Daily Archives: August 27, 2024

September Program

HERE Sacramento Branch of AAUW Presents

“The Rights Stuff”, Season Two, Episode One

The right to explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Lights, Camera, Action!!

Saturday, Sept. 14 10:30 AM at Arcade Library, 2443 Marconi Ave., Sacramento

September Program presented by Hedda Smithson and Barbara Smith. We focus our camera on one of the most important programs offered through AAUW CA, Tech Trek. Please register for this meeting no later than Sept. 11 with Eventbrite by clicking HERE. Remember to wear a name tag but know that if you forget or don’t have one, a name tag will be provided. We want to get to know you!! Click <here> to obtain the wonderful flyer created by Liz Jordan containing a QR code for easy access to our website which you can print and post and distribute.

Marlys Huez’s Tech Trek committee included Kathleen Deaver, Lori Franz, Joyce Humphrey, Mary Miller, Monique Stovall and Gloria Yost. Generous donations from branch members funded six seventh-grade girls for the Tech Trek camp at UC Davis; two others attended virtually. Teachers from W.E. Mitchell Middle School in Rancho Cordova and Will C. Wood in Sacramento nominated students to be considered by the Tech Trek committee. Each student completed a written application, submitted an essay and was interviewed as a part of the selection process. The committee held an orientation meeting in June where Tech Trek bears and goody bags for camp were given and the campers were able to meet one another. The camp was held July 14 to 20. Branch members could visit on July 18 for an intense day of following the very busy schedule.

Last month the committee, with the addition of Ann Arneill and Shari Beck, coordinators of Speech Trek, met with the students to help them with presentations each will make on Sept. 14.

This amazing and life-changing program was the brainchild of AAUW member Marie Wolbach. The first Tech Trek was held at Stanford in 1998. Our branch immediately participated by sending one girl. Since that time, Sacramento has supported campers nearly every year.

Lights and Camera have done their job. Now it is time for Action!

  • Register for this event! Click HERE
  • Bring a neighbor, friend or relative. The event is open to the public.
  • Meet the campers and ask them questions.
  • Volunteer to help with next year’s group.
  • Vote to approve our budget.
  • Donate to Tech Trek – this year the cost was $1,170 per girl.

President’s Message

President’s Message By Nancy McCabe

Welcome Back to AAUW after our summer break!

Not a lot continues through the summer except Singles Dining. We have the opportunity to eat outdoors unless it is Sacramento HOT on our scheduled evening for dinner. If you are a single lady and not on my mailing list you are welcome to join us any time — just shoot me an email and I will add you to our roster.

Our program vice presidents have scheduled some wonderful programs for the coming year so be sure you check them out. In September our Tech Trek girls will be showing us some of their experiences from this year’s camps, both resident and online. This is a life-changing week that we provide to six girls at UC Davis and two at their homes online.

We need a member to assume leadership of this program for the coming year so that we will be able to continue to provide five days of STEM learning for these girls. It would be tragic if we were unable to continue this due to lack of leadership. The past coordinators are available to help you get comfortable in this role. It consists of working with a few middle school science teachers to get referrals, interviewing the girls and their parents, and doing the paperwork to get them registered and the fees paid.

Each summer during the week our girls are at camp, our membership is invited to spend a half day touring the program, and AAUW volunteers are always needed to assist with camp tasks, as little as a half day to all week. Please consider giving your time to save this life-changing program.

Also, the proposed 2024-25 Branch Budget will be voted on at the September 14th program meeting. You can review the proposed Budget <here>.

Mark Your Calendars!

Sacramento Branch of AAUW Presents

“The Rights Stuff: Season 2”

2024-2025 Branch Programs

Lights! Camera! Action!

-Saturday, Sept. 14, 2024 – The right to explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math
9/14 10:30 to 1:00. Arcade Library, 2443 Marconi Ave, Sacramento
Presentations from Tech Trek campers. Vote to accept proposed branch budget.

-Saturday, October 19, 2024 The right to be informed voters; joint meeting with CHAR
10/19 11:00 to 2:00. Carmichael Presbyterian Church, 5645 Marconi Ave, Carmichael
Panel discussion with Professor Mary-Beth Moylan and students from McGeorge School of Law about Propositions on the November Ballot.

Saturday, November 16, 2024 – The right to celebrate the 50th year of Title IX – learn the latest
11/16 10:30 to 1:00. Arden Dimick Library, 891 Watt Ave, Sacramento
Focus: Current issues are still relevant to this ground-breaking legislation.

-Saturday, December 14, 2024 – The right to food security and reading opportunities
12/14 11:00 to 2:00. North Ridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave., Fair Oaks
Focus: Winter luncheon where we welcome new members and gather items for CSUS Food Pantry and books for children.

-Saturday, January 25, 2025 The right to higher education
1/25 11:00 to 2:00. North Ridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave., Fair Oaks
Focus: Presentations from AAUW Fellows. Hosted by the Interbranch Council.

-Saturday, February 8, 2025 – The right to speak about a current topic that affects women
2/8 10:00 to 2:00. Speech Trek Contest. Cosumnes River College, Room Winn 150, 8401
Center Park Way. Entrance on Bruceville Rd., Sacramento.

-Saturday, March 15, 2025 – Equal Rights for all in the Sacramento area
3/15 10:30 to 1:00, Roberts Family Development Center, 766 Darina Ave., Sacramento
Focus: Panel discussion about Racial Justice. Annual business meeting to report election of officers.

-Saturday April 26, 2025 – The right to learn from another’s journey; joint meeting with CHAR
4/26 11:00 to 2:00. North Ridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Ave., Fair Oaks
Focus: Presentation from Archana Manier, MD, at our Annual Author’s Luncheon. Her book is Dry Spells.

-Saturday May 31, 2025 – The right to celebrate and renew
5/31 10:30 to 1:00. Unitarian Universalist Church, 2425 Sierra Blvd, Sacramento
Focus: Installation of officers, recognition of new 50-year members, named gift recipients and so much more!!

Interest Group Happenings

Interest Group Happenings By Pat Winkle

Happy New Branch Year! I will be the new contact this year for interest group activities. If you would like to propose a new interest group for our branch, please contact me and I will present your ideas to the board for approval. My contact information, as well as the contacts for each of the interest groups, is in your directory for this year.


  • Art & Architecture: No meeting in Sept.; contact Deborah Dunn.
  • Great Decisions I: Monday, Sept. 16, 7p.m. on Zoom. Topic: The US and the Middle East. Contact: Cathy Locke
  • Great Decisions II: Thursday, Sept. 12, 7 p.m. on Zoom. Contact: Lynn Blair Wood
  • Great Decisions III: Monday, Sept 16, 1 p.m. Meets in a member’s home. Contact: Margaret McCarthy
  • Healthy Heart Lunch: Friday, Sept. 13, 11:30 a.m. at Fabian’s Restaurant, 11755 Fair Oaks Blvd. Contact: Jane Cooley
  • Reader’s Theater: Contact: Diane Petersen for updates.
  • Scrabble Just for Fun: Monday, Sept. 30, 1 p.m. in the game room at Eskaton Village Carmichael.  Contact: Vivian Counts
  • Singles Dining Out: Sunday, Sept. 1, 6 p.m. at Ippolito’s Trattoria, 9500 Micron Ave. Contact: Nancy McCabe

Book Groups Update

Book Groups Update By Sharon Anderson

If you wish to see what others are reading, or get ideas for your book group or yourself, please refer to the “books” page under “Activities” on our branch website (https://sacramento-ca.aauw.net/bookgroups/).

Each book group has its own tab, by book group number.  (These book group numbers correlate with page 6 of the branch Membership Directory.)  On each list, the meeting days, times and coordinator are listed.  Feel free to call me if you have trouble locating it.

September Book Groups

Book Group 1:
The Indomitable Florence Finch
, by Robert Mrazak, on Sept. 12; coordinator is Joy Clous

Book Group 3: 
The Heaven and Earth Grocery Store, by James McBride, on Sept. 25; coordinator is Carolyn Meeker

Book Group 4: 
Remarkably Bright Creatures, by Shelby VanPelt, on Sept. 11; coordinator is Pat Morehead

Book Group 6: 
The Buddha in the Attic, by Julie Otsuka, on Sept. 16; coordinator is Susana Mullen

Book Group 8: 
The Bookbinder, by Pip Williams, on Sept. 23; coordinator is Diana Squire

Book Group 10: 
Secret Harvests: A Hidden Story of Separation…., by David Mas Masumoto , on Sept. 19; coordinator is Sandi Schoenman

Book Group 12: 
The Great Divide, by Cristina Henriquez, on Sept. 5; coordinator is Linda Cook

Living Our Mission of Equity By Charmen Goehring

We hope you will join us in a monthly equity conversation where we look at our own biases, seek actions we can take to attract diversity to our branch and become better people in the process. Each month, we read a section of our selected book then meet to discuss what we have learned, along with exploring other issues related to race and equity. We meet the first Wednesday of each month from 7 to 8 p.m. on Zoom.

The Zoom meeting code is 737 420 3780 or you can join using this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7374203780  We will discuss our current book, An Indigenous Peoples’ History of the United States, by Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, on Sept. 4 at 7 p.m. We will discuss all chapters through Chapter 4 (up to page 78). If you have questions and to RSVP, please email Charmen at charminme@yahoo.com.

Membership Update

Membership Update by Gloria Yost

Help a Prospective Member Save Money With Shape the Future

What is Shape the Future?

  • A National membership campaign that branches can use to recruit and retain members
  • Branches earn up to three free national memberships when enough new members join

How does it work?

  • Branches can offer 50 percent off national dues when prospective members join AAUW at an event or meeting
  • New members save $36

Who Is Eligible for the Membership discount?

  • A “new member” — someone entirely new to AAUW
  • An individual who rejoins after two or more years of lapsed membership

What can I do?

  • Spread the word about the great work AAUW does
  • Let folks know about our stimulating events and friendship opportunities
  • Invite my neighbors, new acquaintances, fellow workers or volunteers & more

AAUW membership is open to anyone with an associate (or equivalent, e.g., RN) degree or higher from an accredited educational institution.

Bring your prospective members to join us on Saturday, Sept. 14.. Hear from our middle school Tech Trekkers to celebrate:  “The Rights Stuff”, Season Two, Episode One: The right to explore Science, Technology, Engineering and Math

Celebrating August Birthdays! 

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Jennifer Krebsbach                            8/5
  • Linda Patterson                                 8/5
  • Marlys Fredrickson Huez                 8/6
  • Pamela Harder                                  8/8
  • Nancy McCabe                                  8/14
  • May Ruth Lynch                                8/22
  • Barbara Smith                                   8/25
  • Vicki Nicholson                                  8/28
  • Catherine Locke                                8/31

Celebrating September Birthdays! 

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Kathleen Keers                                  9/3
  • Anne Just                                            9/6
  • Susan J. Cox                                       9/9
  • Rebekah Machado de Quevedo     9/9
  • Gail Field                                            9/10
  • Jeanette Finn                                     9/10
  • Cathy Sallas                                       9/11
  • Barbara Kamilos                               9/12
  • Pamella Vaughn                                9/15
  • Malinda Rice                                      9/20
  • Hedda Smithson                               9/20
  • Cherril Peabody                                9/22
  • Patricia Poyner                                 9/23
  • Elinor Anklin                                      9/26
  • Kathryn Brann                                  9/26
  • Karen Humphrey                              9/27
  • Joy Clous                                            9/28


AAUW Sacramento Has a New Look!

AAUW Sacramento Has a New Look! By Hedda Smithson

Take a look at your current membership directory. Find a page called Board of Directors. We are slimmer, sleeker, and very nimble!! Instead of six elected and eight appointed positions, we now have four elected officers and five appointed directors. If you still have your 2022-2023 directory (bright pink cover), you might compare it to the 2023-2024 membership directory (lime green cover.) The board meets on Zoom so keeping track of nine or ten faces is easier than fourteen.

Our policies tell us that the terms for President and Program Vice President are two years; Secretary and Finance Director terms are the same but staggered so there are always board members with institutional memory to move the branch forward. The directors are appointed for one- year terms and may serve a second year if desired. The focus areas are Membership Support, Membership Development, Local Projects, AAUW Priorities, and Communications. We will be looking for members to step up to take on the President and Program VP roles for the 2025-2026 AAUW year, so please consider it.

Still have questions? Contact anyone on the Board! We are always looking for new faces and fresh ideas! Thanks!

Did You Know?

Public Policy New from AAUW California

The August issue from the AAUW California Public Policy Team covers the 2024 Legislative Agenda, the School Board Project and Public Policy Priorities. Read all about it <here>.

Funds Chair

Our new Branch Funds Chair, taking over from Charmen Goehring as she goes off to work as our California State AAUW President! In addition to Charmen, Donna Holmes is working as the state Communications Co-Chair and Marty McKnew is working as the state Governance/Parliamentarian. Go Ladies!

If you are interested in joining the AAUW Legacy Circle or in making a donation, please reach out to Karen whose contact information can be found in the Membership Directory. More information on Funds will be coming soon in a future newsletter.

Sunshine Chair

Pat Winkle is our Sunshine Chair and needs to hear from you if you know members who might appreciate a get well, sympathy or “thinking of you” card. As she doesn’t know everyone, she needs your help in remembering our friends. Her contact information is in the directory.

Printable Newsletter Articles

Click here for Printable Newsletter Articles.