Category Archives: Communications

Did You Know?

Did You Know? By Karen Burley

The U.S. Postal Service is issuing a Ruth Bader Ginsburg stamp! The Postal Service has announced plans for a first-day-of-issue ceremony to unveil a new Forever stamp that honors the legacy of late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. The ceremony is scheduled to take place Monday, Oct. 2 at the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C. at 6 p.m. ET.

Sacramento born-and-bred Greta Gerwig’s movie, “Barbie, ” is now the biggest movie of the year so far at the domestic box office, as of August 25th. Way to go, Greta!

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.

What Happened at the Leadership Crisis Meeting?

What Happened at the Branch Leadership Crisis Meeting? By Liz Jordan

On Wednesday evening, March 16, more than 35 members signed into a branch meeting, open to the entire membership.  The goal of the meeting was to help solve a leadership crisis: to find members willing to serve the branch.

Who Will Lead?  The annual Nominating Committee has not been able to find a volunteer[s] to serve as President or Co-Presidents or as Program Director or Co-Directors.

Other branch leadership needs discussed were for volunteers to lead our Tech Trek Program and one to lead our Public Policy activities.

Job Descriptions are available from Nominating Committee Chair Liz Jordan and/or by clicking on the Membership tab through to the Members Only link of the AAUW Sacramento website

Survey: The membership was alerted to this meeting by eblast and each eblast contained a link to a survey about branch activities.  The survey gleaned responses from about a quarter of the membership and then comprised the focus for the meeting discussion. (See article by Gloria Yost about what members responded).  The members attending this meeting were able to see some of the members responses, and then members were randomly assigned to one of five break-out rooms where they discussed one of the questions, as well.

The five questions from the survey, then discussed by the break-out groups, were:

  1. What are your reasons for being a member of AAUW Sacramento?
  2. Our mission is to empower women and girls. How do you think we can motivate our members to participate in mission-based activities?
  3. What reasons do you have for serving or not serving on a committee or as a board leader?
  4. Do you ordinarily participate in Branch meetings and programs? Why or why not?
  5. If we reduced the number of our branch outreach activities, which ones would you eliminate?  Or change and in what way? These four activities were discussed:
    • Scholarship – women 25 years or older, returning to college
    • Speech Trek – high school kids speak to a question about gender equity
    • Tech Trek – six middle school girls who have talent but may lack motivation go to STEM Camp on a college campus for a week.
    • NCCWSL – National Conference of College Women Student Leaders – conference once a year over Memorial Weekend at University Maryland.

Discussion: Volunteer recorders in each of the five breakout rooms kept notes and reported back to the larger meeting during the last half hour.  The discussion was wide-ranging, and all possible ways to restructure branch activity were on the table.  A strong possibility of a Strategic Planning Committee to work on streamlining branch activities and leadership positions is under discussion.

Please:  Anyone willing to serve in either of the open board positions or on the Strategic Planning Committee is strongly encouraged to call or write Liz Jordan, Nancy Lawrence, Cherril Peabody, Linda Sparks or Vicki Nicholson.  Please see the directory for contact information.

Membership Response to Recent Survey

Membership Response to Recent Survey By Gloria Yost

AAUW Sacramento branch leaders put out a plea to members for help in dealing with a leadership gap and just under one fourth (42) of our membership responded with their ideas.  In addition, these questions were discussed by the 35 members who participated in a robust exchange of ideas about the future of AAUW Sacramento.  Below is a summary of responses.

We are members because:

We enjoy the friendship of other educated women and support AAUW’s mission.  We enjoy our interest groups and want to continue promoting education by helping women and girls.

We can motivate participation in mission-based activities with:

We want improved communication and sharing within our branch and more opportunities for more gratifying personal interactions.  Our interest groups are important to us and could also incorporate some mission-based activities.  We’d like stronger interpersonal links with those we empower through our outreach efforts.   We also think we need to do more to broadcast our accomplishments

Our reasons for serving, or not, on committees or as board leaders are:

We serve because we think it’s important and to share some responsibility for branch operations, and we like to be in the know and help with planning.  We also appreciate learning new skills from fellow board members.

However, some of us have been there and done that, and though we might help on committees, we don’t want to be in charge.  Time commitment, health issues and concern about technical proficiency are reasons for no participation.  Some of us also find other organizations providing us with more focus and new input.

We do, or do not, participate in branch meetings and programs because:

Participation provides us an opportunity to keep up with the work of the branch and branch members, visit with friends and make new ones.  We also get inspired by what we learn from women who are working to improve our community and the world.

Some of us don’t find program topics to be engaging.  We want business and announcements to be as brief as possible.  Transportation and meeting times are difficult for some and Zoom is not a welcome alternative.  Zoom can also be hard for those with young children.

We want to keep participating in all of our outreach programs, but if that isn’t possible, eliminate NCCWSL.  (National Conference of College Women Student Leaders)

Some of our ideas about other ways to change branch activities are:

Reduce the size of the board and streamline its activities to increase member willingness to serve.  Embrace the fact that interest groups are a vital part of Sacramento Branch and the board should strengthen ties with them.

Eliminate some branch meetings and focus on doing the others well, perhaps getting out of a rut of doing the same thing again and again. Bring back WOW (Women of the World) or something similar, as we all need to be connected with the whole community.  Do things more collaboratively with other groups and agencies to learn about problems and solutions.

“I’m so proud of all that we have done and will do to empower people to have better lives. These outreach programs make me feel like I’m part of the solution, especially as a retired person who no longer contributes in a paid position.”

AAUW CA Annual Event

2022 CA Annual Event– A Real Adventure!

Calling all AAUW adventurers!

Grab your compass and join the expedition to AAUWLand at the AAUW Annual Event on Saturday, April 30th 9-3 via Zoom.  We will all be explorers, searching for new routes to connect to AAUW and its mission.

To launch the trip, the morning session will: 

  • Kick off with inspirational words from Gloria Blackwell, AAUW CEO, and Lisa Maatz, Senior Adviser, Ohio Citizen Action and former AAUW Policy Rock Star.
  • Focus our telescopes on the year’s accomplishments.
  • Honor our AAUW expedition leaders with the announcement of the Named Gift Honoree, Equity Champion, and Top 10 Branch Fund Contributions.
  • Review our advocacy efforts.
  • Share important news and updates.
  • Hear inspiring words of the three Speech Trek finalists.
  • Listen to the hosts of the breakout sessions pitch their topics.

During the afternoon route we will:

  • Be introduced to the accomplished candidates for the 2022-23 board of directors.
  • Meet a dancing scientist, Jasmine Sadler, owner and founder, The STEAM Collaborative.
  • Honor the three winners of the 2022 Branch Activity of the Year Award and hear about what they did.
  • Award a Speech Trek winner.

Along the way, we will wind into unfamiliar territory. You will have the chance to venture out and “Choose Your Own Adventure” with a self-guided journey deep into the “topical” jungle of AAUW ideas that you might be interested in talking about.

There will be multiple Zoom breakout rooms hosted by Trail Guides, members who have offered to host informal conversations on topics they hope you might want to talk about.  No agendas. No PowerPoints. No handouts. We’ll just network and share thoughts, stories, experiences, and maybe some debate. You will be able to move freely back and forth between breakout rooms to stay and share or take off and find another!

Don your pith helmet and register for Adventures in AAUWland! Click HERE to Register.

Member Birthdays, Book Groups, Printable Articles and More!

Celebrating October Birthdays! By Donna Holmes

  Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathy Schrumpf                     10/1
  • Judy Maben                            10/2
  • Janice Stuter                           10/5
  • Mary Williams                        10/8
  • Karen Ann Smith                   10/9
  • Lynn Blair Wood                    10/12
  • Linda Cook                              10/13
  • Jennifer Virginia Stanley       10/14
  • Tina Taggart                           10/14
  • Lyn Roefs                                10/15
  • Susan McLearan                    10/17
  • Betty Riley                               10/20
  • Elizabeth Hendrickson          10/21
  • Marianne Rorden                   10/21
  • Sandra Winter                         10/21
  • Christina Calpo                       10/23
  • Gail Evans                                10/26
  • Bakula Maniar                         10/27
  • Celeste Roseberry-McKibbin 10/27

Book Groups By Sharon Anderson

Book Group 2: 
The Invisible Bridge, by Julie Orringel, on Oct. 5; coordinator is Carol Hayes

Book Group 3: 
Reading a book selection and meeting on Oct. 27; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
Notes of a Native Son, by James Baldwin, on Oct. 13; coordinator is Nancy Lawrence

Book Group 6: 
The Hidden Life of Trees, by Peter Wohlleben, on Oct. 11; coordinator is Angela Scarlett

Book Group 8: 
The Language of Butterflies, by Wendy Williams, on Oct. 25; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, by Bill Gates, on Oct. 21; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
The Warmth of Other Suns, by Isabel Wilkerson, on Oct. 7; coordinator is Linda Cook

Book Group 33: 
The Other Mrs., by Mary Kubica, on Oct. 7; coordinators are Jane Pivetti, Nancy Lawrence

Walking Group Forming By Vicki Nicholson

A nucleus of members have created a new group and welcome other women to join. If you would enjoy walking the regional trails and park pathways in the Sacramento area in the company of others, please contact Kathleen Deaver. Kathleen’s contact information can be found in the Membership Directory.

Tokyo Olympics – Did You Hear? By Charmen Goehring

US women athletes brought home more medals than men! You can read more in USA Today (which attributes this success to Title IX) at

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles

Welcome Summer!

Welcome Summer! By Karen Burley

Welcome to AAUW Sacramento’s mid-summer newsletter! We hope you are enjoying your summer and staying cool when the thermometer rises into triple digits. Your branch leadership team continues to work on your behalf, planning an enlightening and enjoyable year for our members starting in September. Please continue to tell your friends and acquaintances about all the benefits of AAUW membership and that we would love to have them join us. Enjoy this update, and we’ll see you in September!

Get Your Articles, Branch Programming, Band Interest Group Information for Printing Here!

putthis_on_calendar_clip_art_1_Programming Calendar

Click here to print the latest programming calendar update, including information for Speech Trek, coming up on Feb. 20, 2016.  Their topic this year is “What is gender bias and inequality?  What is its impact on people?  Why should organizations such as AAUW continue to work to change its practice?”

Here is the holiday luncheon form if you wish to pay by check

Here is the IBC Luncheon form.

Interest Groups and Birthday Celebrations

  • Click here for your interest groups
  • Click here to find out who is celebrating their birthday this month!

Membership Matters

Click here for updates on branch membership!

Have you checked out our online calendar?

If you haven’t, please click here.  We try to ensure that everything stays up-to-date.  Contact Angela at if you see gaps.

Want to print most of the articles you see here?

Click here to  print the news articles.