Daily Archives: February 27, 2025

March Program – Equal Rights for All

Lights! Camera! Action!

Equal Rights for All By Lisa Howard

Saturday, March 15, 2025

10:00 AM – 1:00 PM at Roberts Family Development Center

766 Darina Avenue, Sacramento

Please join us for our March branch meeting where we will explore the concepts of diversity, equity and inclusion using the AAUW Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Toolkit.

The meeting will be held in the inspiring meeting space at the Roberts Family Development Center (RFDC) in Del Paso where we met last March.  RFDC provides services to the Greater Sacramento area that meet the individual needs of each family member. Their services provide a holistic approach, focusing on Pre K-12th grade academic support and enrichment, parent education and engagement, and community involvement and advocacy.

DEI has been under attack this year, but do we really know what the concept means? AAUW has invested in building program materials to help members explore challenging topics such as DEI to ensure we are a welcoming place to new members. We will also take an opportunity to check in on the DEI action activity from the February newsletter and see how we each did.

Here are the details:

• Address: 766 Darina Ave, Sacramento, CA 95815
• Time: 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Register on Eventbrite <here> no later than Thursday, March 13 at noon.
• Bring and wear your name tag. Don’t have one or forgot yours? We will have one for you.
• You can find out more about the toolkit by clicking on AAUW DEI Toolkit.

Hope to see you there!

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Corner

As an organization, AAUW strives to remove barriers for women.  As educated white women of means, much of the AAUW membership has lived through a hopeful and dynamic phase of history.  With such a noble mission, it is easy to assume that all women had the same experiences that we have, which is not true.

Women of color within our generations experienced the shared history quite differently. Young women today face less economic stability and often less reproductive freedom than most of our current membership. In support of attracting members to the mission, diversity is first about taking steps to understand the context that people may bring.  For 2025, I will be sharing a recommended reading each month that can be used to guide a learning journey for those interested in exploring our diversity.

Our recommended reading for March is  Caste  by Isabel Wilkerson, which explores how the concept of caste has impacted how we relate to each other.  The book is an excellent opportunity to reflect on experiences from the perspective of other people and holds up a mirror to the society in which we live.  Don’t have time for a whole book?  Check out  Origin , the 2023 movie
about the writing of the book. As you read, take the opportunity to reflect on how you have experienced and observed the power of caste in your life.



President’s Message

President’s Message By Nancy McCabe

I hope you are enjoying our Spring-like weather!

National is planning a $5 dues increase effective April 1, 2025. See the details here: Dues Information. None of these increases will affect Student Dues or MBHL-50-year honorary life members. The National increase does not affect MBL-Paid life members.

Please remember that our branch has a dues assistance fund if you need help. I know none of you wants to hear this but please read the rationale. Most of us can afford this, and it is needed and important that we keep working our mission!

Thanks to Donna Holmes, Membership Finance, for providing this information.

And…A Love Letter to AAUW Sacramento, by Hedda Smithson:

Here is my take on our beloved branch. First – is it loved? Yes, indeed it is loved. We have endured and flourished for more than 100 years. If that isn’t love, it will have to do – until . . . (oops – bird walk!) With recent efforts to have more efficiency, our board has been downsized and the elected positions are fewer in number. At this writing, we believe we have candidate(s) for program director. Our search for a president is ongoing.

We can see the headlines now:
                    AAUW Sacramento goes TOPLESS for 2025-2027
Well – that’s not an image we want to see. So – remember in school when the teacher asked for volunteers? And if no one raised her hand, the teacher just CALLED ON HER!

We don’t want that to happen – so – think about your skills and what you can contribute to our branch going forward! There will be LOTS of support offered – you won’t be alone. EVER! So – reach out and ask questions – and be sure to call us before we call you. It is time for one good woman (it could be two) to come to the aid of her branch.

Let the love flow … CALL Nancy McCabe. Phone number is on page 19 of the membership directory.

MEMBERSHIP DOINGS By Gloria Yost, Donna Holmes

Hopefully you all received the recent eBlast with contact information on new members and some revisions for current members. Please note that the last 4 digits of member Dr. Viki Montera-Heckman’s phone number are 1401.

If you have a question regarding membership, you can reach out to Gloria Yost or Vicky Lovell, contact information can be found in the Membership Directory.

Celebrating March Birthdays! 

Happy Birthday to All!

  • PJ Missman                                     3/1
  • Patricia Morgan                             3/5
  • Sharon Norris                                3/6
  • Marjorie Patzer                              3/6
  • Julia Maclay                                     3/8
  • Vicky Lovell                                     3/9
  • Alice Bauer                                     3/14
  • Mary Lou Lentz                              3/17
  • Carolyn Meeker                              3/17
  • Janice Chung                                   3/19
  • Shelagh O’Rourke                          3/20
  • Elizabeth Jordan                             3/28

Interest Groups

Interest Group Happenings By Pat Winkle

If you are interested in participating in any of our Interest Groups, please contact the coordinators listed here. If you would like to propose a new Interest Group for our branch, please contact me and I will present your ideas to the board for approval. My contact information, as well as the contacts for each of the Interest Groups, is in your branch directory.

  • Art & Architecture: Friday, March 7, 10 a.m. The group will visit the home and studio of Sacramento artist Tony
    Natsoulas. Contact: Deborah Dunn
  • Great Decisions I: Monday, March 17, 7 p.m. on Zoom. The topic will be “AI and American National Security”. Contact: Cathy Locke
  • Great Decisions II: Thursday, March 13, 7 p.m. on Zoom. Contact: Lynn Blair Wood
  • Great Decisions III: Monday, March 17, 1 p.m. Meets in a member’s home.
    Contact: Margaret McCarthy
  • Healthy Heart Lunch: Friday, March 14, 11:30 a.m. at Twin Lotus Thai at 8345 Folsom Blvd #119. Contact: Jane Cooley
  • Reader’s Theater: Contact: Diane Petersen for updates.
  • Scrabble Just for Fun: Monday, March 31, 1 p.m. in the game room at Eskaton Village Carmichael.  Contact: Vivian Counts
  • Singles Dining Out: Sunday, March 2, 6 p.m. at Riverside Clubhouse 2633 Riverside
    Blvd. Contact: Nancy McCabe

Book Groups Update

Book Groups Update By Sharon Anderson

If you wish to see what others are reading, or get ideas for your book group or yourself, please refer to the “books” page under “Activities” on our branch website (https://sacramento-ca.aauw.net/bookgroups/).

Each book group has its own tab, by book group number.  (These book group numbers correlate with page 6 of the branch Membership Directory.)  On each list, the meeting days, times and coordinator are listed.

Top 4 Favorite Books Read in 2024 – by Book Group 8 (coordinator Diana Squire):

  1. The Personal Librarian, by Marie Benedict and Victoria Christopher Murray
  2. Madame Restell: The Life, Death, and Resurrection of Old New York’s Most Fabulous, Fearless, and Infamous Abortionist, by Jennifer Wright
  3. Horse: A Novel, by Geraldine Brooks
  4. Fallout: The Hiroshima Cover-up and the Reporter Who Revealed  It to the World, by Lesley M. M. Blum

March Book Groups

Book Group 1:
Long Bright River
, by Liz Moore, on March 13; coordinator is Susanna Mullen

Book Group 3:
Another Appalachia, by Neema Avashi, on March 26; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
Epitaph for a Peach, by David Mas Masumoto, on March 12; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 8:
Such a Fun Age,
by Kelley Reid, on March 24; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
The Personal Librarian, by Marie Benedict, on March 20; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12:
The Kitchen House
, by Kathleen Grissom, on March 6; coordinator is Linda Cook

Living Our Mission of Equity By Charmen Goehring

We hope you will join us in a monthly equity conversation where we look at our own biases, seek actions we can take to attract diversity to our branch and become better people in the process. Each month, we read a section of our selected book then meet to discuss what we have learned, along with exploring other issues related to race and equity. We meet the first

Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 PM on Zoom.

The Zoom meeting code is 737 420 3780 or you can join using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7374203780

We will discuss our current book, Subversive Southerner: Anne Braden and the Struggle for Racial Justice in the Cold War South, on March 5 at 7 p.m. We will discuss chapters 9-Finish. If you have questions and to RSVP, please email Charmen at charminme@yahoo.com.

We will start our next book in April. We’ve selected Erasing History, by Jason Stanley. It is so timely for our current moment. Please join us!

April Program – Authors’ Luncheon

Sacramento Branch of AAUW

Citrus Heights American River AAUW

Present “The Rights Stuff”  Season Two

The Right to Learn from Another’s Journey

Lights, Camera, Action!!

Saturday, April 26, 2025, 11 AM to 2 PM

North Ridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave. Fair Oaks

Many of us came to AAUW through books and book groups. That’s why the annual authors’ luncheon is a fan favorite.

This year we bring you Archana Maniar, an infectious disease specialist in Sacramento affiliated with the UC Davis Medical Center. She received her medical degree from UC Davis School of Medicine and has been in practice for more than 20 years. Writing has been a big part of her life. We will learn about her book Dry Spells – When the rain stops, what will be revealed? A work of fiction, it has been described as  “A beautiful, vivid and atmospheric … story of loss and redemption” – Fiona Valpy from Goodreads.

Guests are welcome at our events, but please arrange for a separate registration form for each attendee. To honor the requirements of the kitchen at North Ridge, the deadline for registering is Friday, April 18.

The meal includes a choice of Chicken Marsala (with roasted potatoes and grilled vegetables) or Bay Shrimp Louis (mixed greens Bay Shrimp, avocado, eggs, tomatoes and Thousand Island Dressing on the side) or Butternut Squash Ravioli (with brown sage butter, Parmesan and steamed vegetables). Our choices for dessert are Chocolate Mousse Cake or Fruit Cup. Bread, Coffee, Iced Tea, Hot Tea and Water will be offered as well. Doors open at 11; lunch will be served at noon. We will have lots of time to socialize and buy her books.

The cost is $32. See details below.

  • Write a personal check payable to AAUW Sacramento and mail to Reservations Coordinator (mailing address below) OR
  • Click here to use a credit card. Fees will apply. Sales will close at noon on April 18.

Here is the registration form for paying by check. Please print neatly.




Name:                                                                             Branch:                                   

Email address                                                      

Meal choices (circle one in each category)

Main: Chicken or Salad or Ravioli

Dessert: Cake or Fruit

Please mail this form and a check for $32 written to AAUW Sacramento to Hedda Smithson, 4033 Main Street, Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Make sure it arrives before the April 18 deadline! Thanks!

Speech Trek Contest

Speech Trek Contest

Celebrates Its Winners

By Ann Arneill

On Saturday, February 15, 2025, the Speech Trek Committee held its Speech Trek Contest at Cosumnes River College with great success. An audience listened to three high school students from two Elk Grove Unified School District high schools speak on the topic: “Climate change is happening. The effects are widespread and touch upon almost all aspects of our life on this planet. Select an area of impact and explore the effects climate change is having on women in the USA, and around the world.”

First-place winner was Suyan Glozar, from Cosumnes Oaks High School, receiving $500. Second-place winner, Nikky Lin from Cosumnes High School, received $300. The third-place winner was Sierra Peters from Monterey High School, who received $100.

The Sacramento Branch’s winning speaker is entered in the AAUW CA Speech Trek semi-finals. If Suyan Glozar makes it into the top three, she will be invited to compete in the finals for $2,500. She will also present her speech at the May branch meeting.

Virginia Kidd, Ph.D., communications professor emeritus at CSUS, and our very own members Kathy Pabst and Carole Cline judged the contest. Thanks to branch member Karen Burley for technical assistance. We also appreciate the contribution of the hospitality committee.

This is the last year for the Speech Trek Contest because the AAUW California is discontinuing the contest. The Speech Trek committee would like to thank all the AAUW members who have supported the contest for all these years.

Scholarship News

Scholarship News By Elizabeth Rose

Our branch continues to support women in their education by offering scholarships to residents of Sacramento County.

The scholarship committee updated the scholarship flyer and the application to reflect that women at least 21 years of age (as of Sept. 1, 2025) are eligible to apply for a scholarship for attendance in the Los Rios Community College system, California State University, Sacramento, or the University of California, Davis. The scholarship amounts for these would be $3,000, $5,000 and $6,000, respectively. The number of scholarships to be awarded will be determined by the scholarship funds available and the eligibility of applicants as reviewed by the committee.

The Scholarship Application for the 2025-2026 academic year can be found on our website. Look for the “Branch Outreach Programs” tab along the top banner on the website, then click on “Scholarships.”

The applicant must have completed 12 units with a minimum GPA of 3.0 and must be pursuing their first bachelor’s degree. The application requests a discussion of financial need and clearly defined educational goals. The applications must be received by April 30, 2025, and will then be
reviewed by the committee.

Data available on the internet indicate that for school year 2023-24, the annual undergraduate tuition at CSUS was $7,602 for in-state students. It was $15,247 in 2024 at UC Davis. In 2025, it is $46 per unit (12 units would cost $552) in the Los Rios Community College system.

Scholarships will provide assistance to those who might otherwise not be able to fulfill their dreams of a bachelor’s degree. In these uncertain times, your support of the AAUW scholarship program is more important than ever. Please contribute to our scholarship fund so that we may support more students to achieve their goals. Thank you.



Hello fellow members and board of directors! I am finally back from my self-imposed hiatus in order to get settled into my new home. I am now ready to continue with my efforts to share news and encourage action for our mission of equity for women and girls.

As we start our new calendar year and finish our branch year, I have been reflecting on ways to encourage our members to become involved with our mission. Several articles have been published and emails sent in order for you to share your ideas and possibly take on a board position or chairmanship in our branch. The current board members have been working hard for many years, and some of them are in need of a break. We feel that it is always good to have new perspectives and fresh ideas in these positions. I know that it is daunting, especially if you are new to AAUW and don’t know how the board works for its members. President Nancy McCabe and program co-directors Barbara Smith and Hedda Smithson have told the members that the work involved is easy, and they are correct because we all work together to make it happen, to keep up interest in attending events and becoming involved in opportunities to help our community. It just takes a small leap of faith to step forward.

I would like to invite anyone interested in helping with Public Policy, Civil Rights Advocacy, and Title IX to come to my apartment for lunch and a complete overview of what these positions involve. I would love to have two or three members to help with these programs. I can answer any questions and show you the ropes on how I work for these important mission actions. I have tentatively set this for Thursday, March 20, at 11a.m. If you are curious about the workings of collaborating with me, please email me; my contact information can be found in the Membership Directory.

While I was away for December 2024 and January/February of 2025, the California AAUW board members were working hard with plans for the rest of the fiscal year and beyond. You can find the latest Public Policy Newsletter <here>. Here are a few highlights for these programs.

  • The annual Lobby Days are coming up very soon. There was an article in last month’s newsletter and also in the state newsletter, California Connection, explaining how we reach out to California legislators with our support and our mission. The dates are April 8 and 9. On April 8, members of several branches will meet with legislators in person. Activities on April 9 will be on Zoom. The deadline to participate is Feb. 21.
  • There were two webinars in January on important topics that we had programs on last year. One was entitled 2024 Revisions to Title IX: How they Impact AAUW Values and Public Policy Priorities. The second webinar was on Reproductive Rights: Where Do We Go from Here? Both webinars are available to watch in the archived programs on the California website.
  • The state board has announced that they are having a contest for Branch Activity of the Year. The winning entry will be a branch activity that is novel, inspirational, and mission-related with a DEI component. The activity must be reproducible (AKA “borrowable”) by other branches. Honored branches will receive a small monetary award and bragging rights at the AAUW California Annual Event on April 26. The application on their website and the deadline this year is March 15. I don’t think that the activity has to be completed by the application deadline date, so we can still apply for our remaining programs in March and April.
  • The branch leaders were recently sent the Annual Branch Survey regarding the programs and activities that were mission related. The “FIVE STAR PROGRAM” celebrates branches for achieving five stars for commitment to be involved in all aspects of AAUW’s mission. Our branch received three stars. I truly believe that we would have received five stars if we had thought to videotape our tremendous programs throughout the year. All were definitely mission related and well attended. We will have to think about this for the future so that we can shine a light on the hard work we do in this community to foster equity for women and girls.

I highly encourage our members to read the California Connection on the AAUW website. You can find the latest edition <here>. It has so much to offer. It highlights the public policy legislation that AAUW supports. There are articles on ways to highlight branch involvement in AAUW activities. If you have any questions on what they do for branches and members in the state, they will gladly help you out. Our members receive emails with the newsletter each month. If you are not receiving them, you can reach out and request to be added to the roster.

And finally, don’t forget about the TWO MINUTE ACTIVIST on both the national and AAUW California websites. It really works to have individual members tell our legislators that these issues are very important to us.

Thank you. I hope to see you in March for the Civil Rights For All program. Don’t forget to sign up soon.

Recap IBC Funds Luncheon

Inter-Branch Council Funds Luncheon Recap!! By Hedda Smithson

Jan. 25, 2025 found AAUW members from our area’s seven branches enjoying one another’s company in the dining room of North Ridge Country Club in Fair Oaks. Each guest was given an event program, a silent auction catalog and a brochure listing tempting programs from each branch for the rest of the year. The names of the branches are on page 3 of your membership directory.

AAUW CA President Charmen Goehring presented a brief history of and answered questions about AAUW Funds, covering more than 100 years.

The two Funds speakers were Essence Wilson of USC and Dena Malakian of Nevada County. Essence joined us via Zoom and explained her efforts to change attitudes of young African Americans toward seeking help with mental health issues by designing a video called Black Jasmin.

Dena was there in person to tell us about Bright Futures for Youth in Grass Valley. This program focuses on support for young people in the community who may be experiencing food and/or housing insecurity, often significant barriers to learning.

Curious? Click <here> and you will find three videos; Essence is on Video #1 – about 53 minutes in. You’ll see details about Bright Futures for Youth in Video #3 about 32 minutes in.

AAUW Sacramento offered two items for the Silent Auction: a basket with 12 books wrapped in blue paper with intriguing gift tags, and a Yeti cooler with two cups. The basket was valued at $75 and sold for $40; the Yeti collection was valued at $270 and went for $115. A total of $1,275 was raised from the nine items donated by six branches.

This event was truly a team effort. Here are some of the major players: Stephanie from Davis found the speakers; Pat from CHAR made the reservation for the venue; Charlene from CHAR made the name tags; Lee from CHAR wrote and arranged for the printing of the handouts (and she made several Zoom meetings happen); Fran from CHAR organized the silent auction; Carol from Nevada County handled the permit and collected the money from the successful bidders; Alexia from Auburn brought beautiful centerpieces with the AAUW colors of blue and orange. There were 71 reservations.  Most people chose the Thai Chicken Salad and the Limoncello cake. The luncheon sold out several days before the deadline.

Mark your calendars! Next year’s event is Jan. 31, 2026 in the ballroom at North Ridge. There should be room for all!

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click <here> for Printable Newsletter Articles.