our organization is around for years to come “fighting the good fight!”

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

Scholarship /Legacy Circle

Scholarship Filing Period Extended By Cathy Locke

Due to technical difficulties that delayed posting the application on our website, we have extended the filing period for our 2023-24 branch scholarships to April 1, 2023.

A downloadable application package, including academic and other criteria for applicants, is now available at

We are offering $3,000 scholarships to Sacramento County women age 25 or older who are pursuing their first baccalaureate degree at American River College, Cosumnes River College, Folsom Lake College, Sacramento City College, California State University, Sacramento, or UC Davis.

Prospective applicants may direct questions about the program and application process to the Scholarship Committee at

We encourage branch members to share this information with individuals and other organizations that might be interested in our scholarship program.

Legacy Circle by Charmen Goehring

By making a planned gift to AAUW National, you become a member of the AAUW Legacy Circle and affirm your commitment to equity. These gifts — or bequests — are donations that you designate in your will, estate, or trust.

There is no minimum gift requirement to join the Legacy Circle, and the benefits are many. For example:

  • Planned gifts afford you flexibility to provide for your family and support AAUW.
  • Certain planned gifts may reduce estate or capital gains taxes.
  • Planned gifts need not affect your cash flow during your lifetime.
  • Certain types of planned gifts allow you to support AAUW while also providing income for the rest of your life — or a fixed income for a loved one.
  • The joy of knowing that your legacy gift will sustain AAUW’s programs for years to come is the ultimate benefit!

To learn more, contact Nadia Daghistani at or 202.785.7766. You can also contact Charmen Goehring, Northern CA Legacy Circle Liaison, at or Judy Horan, Southern CA Legacy Circle Liaison, at

Year End AAUW Funds

Year End AAUW Funds By Charmen Goehring

AAUW’s story began in 1881 when a small group of female college graduates joined together to open the doors for women’s career advancement and to encourage more women to pursue higher education. Over the past 141 years, we have been at the forefront of many of this nation’s greatest achievements in the areas of equity, empowerment, justice and opportunity. Our accomplishments are too many to list but include laws such as Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 and the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act of 2009, launching one of the most enduring fellowship programs for women in the world, and commissioning groundbreaking research that documents women’s abilities and value.

If our story is to continue — and as we have witnessed the erosion of hard-fought rights in our nation over the past few years, we know that it must- — we will need to help build our resources. To this end, we urge you to make a year-end gift to the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund as a member of the AAUW Sacramento Branch. No gimmicks, little effort and yet big bang for our beloved organization. (use this link )

While you are at it, consider becoming a Legacy Circle member as well. Many of you have been members of AAUW for decades as I have. Let’s ensure that the women and girls of the future finally see equity in their lifetimes.

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season with your loved ones!

Charmen Goehring, AAUW Sacramento Fund Chair


CA AAUW Funds By Charmen Goehring

AAUW members in California over the past months were able to enjoy four online Funds events — previously the Funds Luncheons — each of which highlighted many CA-based recipients of AAUW grants and fellowships. Their topics of study were as diverse as they were interesting! It’s wonderful that dozens of members who might not otherwise have attended a lunch in the past were able to participate on Zoom. It is always inspiring to see how our contributions have provided support for these young women and to hear how they plan to progress in their fields. Each of the presentations and the accompanying slides are available at

Many thanks to those members who consistently send in donations to the AAUW Fund throughout the year via the AAUW website. This is an easy and convenient way to provide funding for our wonderful organization and its programs! Another simple way to contribute is to designate your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) to the AAUW Fund.

As always, I wish to encourage you to consider honoring your passion for AAUW by joining the Legacy Circle. The Legacy Circle is composed of dedicated AAUW members who have included AAUW in their estates to ensure the organization is healthy and able to help women and girls far into the future. If you have been a member of AAUW for many years, you are passionate about AAUW. Why not take the simple step of joining the Legacy Circle? You can join online at or contact me for a brochure.

Join the Legacy Circle!

Join the Legacy Circle! By Charmen Goehring

We were talking to an AAUW friend the other day about the Legacy Circle. She revealed to us that she thought one needed to have a healthy bank account to become a member. We thought that if she has this assumption, others might as well.

The answer is, no, you do not need to be well off to be a Legacy Circle member! A Legacy gift is not something you give during your lifetime — it is given by your estate. There are many ways to leave a gift, including making AAUW a beneficiary on an insurance policy or annuity (this is what Charmen has done), donating a set sum or a percentage of your estate, creating a charitable gift annuity, or even creating a COD account at your bank (you deposit money now, either one time, or several deposits, and it is payable to AAUW upon your death). Knowing that we are a part of helping secure the future of AAUW, an organization that we have contributed time and talents to for more than 30 years now, makes us feel proud.

The top three motivations that AAUW donors cite for making a planned gift are the importance of AAUW’s mission, the belief that AAUW makes a significant impact, and the ability to make a larger gift through an estate gift than is normally possible during the donor’s lifetime.

There is no minimum gift requirement to join the Legacy Circle, and the benefits are many. For example:

  • Planned gifts afford you flexibility to provide for your family and support AAUW.
  • Certain planned gifts may reduce estate or capital-gains taxes.
  • Planned gifts need not affect your cash flow during your lifetime.
  • Certain types of planned gifts allow you to support AAUW while also providing income for the rest of your life — or a fixed income for a loved one.
  • The joy of knowing that your legacy gift will sustain AAUW’s programs for years to come is the ultimate benefit!

If you would like to learn more about the benefits of planned giving, please contact Judy Horan and Charmen Goehring,  of the AAUW Legacy Circle Team ( and You can also find more information on AAUW’s website: We would be delighted to welcome you to the Legacy Circle — AAUW’s recognition society for our beloved visionaries who are committed to advancing equity for women and girls long into the future.

Legacy Circle and Funds Update

Legacy Circle and Funds Update By Charmen Goehring

Welcome to our newest Legacy Circle Members!!

I am pleased to welcome Liz Jordan and Donna Holmes to the AAUW Legacy Circle! Both have made the commitment to provide for AAUW in their estates to help ensure our organization is healthy and nimble in the future! Sacramento is now leading all CA branches in the number of Legacy Circle members in our midst.

If you have been a member of AAUW for a long time or if you are passionate about our mission of equity for all women and girls, consider joining the Legacy Circle. There are many ways you can include AAUW in your estate planning/will and no money is required now. There is a simple form online to print and mail or email  — it takes just a few minutes of your time! Contact Charmen at for more information.

AAUW Sacramento also experienced a year of generosity when it came to contributions to the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund and others. Our members and branch collectively sent more than $13,000!! Many members make regular donations which are easy to set up online. This is an amazing show of support and love for the work that we do in AAUW. Thank you!!!!

You and AAUW

Use Your IRA for Charitable Donations By Charmen Goehring

If you have not completed your Required Minimum Distribution (RMD) for 2021, because you have nowhere to spend it, consider giving it to charity.

Donating to charity from your IRA generally results in a tax benefit. Normally, distributions from an IRA are taxed. However, an individual who is age 70 ½ or older may donate to a qualified charity (has Sec. 501(c)(3) status such as AAUW Funds or Tech Trek) and not pay tax on the distribution. The donation must be paid directly from the IRA to the charity (the check drawn on the IRA must be payable to the charity). Even better, the distribution can be counted as part of your required minimum distribution (RMD).

For example, Hilda wants to donate $1,000 to AAUW.

If Hilda withdraws the $1,000 and then writes a check to AAUW, she will pay tax on the $1,000. Assuming that the tax is $200, that will leave her $800 to donate.

Before recent tax law changes, Hilda could offset the tax on the distribution by claiming an itemized deduction for the donation. However, under current tax rules, most people do not itemize deductions because the standard deduction is higher.

If instead, Hilda directs her IRA to send a $1,000 donation to AAUW, the distribution is not taxed, and the charity gets $1,000.

Please consult your tax adviser to determine if this strategy works for you.

AAUW Legacy Circle By Charmen Goehring

You are invited to join the AAUW Legacy Circle, a wonderful community of likeminded supporters who have made equity a central part of their legacies through planned giving. Planned gifts, also known as legacy gifts, offer some of the most innovative and meaningful ways to give back and ensure a better future for women, girls and their communities. Affirm your commitment to AAUW through a planned gift to AAUW National today. Together we’re making a lasting impact to ensure a better future for girls and women!

Benefits of Planned Giving

  • Planned gifts, also known as legacy gifts or bequests, allow you the flexibility to provide for your family and support AAUW at the same time.
  • Planned gifts need not affect your cash flow during your lifetime; some legacy gifts are designed to also give back, providing steady income for you and your loved ones for life.
  • Certain planned gifts may reduce or even eliminate estate or capital gains taxes.
  • There is no minimum gift amount, and every gift can be tailored to suit your needs.

Become a visionary member of the AAUW Legacy Circle! To learn more, please visit AAUW.ORG/Legacy.
Or request a brochure or ask us a question by contacting Heather Miller, Director of Advancement, at: 202-785-7766 or Charmen Goehring  of the AAUW Legacy Circle Team is also available to assist you and may be reached by email at