Tag Archives: Membership

Membership Update: Birthdays, Winter Party, and More

Welcome New Member! By Donna Holmes

Pat McCarty joined our branch at the Winter Luncheon using STF!  She is a former member from Burlingame and when she contacted us about joining she was delighted to hear about STF and came with her application and check in hand!

She is retired from research administration, has a degree in history from UCD, secondary and elementary credentials from UCD and an AA in Culinary Arts from the California Culinary Academy/Cordon Bleu.

Pat is interested in scholarships, art & architecture, day book groups, bridge for fun and scrabble just for fun. Be sure to say “Welcome!” when she shows up at our interest groups and events.

Celebrating January Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Lana Widman                                   1/1
  • Susana Mullen                                 1/1
  • Marilyn Orrick                                  1/6
  • Joanne Reiken                                  1/6
  • Tiffany Ardisana                              1/6
  • Mary Miller                                       1/14
  • Jane Pivetti                                       1/15
  • Gail Johnson                                     1/16
  • Gloria Yost                                        1/17
  • Gretchen Christophel                     1/18
  • Nancy Nolen-Swanson                   1/21
  • Kimberly Rutledge                           1/23
  • Betty Hayes                                      1/24
  • Elizabeth Rose                                  1/24
  • Katherine Henderson                      1/26
  • Joan Hammond                                1/27
  • Georgia Richardson                         1/28
  • Molly Dugan                                      1/31

Winter Event Photos

Some photos from the December Winter Event. Good conversations, great food, inspiring presentations!


Do You Know CANVA? A Request

Branch Communications and Publicity folks are looking for a member who knows the creative program CANVA.  We have many advertisements for branch activities, outreach programs and efforts like the annual membership drive for which we want to design eye-catching fliers, social media posts, email blasts, etc.  The branch has a CANVA subscription but we don’t have anyone who is experienced with using this program.  If you or someone you know would be helpful in volunteering for this effort, please contact Tiffany Ardisana-James or Liz Jordan, both of whom can be found in Sacramento Branch Membership Directory.

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles

Membership: WOMEN WITH A WHY!

WOMEN WITH A WHY. LET’S GROW! By Donna Holmes and Marty McKnew

Can you share why you are an AAUW member in a succinct and joyful way?   “Where do we find new members?”  Anywhere. It could be in line at Rite Aid, at the DMV, or at a farmer’s market (or in a state of undress at a health club!)  The key is enthusiastically sharing how AAUW gives your life purpose and meaning. Do you have the elevator speech down?

A story I hear over and over is “I’m new in the community and with the COVID shutdowns it has been hard to meet people.” Do you know someone in these circumstances?  Invite them to your book group or any other interest group.

We recently hosted a very successful new member orientation/get together for five of our newest members.  We are anxious to repeat the session for more new members.  Do you know someone you would like to invite?  Let us know!

On a sadder note:

Member Dorothy Bracchi
March 17, 1931 – October 23, 2022
Sacramento, California – Dorothy Patricia Bracchi died peacefully at her home in Sacramento with Alex, her husband of 38 years, at her side. Born to John and Tillie Burant and raised in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she was one of nine children. She was preceded in death by her parents, six of her siblings, and her first husband Ernest Bracchi. Dorie, as she was known to all, is survived by her husband Alex Hoeffner; her daughter Kim Spalding and husband George; son Arne Bracchi and wife Audrey and their two daughters Georgia and Ella; sisters RuthAnn Melk and Lois Burant plus many nieces and nephews; Alex’s daughter Corrine Kaufman and her son Ocean and daughter Raven.

Dorie earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Nursing from Marquette University and University of San Francisco, respectively. She began her career in the field of public health nursing in San Francisco, continued on in Yolo County, and then worked for the Visiting Nurses’ Association in Sacramento. In 1977 she accepted a faculty position at Sacramento City College as an obstetrical nursing instructor and remained in that capacity until retiring in 1993.

Dorie was a life-long bridge player and achieved the title of life master from the American Contract Bridge League. She competed in tournaments in Reno, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, and Honolulu. She was also a long-time member of the American Association of University Women and was active in the local branch’s book section group.

Dorie was equally at home in the great outdoors. She backpacked in the Mokelumne Wilderness Area and Kings Canyon National Park. She took excursions on two fourteen-day, 225-mile rafting trips on the Colorado River through the Grand Canyon. Annual houseboat trips on Shasta Lake were another of her favorite activities. She also enjoyed travel abroad to Europe, Mexico, Turkey, French Polynesia, and the Fiji Islands.

One of her favorite activities was volunteering to work at the Sacramento Jazz Jubilee. With very few exceptions she spent every Memorial Day Weekend for over 30 years serving as a site manager at various venues.

She had a long, passionate, and fruitful life and will be missed greatly by all who knew her. A celebration of her life was held on November 13 beginning at noon at The Firehouse restaurant.

Published by The Sacramento Bee from Nov. 7 to Nov. 8, 2022.


Sac State Buzz, Birthdays, Book Groups, and Printable Articles

Sac State Buzz By Gloria Yost

Do you know?

  • Our own Paola Mendez has become an e-member of AAUW.
  • Paola has won a Sacramento Semester Internship for spring semester and will be working at the Capitol. She is majoring in political science journalism.
  • Our NCCWSL attendee Marissa Floyd has joined AAUW. She is working full time as a behavior analyst’s assistant for a local school district and is a child development major.
  • Cynthia Gonzales has joined in our efforts to re-activate our Sac State chapter. She is a women’s studies major.

Celebrating December Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Becky Anton                                   12/1
  • Diana Squire                                  12/1
  • Aisha Engle                                     12/3
  • Jean Bonar                                      12/4
  • Marcia Becwar                               12/8
  • Diane Petersen                              12/8
  • Angela Scarlett                               12/11
  • Karen Burley*                                12/12
  • Laraine Silberstein                        12/14
  • Lynn Anderson                              12/17
  • Linda Whitney                               12/27
  • Bonnie Penix                                 12/30

December Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
No meeting in December; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
No meeting in December; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
The Uncommon Reader, by Alan Bennett, on Dec. 14; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
All the Birds in the Sky, by Charlie Jane Anders, on Dec. 19; coordinators are Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
No meeting in December; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
Holiday Party, on Dec. 15 ; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
Holiday Party, on Dec. 1; coordinator is Linda Cook

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles

Membership Matters

Membership Matters By Donna Holmes and Marty McKnew

Do you have a unique story of why you or an acquaintance joined AAUW?  We would love to be able to celebrate your story and share with AAUW California.  Here is an example posted recently in a state publication:

A few months ago, the most unusual thing happened at the Beach Cities Branch scholarship awards.  A woman came into the room as the meeting began and took a seat at one of the far tables.  Each recipient came forward and shared her Tech Trek, TTAG, and AAUW journey. The gratitude expressed and pride of the families in attendance brought many to tears. At the end of the meeting, the woman revealed that she walked in on the wrong meeting.  Hers was in another room, but she felt drawn to the magic in this place and stayed. It turned out that one of our members taught her daughter as well. This lovely woman not only joined AAUW on the spot, she also wrote a check for $1,000 to support the scholarship fund.  Perhaps it actually was magic!

What was the magic that drew you to AAUW and why do you stay?  We are interested in your stories – magical or not.  Forward to martymcknew@comcast.net.

We have a new member!  Please welcome Tracy Ramondini.  Tracy is the chair of the PE Department at Sheldon High School.  She is interested in reproductive rights, Title IX enforcement, motivating women to get out and vote, diversity, equity, inclusion, keeping college campuses safe for women, equity in education and pay, to name a few.  Tracy has also applied for a position on the AAUW California Board.

Please welcome all our new members to your interest groups.  We have had a number of inquiries from women new to the community who are looking for in-person interaction.

New member gathering planned for November

Plans are underway for a new member gathering in November.  If you know of a prospective member who you would like to invite, please provide their email address to Marty or Donna.

Service planned for 50-year member Mary Ann Fleming

Mary Ann Fleming, a member of AAUW Sacramento for more than 50 years, died Oct. 11 at her Sacramento home. She was 85.

A memorial Mass is scheduled for 10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 29, at St. Mary’s Funeral Center Main Chapel, 6509 Fruitridge Road, Sacramento. A reception luncheon will follow the Mass.

Mary Ann was fluent in Spanish and for many years was an active member of an AAUW Spanish conversation group. She also helped with hospitality at branch meetings and faithfully attended the annual Speech Trek contest at Cosumnes River College.

According to her obituary published in The Sacramento Bee, Mary Ann was born Jan. 8, 1937 in Stockton, and grew up in St. Helena and Sacramento. She graduated from Sacramento High School and California State University, Sacramento, where she earned a bachelor’s degree in education. A music lover, Mary Ann played the French horn in both her high school and college marching bands.

She taught fourth grade at Maple Elementary School in Sacramento before starting a family.

Mary Ann and husband Benjamin Fleming were married for 64 years. She leaves four children, six grandchildren and two great-grandchildren.

In addition to AAUW, Mary Ann was active with Sacramento Friends of the Library and served as a board member with the organization.



Birthdays, Books, and Printable Articles

Celebrating November Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathleen Asay                                    11/2
  • Esther Gaines                                    11/3
  • Cristina Whitlock                               11/6
  • Alicia Hetman                                    11/7
  • Ann Arneill                                         11/11
  • Eileen Heaser                                    11/12
  • Donna Holmes                                  11/14
  • Linda Lawrence                                 11/16
  • Carole Cline                                       11/18
  • Jennifer Henderson                          11/19
  • Elaine Ellers                                        11/23
  • Elaine Moody                                     11/30

October Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
West with Giraffes, by Lynda Rutledge, on Nov. 1; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
No meeting in Nov. and Dec.; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
Braiding Sweetgrass, by Robin Kimmerer, on Nov. 9; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
Where I was From, by Joan Dideon, on Nov. 21; coordinators are Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
The Matrix, by Lauren Groff , on Nov. 28; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
Talking to Strangers, by Malcolm Gladwell, Nov. 17 ; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
The World That We Knew, by Alice Hoffman, on Nov. 3; coordinator is Linda Cook

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles

Nancy Lawrence Tribute

Nancy Lawrence Tribute By Cathy Locke and Donna Holmes

A memorial celebration for Nancy Lawrence, a longtime AAUW Sacramento member and past president, will be held Sunday, Oct. 16, from 4 to 7 p.m. at Northridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave., Fair Oaks.

Nancy died Aug. 9 at her Fair Oaks home. She was 78.

Nancy served as branch president in 1994-96 and again as co-president with Hedda Smithson in 2004-06.

AAUW was a family affair for the Lawrence women. Nancy’s mother, Marjorie Lawrence, was active in the Sacramento branch, serving as president in 1964-65, and sister Linda Lawrence is a branch member as well.

Nancy was a member of the AAUW 100th Anniversary Celebration Committee, planning for the gala and writing articles for the Memory Book that marked the Sacramento branch’s centennial in 2020. She also was a strong supporter of branch outreach programs, including scholarships and Tech Trek.

More about Nancy’s life and her contributions to the greater Sacramento community is provided in the following obituary, published Sept. 18 in The Sacramento Bee.

Nancy Lawrence Obituary

December 29, 1943 – August 9, 2022 in Fair Oaks, California
Nancy Lawrence, blessed with a happy family and friends, died at home on August 9, 2022, at age 78.

Nancy liked to say that she and her sister, Linda, won the lottery when they were born. Their educated parents, Carl and Marjorie McGlashan Lawrence, loved and supported them. They grew up in California’s post­ war prosperity with its strong public education system, and had travel and learning opportunities all around them. Nancy attended Bret Harte, Cal Junior High, and McClatchy High School in Sacramento where she found real joy in learning. She then earned her BA and MA in English literature at Stanford. While attending Stanford’s semester in Italy she got an eye-opening glimpse of the world and other cultures. This grew into a love of travel including years of summer travels to the Middle East and to Asia where she fell in love with archaeology and cultural history. Repeat visits to Europe were a treat for her always.

After Stanford, Nancy decided teaching and academics would be most satisfying and taught 17 years at El Rancho High School in Pico Rivera in southern California. Teaching and exploring ideas in literature and the arts formed an interesting life for her. In 1984, Nancy married Gordon Klein, a math teacher and data processing specialist at Pico Rivera. Three years later they moved to Sacramento to manage Lawrence Properties, together with her sister, Linda, and their very valuable property managers, Pat Quarton-Rodini and then Stephanie Paschal-Jividen. Their first project was to computerize the business records and investments, and then they grew the size of its holdings.

In Sacramento, Nancy became involved with local organizations (like her mother before her), particularly Sacramento AAUW and the Crocker Art Museum, where Nancy was a Docent for many years. She served on boards and led groups serving cultural and educational purposes: the Crocker Art Museum, the former Sacramento Public Library Foundation, AAUW, the Kingsley Art Club, the Girl Scouts, the Sacramento Literacy Foundation, and the Mondavi Center. Education provided such satisfaction to Nancy that she worked tirelessly to “give back” by expanding educational opportunity for many more. And Nancy always said that in turn these organizations provided her with education, stimulation, and wonderful friends and relationships that endure forever. At the same time she and Gordon enjoyed the Opera, travel (including regular visits to Gordon’s family in North Dakota), and expanding the Klein family group in Sacramento.

COVID struck soon after the time Gordon died. Nancy said that it was with help from her many friends and family that she was able to meet the huge challenge of these years: her sister Linda Lawrence, the Deck Diners, the Fair Oaks Wine and Dine, her many Crocker friends, her AAUW friends, Club 61, and Stephanie Paschal-Jividen, together with Margaret Schrupp, Heidi and A.J. Amstrup (Lara, Luke), Karin Lewis (Jasmine, Dalton), Elisabeth Klein, Vince and Jamie Klein (Kristina, Karol), Ottie Maxey, and Pam Saltenberger, who kept the horrors at bay. Nancy would say she had a terrific life, was lucky, and hopes that she helped others to lead happy lives too.

A memorial celebration will be held October 16, 2022, from 4-7 p.m. at Northridge Country Club. Memorials can be made to the Crocker Art Museum, the Kingsley Art Club Education Foundation, the Sacramento Children’s Literacy Foundation or to St. Johns Shelter in order to reach out to the young who need help to flourish and thrive where they are planted.
[Obituary can be found at here]


WE HAVE A PLAN – LET’S GROW! By Donna Holmes

Hey there. Our awesome committee is excited to take on this challenge of growing AAUW California.  Every needs assessment analyzing our declining membership numbers always uses fancy consultant language. Yet, my cartoon friend Maxine sums it up best. “We’re old. We’re burned out. We’re unknown.” (Her coffee cup reads, “I love my attitude problem!”)

What would happen if we changed that mindset? What if we radiated energy that says, “Come join us.  Be part of something bigger that can change the lives of women and girls!” Our new mindset dances to this tune!

We are vibrant and smart. We are action people.  We are AMBASSADORS.

What IF (and that is a big IF…) all of us would just invite one person to join AAUW – a friend, neighbor, relative, co-worker – that number would be – let me see “9,167 X 2 = 18,334” What!?! If each one would bring one … whoa, Nelly!  That’s growth! (Don’t worry, our goals are a little more modest than that. Six percent for next year, but it is so fun to dream!)

The above article is from the State board, and Marty and I heartily concur.  Our branch has done an excellent job of membership retention. We went into 2021-22 with 191 members and currently are going into 2022-23 with 185 members.  Retaining 90% of membership is part of 5-star recognition.  Five members moved away, four members have passed away and we have a few not renewing.  We also have new members — the latest is Christine Osterman, who joined at our Sept. 17 branch meeting.  Our formal count will be taken on Sept. 30.  Stay tuned for a new members gathering when Marty returns from her travels!

Interest Groups, Birthdays, Books, and Printable Articles

Interest Group Happenings By Vicki Nicholson

  • ART & ARCHITECTURE:  Oct. 7, 10:30 a.m., home art studios of Paula and Joseph Bellacera.
  • BOARD GAMES:  Oct. 28, 7 p.m., at Ruth Werner’s.
  • FILM FANS:  Oct. 18, 11 a.m., Zoom, contact Cherril Peabody for details.
  • GREAT DECISIONS I:  Oct. 17, 7 p.m., Zoom, topic–Biden’s Foreign Policy. Taking orders for 2023 briefing book.  Contact Cathy Locke.
  • GREAT DECISIONS II:  Oct. 13, 7 p.m., topic–US Industrial Policy.
  • GREAT DECISIONS III:  Oct. 17, 1 p.m., home of Marge Patzer; topic–US Industrial Policy.
  • HEALTHY HEART:  Oct. 14, 11:30 a.m. at Fabian’s in Fair Oaks. Contact Jane Cooley.
  • READER’S THEATER:  Oct. 11, 10 a.m., Mary William’s home.
  • SCRABBLE:  Oct. 31, 1 p.m., home of Vivian Counts.
  • SINGLES DINING:  Oct. 2, 6 p.m., contact Nancy McCabe.

Celebrating October Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathryn Schrumpf                           10/1 
  • Janice Stuter                                     10/5
  • Mary Williams                                  10/8
  • Karen Ann Smith                             10/9
  • Lynn Blair Wood                              10/12
  • Linda Cook                                       10/13
  • Jennifer Virginia Stanley                 10/14
  • Lyn Roefs                                          10/15
  • Susan McLearan                              10/17
  • Elizabeth Hendrickson                   10/21
  • Marianne Rorden                            10/21
  • Christina Calpo                                10/23
  • Mary Margaret Baker                     10/26
  • Gail Evans                                         10/26
  • Bakula Maniar                                 10/27
  • Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin         10/27

October Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2:
The Road Home, by Rose Tremain, on Oct. 4; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
TBD Book Selection, on Oct. 26; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
The Warmth of Other Suns, by Isabel Wilkerson, on Oct. 12; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
There There, by Tommy Orange, on Oct. 17; coordinators are Angela Scarlett, Gloria Yost

Book Group 8: 
The Yellow House: A Memoir, by Sarah Broom , on Oct. 24; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
The Sentence, by Louise Erdich, Oct. 20 ; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
The Island of Missing Trees, by Eilif Shafak, on Oct. 6; coordinator is Linda Cook

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles

September Kick-Off and Coming Attractions

September Kick-Off, By Angela Scarlett

Since February 2020, AAUW Sacramento has limited nearly all of our branch meetings to digital offerings on Zoom to ensure the safety of our members from COVID-19.

We are excited to inform you that we will meet in person on September 17 at the Carmichael Library Meeting Room, 5605 Marconi Ave.! While our reservation is from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m., we want to encourage members to arrive around 10:15 a.m. to check in, have coffee or snacks, and socialize.

We have a variety of items on the agenda for the day, including:

  • Voting on our annual budget. You can find the proposed budget <here>.
  • Hearing from our scholarship recipients
  • Getting an update on all the exciting ideas coming out of our Strategic Planning Committee

Jay Cohen, who works for Planned Parenthood Mar Monte, will speak to us that day. We hope to hear about the impact of the SCOTUS Dobbs decision on women, girls and other folks, as well as the implications for AAUW’s core mission. Planned Parenthood Mar Monte has 30 health centers throughout mid-California and northern Nevada.

We will provide registration via Eventbrite (you only have to give us your name and email), but we won’t turn away folks at the door. Don’t forget to bring proof of COVID-19 vaccination.  We also encourage folks to bring masks, especially if they’re medically at risk. Come, bring a friend and get involved!

If you would like to provide refreshments or help with setup, don’t hesitate to get in touch with Angela Scarlett via her contact information in the directory. We look forward to seeing you all!

Coming Attractions – Mark Your Calendars!! By Donna Holmes

  • Saturday September 17th the new and improved Showcase from 10:30AM to 1PM at the Carmichael Library, 5605 Marconi Ave., Carmichael, CA 95608
  • Thursday October 20th, in partnership with CHAR, 4:30PM Zoom meeting on the California ballot propositions
  • Saturday December 10, 2022 from 11AM to 1:30PM Holiday Luncheon at North Ridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave., Fair Oaks, CA 95628
  • Saturday January 28, 2023 IBC Funds Luncheon on Zoom
  • Saturday February 18, 2023 Speech Trek location TBA
  • Saturday March 25, 2023 Annual Meeting – Author’s Luncheon location TBA

Membership News

Membership News, By Donna Holmes and Marty McKnew

Renewals and Nimble
To say the new database and renewal system has been a nightmare is to put it mildly.  Marty and I cannot thank all of you enough for your perseverance and patience in getting things processed.  We still have a handful of unrenewed members and hope to be wrapped up by Labor Day.

Your Directory will not be printed and mailed until renewals are complete.

50-year members!
At the May meeting, we honored our three new 50-year members:  Mary Lou Lentz, Linda Sparks (pictured) and Susan Whetstone.  Because of the National database conversion problems, we were not able to get them their certificates until this month.

New Members
We have several new or returning members:  Mary Margaret Baker (moved here from Hawaii), Joy Clous, Mahnaz Khazari, Monique Stovall and Rita Walker.  We hope to meet them face-to-face at our Sept. 17 meeting at the Carmichael Library!

Stayed tuned for a new-member event host by us later this fall.

Vaccinated Hugs,
Donna Holmes & Marty McKnew