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Did You Know?

Sacramento Branch Interns!! By Liz Jordan and Gloria Yost

In December of 2023, the Board approved a pilot program of Internship with Professor Alina Rincon at CSUS.  In January, we looked over applications and two young women were hired to work along with Professor Rincon to reestablish an affiliate branch on the CSUS campus.

This month we want to introduce you to one of the interns, Renee Walters, who plans to complete a BA degree in Sociology at the end of this Spring Semester 2024.  Renee added a Minor emphasis on Non-Profit Management and Hospitality and Tourism.  Renee is from the inland Empire Region of California and is hoping to secure employment post-graduation in a position using her skills in event planning, volunteer management, philanthropy and/or non-profit.  Sounds like she fits right into AAUW and our goal to bring back our mission to empower women and girls to Cal State Sacramento!

From the IBC Fund Luncheon

Last month we highlighted one of our speakers, Krystal Lau. Here are photos, courtesy of Donna Holmes, of our other speakers: Joyce Weaver, Stephanie DeGraff-Hunt, and Tracy Ramondini. And, of course, our members listening to these wonderful speakers!

Sunshine Chair

Pat Winkle is our Sunshine Chair and needs to hear from you if you know members who might appreciate a get well, sympathy or “thinking of you” card. As she doesn’t know everyone, she needs your help in remembering our friends. Her contact information is in the directory.

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

The Latest ERA News

The latest in ERA News By Liz Jordan

National AAUW

On Dec. 13, 2023, AAUW participated in the ERA Coalition March in Washington DC.  Our CEO, Gloria Blackwell, spoke during the program, which was streamed on Facebook.  We were alerted to this event by email.  Did you tune in?

According to Meghan Kissel, AAUW senior director of policy and membership advocacy, AAUW’s strategy is as follows:


  • 2 Joint Resolutions: H.J. 25 to affirm that the deadline is arbitrary and, therefore, remove it. AND H.J. 82 to remove the deadline and ask the Archivist to publish the ERA as the 28th Amendment.
  • Discharge petition to get H.J. 25 out of the Judiciary Committee (Chaired by Rep. J. Jordan of Ohio) and force a vote.


  • Some states will be introducing resolutions of support for the ERA, serving to continue putting pressure on the Biden administration.

2024 Elections:

  • Polling shows favorable numbers for the ERA, and the November elections are critically important. Electing representatives, as well as senators, who believe in the necessity for an Equal Rights Amendment could produce the majority and, hopefully, the 60 percent needed in the Senate to pass the previously mentioned resolutions.

National urges us to use the Two-Minute Activist tool that comes with email messages from Washington.  It’s so easy to use; just click through, type in your name etc. and send!! On Dec. 18 we received an email from Meghan Kissell about supporting AAUW’s efforts to get the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) passed by using the Two Minute Activist.  It took me less than a minute to send email messages to both California senators and my House representative.  If you haven’t tried it, you really should.  It makes me feel like I can do something besides jump up and down!!

AAUW also recommends writing letters to the editor, which has two lives – first when letters are read in the publication, and again when they are posted on social media and tagged to the decision makers in question, i.e. Biden, your House representative, senator, etc.  We do have voices.  We just need to use them.

Local Letter Writing

As a follow-up to our joint Oct. 14 meeting about the Crises in Reproductive Healthcare and the ERA, the CHAR branch (Citrus Heights/American River) formed a new interest group called the Social Justice Power Hour.  They have been writing to the news media and politicians, and when we hear back, we will “shout it from the rooftops!”

A Novel Suggestion

Bonnie Penix, in Sacramento AAUW, sent me a suggestion for a good novel, “A Spark of Light” by Jodie Picoult on the topic of reproductive healthcare.  Bonnie writes: It is about a women’s reproductive health services center and those who come for birth control, abortions, etc.  It takes place in Mississippi. While fiction, it touches on so many of the stories in The Abortion Chronicles, the reader’s theater presentation we performed at the October meeting. Bonnie says book groups might want to put it on their lists for their future selection meetings and perhaps it could become an all-Sacramento-branch reads.  So, Book Groups, take notice!

Need an email message model?

One last item on the local list is a model email message that you can adopt or adapt, address it, sign it, and make it your own.  As I mentioned at the December branch meeting, I am including a model email message you might want to adopt and use.  National’s critique was that the tone of my model was “too confrontational” and, therefore, less effective.  I made some modifications to the model to lower the confrontational temperature.  However, every individual should modify it to her own voice and intention.  You may access here through this link <here>.

December 9th – Looking Back

Sacramento Branch of AAUW Presents By Hedda Smithson

Having Fun and Doing Good – December 9 Looking Back

Our December gathering was one to remember. North Ridge Country Club didn’t disappoint with a lovely setting, delicious food, friendly wait staff and all our friends!! Countless bags of offerings for the CSUS Food Pantry covered the donation table that we crammed into a small car. The following Monday Team Smith and Smithson drove to CSUS, met a young man with a golf cart, visited the pantry, and helped unload the golf cart!

Our three scholarship winners reminded us of our heritage – helping women achieve their dreams through financial support and encouragement. We met Elizabeth, an Anthropology and Economics major who received the Charlotte Rasmussen scholarship. Nataliia received the Wyndel Holmes scholarship and is majoring in Business Administration. Wahida told us she was an Asian Studies major.

Cathy Locke and Cherril Peabody gave us some details about our Scholarship Program. Liz Jordan told us about our Speech Trek program and also shared the latest about the Equal Rights Amendment. Nancy McCabe reminded us that several projects could use a helping hand: the March program (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion), Public Policy, Gov Trek, Speech Trek, and Newsletter. See page 8 of your directory for names of contacts. Gloria Yost reported that we have 15 new members so far and held the monthly opportunity drawing.

Thank you to all who brought donations and thank you for transporting them to a loading zone outside the building. We are stronger together!


November Program: The Rights Stuff

“The Rights Stuff”: Episode Three By Hedda Smithson and Gloria Yost

Saturday, November 4, 2023 10 AM until noon
Carmichael Library, 5605 Marconi Ave, Carmichael

We turn our lights and camera to the Right to Personal Safety and Second Chances at our next branch meeting.

Representatives from My Sister’s House, St. John’s Program for Real Change, WEAVE and Women’s Empowerment have been invited to speak. Each is dedicated to improving the lives of women in our community who are dealing with serious issues like domestic violence and homelessness. Each speaker has been given a series of questions to address as they speak to us. We will look for ways to focus on our Action or Actions to support these efforts.

Doors will open at 10 a.m., and the meeting will begin at 10:30. Light refreshments will be available.

To make sure we have enough chairs for everyone, kindly register on Eventbrite by clicking <here>. Or contact Hedda Smithson, whose contact information can be found in the Membership Directory. Registrations will close on Nov. 3. Please wear your AAUW name tag. If you haven’t had time to visit Shop AAUW and order one of these cool items, a name tag will be provided. For future events, name tags can be ordered at, then choose Accessorize.

Here are the speaker bios for our panelists:

Women’s Empowerment’s mission is educating and empowering women who are homeless with the skills and confidence necessary to get a job, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and regain a home for themselves and their children: this is the mission of Women’s Empowerment.

Zoe Fishman joined the Women’s Empowerment team in March of 2019 bringing a plethora of experience in both the private and nonprofit sectors.  As an advocate for underserved and marginalized folks, Zoe believes that there are many ways to get involved, but inaction is not an option, and applies that philosophy in everything she does.

My Sister’s House’s mission is to serve Asian and Pacific Islander and other underserved women and children impacted by domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking by providing a culturally appropriate and responsive safe haven, job training, and community services.

Grace Yoon, Esq. Grace Yoon is a staff attorney for My Sister’s House.  In 2022, the Sacramento County Domestic Violence Prevention Collaboration recognized Grace with a Symbol of Service Award for her commitment and service to the survivors of domestic violence in our community.

St. John’s Program for Real Change mission is to unleash the potential of women and children in crisis. We accomplish our mission by adhering to our vision — breaking the cycle of poverty and dependence, one family at a time.

Julie Hirota is an accomplished business executive and CEO for Saint John’s Program for Real Change. She has more than 25 years of extensive leadership and operational experience in private, public, and non-profit sectors driving meaningful outcomes.

WEAVE’s mission is to promote safe and healthy relationships and support survivors of sexual assaultdomestic violence and sex trafficking.

As the CEO of WEAVE, Beth Hassett has led the charge to promote safe and healthy relationships and support survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence and sex trafficking since 2006.  She is committed to ensuring that WEAVE’s programs are accessible, respectful and culturally responsive so clients from all communities can heal and rebuild their lives.  In 2020 Beth received two honors from the Sacramento Business Journal, the Corporate Citizenship Award as Non-Profit Executive of the Year and she was named one of Sacramento’s Most Admired CEO’s.

New AAUW CA Project – School Boards – and Printable Articles

New AAUW CA Project – School Boards Observation
Submitted by Liz Jordan

AAUW CA has approved a new project, the AAUW CA School Board Project, which is to enable monitoring school boards and how they may be affected by organizations whose objective is to ban books and censor educational materials. This is happening in numerous other states and may also be underway in CA.

The AAUW California Public Policy Committee has been approached by an organization called Equality California, whose mission is to “… bring the voices of LGBTQ+ people and allies to institutions of power in California and across the United Statesstriving to create a world that is healthy, just, and fully equal for all LGBTQ+ people.”  Their current and most immediate concern is the country-wide wave to install extremely regressive members on school boards, by organizations whose objective is to ban books and censor educational materials that are inclusive of LGBTQ+ and other marginalized groups.

AAUW California shares this concern.  We recognize the intersectionality of the challenges faced by all women – be they straight, white women; women of color; or lesbian, bisexual or transgender women – and support the struggles of all our sisters.

As an organization that was founded on the principle of advancing educational opportunities for women and girls, we also share Equality California’s alarm at the speed and breadth of educational policies that are taking those efforts backwards.  We, like they, want to do everything we can to make sure this doesn’t happen in California.

Equality California has called on us to join their efforts to assess the current climate in California, and to help them identify and support non-partisan school board candidates who can counter this trend.  Their organization is looking for qualified progressive candidates whom they will train and financially support to run in the most vulnerable districts.  The state Public Policy Committee has voted to engage, and the AAUW California Board of Directors has approved our decision.  Now it’s your turn – we need your help!  With over 9,000 members, we are in a unique position to provide “eyes and ears” on the ground to assist this project.  We are calling on each of you – the public policy leaders for your branches – to get us started by completing a brief survey – which you can find here – by the end of May. Once we have the results, we can determine additional ways in which you can each be of service.  Working together, we CAN make a difference!

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

Membership Update: Birthdays, Winter Party, and More

Welcome New Member! By Donna Holmes

Pat McCarty joined our branch at the Winter Luncheon using STF!  She is a former member from Burlingame and when she contacted us about joining she was delighted to hear about STF and came with her application and check in hand!

She is retired from research administration, has a degree in history from UCD, secondary and elementary credentials from UCD and an AA in Culinary Arts from the California Culinary Academy/Cordon Bleu.

Pat is interested in scholarships, art & architecture, day book groups, bridge for fun and scrabble just for fun. Be sure to say “Welcome!” when she shows up at our interest groups and events.

Celebrating January Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Lana Widman                                   1/1
  • Susana Mullen                                 1/1
  • Marilyn Orrick                                  1/6
  • Joanne Reiken                                  1/6
  • Tiffany Ardisana                              1/6
  • Mary Miller                                       1/14
  • Jane Pivetti                                       1/15
  • Gail Johnson                                     1/16
  • Gloria Yost                                        1/17
  • Gretchen Christophel                     1/18
  • Nancy Nolen-Swanson                   1/21
  • Kimberly Rutledge                           1/23
  • Betty Hayes                                      1/24
  • Elizabeth Rose                                  1/24
  • Katherine Henderson                      1/26
  • Joan Hammond                                1/27
  • Georgia Richardson                         1/28
  • Molly Dugan                                      1/31

Winter Event Photos

Some photos from the December Winter Event. Good conversations, great food, inspiring presentations!


Do You Know CANVA? A Request

Branch Communications and Publicity folks are looking for a member who knows the creative program CANVA.  We have many advertisements for branch activities, outreach programs and efforts like the annual membership drive for which we want to design eye-catching fliers, social media posts, email blasts, etc.  The branch has a CANVA subscription but we don’t have anyone who is experienced with using this program.  If you or someone you know would be helpful in volunteering for this effort, please contact Tiffany Ardisana-James or Liz Jordan, both of whom can be found in Sacramento Branch Membership Directory.

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles


One Last Chance: AAUW CA FUNDS EVENT this month! By Charmen Goehring

Mark your calendars for the last inspiring AAUW Funds Event on Zoom on Nov. 12, 2022, from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. We have a record number of recipients of AAUW grants and fellowships in California this year – 49! — and because of the online format, we have had a chance to hear from most of them. The women share their research and how our Funds awards are meaningful to them. The event previously was a luncheon — two in Northern CA and one in Southern CA. Being on Zoom makes them accessible to everyone with no driving and they are free! I would like to suggest, however, that you donate to the AAUW Greatest Needs Fund in lieu of purchasing a luncheon ticket! Registration is now open on the AAUW CA website here:

This fall, support the AAUW Fund — meet the recipients at the event on Nov. 12, make a donation and become a Legacy Circle member! Contact me (  if you have questions! Thank you for supporting AAUW and our mission of “Equity for All.”

Birthdays, Books, and Printable Articles

Celebrating November Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathleen Asay                                    11/2
  • Esther Gaines                                    11/3
  • Cristina Whitlock                               11/6
  • Alicia Hetman                                    11/7
  • Ann Arneill                                         11/11
  • Eileen Heaser                                    11/12
  • Donna Holmes                                  11/14
  • Linda Lawrence                                 11/16
  • Carole Cline                                       11/18
  • Jennifer Henderson                          11/19
  • Elaine Ellers                                        11/23
  • Elaine Moody                                     11/30

October Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
West with Giraffes, by Lynda Rutledge, on Nov. 1; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
No meeting in Nov. and Dec.; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Kimmerer, on Nov. 9; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
Where I was From, by Joan Dideon, on Nov. 21; coordinators are Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
The Matrix, by Lauren Groff , on Nov. 28; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
Talking to Strangers, by Malcolm Gladwell, Nov. 17 ; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
The World That We Knew, by Alice Hoffman, on Nov. 3; coordinator is Linda Cook

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles

Interest Groups, Birthdays, Books, and Printable Articles

Interest Group Happenings By Vicki Nicholson

  • ART & ARCHITECTURE:  Oct. 7, 10:30 a.m., home art studios of Paula and Joseph Bellacera.
  • BOARD GAMES:  Oct. 28, 7 p.m., at Ruth Werner’s.
  • FILM FANS:  Oct. 18, 11 a.m., Zoom, contact Cherril Peabody for details.
  • GREAT DECISIONS I:  Oct. 17, 7 p.m., Zoom, topic–Biden’s Foreign Policy. Taking orders for 2023 briefing book.  Contact Cathy Locke.
  • GREAT DECISIONS II:  Oct. 13, 7 p.m., topic–US Industrial Policy.
  • GREAT DECISIONS III:  Oct. 17, 1 p.m., home of Marge Patzer; topic–US Industrial Policy.
  • HEALTHY HEART:  Oct. 14, 11:30 a.m. at Fabian’s in Fair Oaks. Contact Jane Cooley.
  • READER’S THEATER:  Oct. 11, 10 a.m., Mary William’s home.
  • SCRABBLE:  Oct. 31, 1 p.m., home of Vivian Counts.
  • SINGLES DINING:  Oct. 2, 6 p.m., contact Nancy McCabe.

Celebrating October Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathryn Schrumpf                           10/1 
  • Janice Stuter                                     10/5
  • Mary Williams                                  10/8
  • Karen Ann Smith                             10/9
  • Lynn Blair Wood                              10/12
  • Linda Cook                                       10/13
  • Jennifer Virginia Stanley                 10/14
  • Lyn Roefs                                          10/15
  • Susan McLearan                              10/17
  • Elizabeth Hendrickson                   10/21
  • Marianne Rorden                            10/21
  • Christina Calpo                                10/23
  • Mary Margaret Baker                     10/26
  • Gail Evans                                         10/26
  • Bakula Maniar                                 10/27
  • Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin         10/27

October Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
The Road Home, by Rose Tremain, on Oct. 4; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
TBD Book Selection, on Oct. 26; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
The Warmth of Other Suns, by Isabel Wilkerson, on Oct. 12; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
There There, by Tommy Orange, on Oct. 17; coordinators are Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
The Yellow House: A Memoir, by Sarah Broom , on Oct. 24; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
The Sentence, by Louise Erdich, Oct. 20 ; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
The Island of Missing Trees, by Eilif Shafak, on Oct. 6; coordinator is Linda Cook

Printable Newsletter Articles

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Sacramento Branch Interest Groups Update

Sacramento Branch Interest Groups Update By Vicki Nicholson

After serving on the nominating committee this spring, I concluded that members maintain strong sentiment for the Sacramento Branch, in spite of all the curves thrown at us by COVID.  I suspect that, like 9/11, which resulted in lasting airport security screening, we will be practicing social distancing and masking in certain venues indefinitely.

Currently, seven different Interest Groups are meeting:  Art & Architecture, Reader’s Theater, Great Decisions (three sections), Singles Dining, Film Fans, Healthy Heart, and Board Games.  Scrabble, Travel, and Bridge groups may resume in the fall, possibly under different leaders.  A Walking Group was formed but then discontinued due to lack of interest.

If AAUW’s mission and values are the heart, and outreach programs the arms and legs of the Sacramento Branch, then Interest Groups form the backbone, since most members are attached to at least one section.  These more intimate groups, many long-standing, can exist without any branch structure, yet it is the commitment members feel to interest groups which drive their over-arching desire for sustaining the branch.  Going forward, our leadership team may ask to harness “interest groups’ energy” and we may be “doing business” a bit differently.  For instance, with few new branch members, it does not seem necessary to focus on interest groups in a showcase format at one branch meeting; sign-ups can be accomplished more informally by passing information directly to section leaders.  If an interest group is small, extending invitations and combining groups with CHAR is a possibility (see bridge opportunity in separate article).  Book sections may be collaboratively asked to sponsor an author’s event. Great Decisions could develop a Women-of-the-World type of gathering for branch participation.  Could Reader’s Theater provide “entertainment” at a meeting?

A Strategic Planning Committee has been formed to address ongoing leadership deficits and will likely chart a course that does not seem like business as usual.  Please reflect on why you joined AAUW and what effort, large or small, you can contribute to our collective goals.

Vicki Nicholson
Interest Groups Coordinator