Tag Archives: NCCWSL

Membership Happenings

Membership Renewal By Donna Holmes

  • 2024-2025 Membership renewal for the majority of our members is due.
  • If you sent in a check last year your paperwork is coming USPS, sent 5/16/2024.
  • To renew online with a credit card, go to https://www.aauw.org/membership/, click on membership and login to renew.   If you have never logged in click on ‘forgot password’ and National will send you a link.
  • Please renew by June 30th. You can access the renewal form <here> and the tax receipt form <here>. The renewal form is useful if you renew online but want to make donations to the branch.
  • Questions? Call Donna Holmes, Gloria Yost or Vicky Lovell, their contact information is in the directory.

Membership Happenings By Gloria Yost and Vicky Lovell

Strengthening our AAUW Sacramento connections and friendships

As the 2023-24 AAUW year ends, we would like to take a moment to reflect on this past membership year.  We’ve welcomed 23 new members to our ranks:

Joy Allender  Valerie Connors Jeannie London Rebecca Peebles Julie Sporrer
Tina Brown Susan Cox  Paola Mendez Lina Rincon Rebecca Stone
Darcy Burton Gail Field Sasha Mowrey Kathryn Rutledge Jessica Waugh
Ann Burke Robin Howlett Dianne Ouellett Cathy Sallas  
Zarah Bronstein Joyce Humphrey Jill Peckingham Tom Smithson  

We’ve gotten acquainted with you at branch meetings, new member Meet & Greets, and through individual communications.  You have energized and enriched us.

We hope to build even stronger connections with you in the coming years!

The support we have received from you, our fellow AAUW members, has been heartwarming.  Your attendance at our new-member gatherings, and helpful comments and suggestions have all been appreciated.

We especially appreciate our committee volunteers, Mahnaz Khazari and Linda Sparks.                                            


Jean Bonar

Karen Burley 

Valerie Connors

Michele Hobza

Marlys Huez 

Cherril Peabody 

Bonnie Penix

Anne Rhodes

Hedda Smithson

Monique Stovall

Marjorie Wade

Gloria Yost

We were able to earn the maximum number of free Shape the Future National memberships this year thanks to all of you.

Our faithful 50-year members have been promoting equity for women and girls for 50 and more years.  They’ve worked actively in branch activities, pursued many outreach causes, and built lasting friendships.

50-year Members

**You are role models for all of us**

Melva Arditti Linda Lawrence Pat Peck Hedda Smithson
Jean Bonar Mary Lou Lentz Ann Pickens Linda Sparks
Vivian Counts Elaine Moody Jane Pivetti Pat Stilwell
Jeanette Finn Pat Morgan Malinda Rice Sue Whetstone
Carol Hayes Vicki Nicholson Sandi Schoenman Gloria Yost
Liz Hendricks Linda Lawrence Gloria Sears Sandy Young
Barbara Kamilos Marilyn Orrick Barbara Smith

Thank you all for making this a successful membership year.

Thank You NCCWSL Supporters

Donations made to NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders) support our branch efforts to promote leadership for young women, our next generation.  Each spring the prestigious NCCWSL conference is held at the University of Maryland and draws attendees from all over the country.  Our goal is to be able to send several young college women so they can experience this life changing event.   We want to recognize you, our 2023-24 donors.

Joan Hammond

Lisa Howard

Marlys Huez

Liz Jordan

Cathy Locke

Nancy McCabe

Kathleen Asay

Shari Beck

RosaLee Black

Margaret Brown

Kathleen Deaver

Deborah Dunn

Mary Miller

Elaine Moody

Kathy Papst

Diane Petersen

Anne Rhodes

Kathryn Schrumpf

Barbara Smith

Hedda Smithson

Linda Whitney

Pat Winkle

Gloria Yost


 We greatly appreciate your support!

Members Supporting Members

From time to time, life situations change for some of our branch members, and they need a little help to tide them over in the meantime.  We want to recognize those who have generously donated to our dues assistance fund.

Kathleen Asay

Shari Beck

Jane Cooley

Kathleen Deaver

Judy Foote

Joan Hammond

Marlys Huez

Liz Jordan

Cathy Locke

Elaine Moody

Pat Morehead

Diane Petersen

Elizabeth Rose

Sandi Schoenman

Kathryn Schrumpf

Linda Whitney

If any of you reading this find yourself in such a situation, please contact Donna Holmes to get that needed assistance.

Thank you, our 2023-24 Donors!

In Memoriam – Dianne Ouellet

By Jean Bonar

Dianne Ouellet was a new member of our branch who joined Book Group 8 after moving from
Ashland to a Folsom assisted living facility after her husband’s stroke. She died unexpectedly in
early March after a dental appointment that led to a stroke. She was a long-time friend, very
creative and kind, and I will miss her greatly.

Celebrating June Birthdays! 

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Della Knowles                                6/2
  • Patricia Peck                                  6/2
  • Lina Rincon                                    6/2
  • Sandra Cavey                                6/4
  • Mahnaz Khazari                            6/4
  • Shirley Wheeler                             6/8
  • Pamela Spears                              6/8
  • Jane Reinmuth                              6/10
  • Rita Walker                                    6/10
  • Sharon Lee Swanson                   6/11
  • Carmen Hobbs                             6/12
  • Charmen Goehring                      6/19
  • Kathleen Papst                             6/20
  • Carol Hayes                                   6/29

Celebrating July Birthdays! 

Happy Birthday to All!

  • Karen Ruth Curtis                            7/1
  • Nancy Kniskern                                7/1
  • Gloria Sears                                      7/3
  • Karen Ann Rystad                            7/5
  • Patricia Winkle                                 7/6
  • Judy Foote                                         7/8
  • Michele Hobza                                 7/8
  • Linda Sparks                                     7/9
  • Ruth Werner                                    7/10
  • Shari Beck                                        7/13
  • Lisa Howard                                     7/14
  • Vivian Counts                                   7/16
  • Marty McKnew                                 7/20
  • Lori Franz                                          7/24
  • Martha McDowell                            7/24
  • Gina Schumacher                            7/31

Programs: Looking Forward, Looking Back

Programs: Looking Forward, Looking Back By Hedda Smithson

Sacramento Branch of AAUW Presents

Episode Four of “The Rights Stuff”: The Right to Higher Education

Lights, Camera, Action!!

Saturday, December 9, 2023 11 AM

North Ridge Country Club, 7600 Madison Avenue

 AAUW Sacramento was founded in 1920. Some of us helped celebrate our 100th birthday on Feb. 29, 2020. One of the first projects these early members started was a scholarship program.

For our December gathering we will invite our current scholarship recipients — Elizabeth, Erin, Nichole, Wahida and Nataliia  to join us for lunch at the lovely North Ridge Country Club.

A choice of entrees will be offered and an opportunity to “take a future grad to lunch” by helping to pay for the lunches of our scholarship guests. There may be a chance to do other giving as well.

More information and how to RSVP for this event will be provided in an upcoming eBlast.

Recaps: September and October of the Rights Stuff

The first two episodes of “Lights, Camera, Action”  are “in the can”. Both were SRO (standing room only!!). Running out of chairs is a good thing? Here are the highlights:

September 23 at the Arcade Library on Marconi Avenue

  • Members approved the budget for the 2023-24 membership year as presented in the September issue of Capital Ideas.
  • Seven Tech Trek campers shared stories of blood draws, food science, and playing with lights and sound at the Mondavi Center in Davis. Each received a Tech Trek bear.
  • Two National Conference of College Women Student Leaders participants told us what they had learned during three days of intense workshops and networking.
  • We learned how to be Membership Ambassadors and earn a star!!
  • New members include Susan Cox, Joyce Humphrey, Pam Harder, Kim McDaniel, Sasha Mowrey, Joy Allender and Tom Smithson. Be sure to watch for and welcome each to future events.
  • We were invited to join a group tour at the Sojourner Truth Museum on Oct. 7 for an African Marketplace, featuring live music, food, and shopping opportunities.

October 14 at the Sacramento Fine Arts Center on Gibbons Drive

  • Members from Sacramento and Citrus Heights/American River Branches met for more than a month to put together this program.
  • Representatives from Planned Parenthood Mar Monte spoke to us briefly about their local focus.
  • We listened to stories from The Abortion Chronicles and discussed what we heard.
  • We heard how medical students and doctors have had to make choices about their futures.
  • We learned about maternal care deserts both before and after the Dobbs Decision.
  • Each participant was given a packet full of information, including two pages of actions that each of us could take.
  • Our lesson in government included how amendments become part of the US Constitution and what we can do to have the Equal Right Amendment published.

News from NCCWSL

News from NCCWSL Forwarded By Gloria Yost

From attendee Roshelle Czar:

As a women’s studies major, I was really grateful to attend the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL), especially because this was my last year at Sacramento State University.

I got the chance to meet Blair Amani, who is the head of Education at the Feminists. As a fellow Muslim myself, it was wonderful to see that kind of representation and to be able to speak with her in regards to her work.

The workshops were also insightful as one of them taught me how to run for office and asked that we come up with an elevator pitch as well.

Lastly, hearing all the wonderful speakers present on their journeys and the resilience that kept them going was beyond inspiring. It allowed me to see that we must always remain humble in our pursuits and also not get stuck in comparing ourselves with other people. Sometimes, social media can do that to us, and it’s not healthy to operate in that manner. It was a gentle reminder to hold compassion for myself as well. Please view attached pictures from the conference.

September Kickoff

Sacramento Branch of AAUW Presents (By Hedda Smithson)

Episode One of “The Rights Stuff”:
                               The Right to Equal Opportunity

                             >>> Lights, Camera, Action!! <<<

Saturday, September 23, 10 AM in the Arcade Library, 2443 Marconi Ave

We begin our program year with a double feature: our camera focuses on two very important programs that empower women and girls: National Conference of College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL) and Tech Trek. Each participant will be invited to meet with you to share her experiences.

“Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – poet Muriel Strode.

The most recent NCCWSL conference was held May 31 to June 3 at the University of Maryland, College Park. Details of the three days of leadership training, inspiration and networking agenda are found at aauw.org. Sacramento Branch sponsored Marissa Floyd and Paola Mendez. Marissa majored in Child Development and was a behavior analyst at a local school district. Paola is a political science journalism major.

Tech Trek was created in 1988 by Marie Wolbach at Stanford. The STEM-oriented camps (virtual and in person) are designed for girls ready to enter 8th grade. Science teachers from Will C Wood (Eli) and W. E. Mitchell (Corinna and Jonathan) nominated students to be considered by our Tech Trek committee. Students wrote essays and were interviewed by committee members as a part of the selection process. Phyllis and Melena (Will C. Wood) and Isabella, Chelsea, Victoria, and Avery (W.E. Mitchell) attended the camp at UC Davis last July while Mia, Jaila, and Sana attended a virtual camp. Each camper experienced a full week of exciting workshops, sessions and evening events. Kathleen Deaver, Lori Franz, Hedda Smithson, and Gloria Yost visited to see what was going on. Long time supporter of Tech Trek, Jo Reiken, was there as our guide. The highlight was watching the solar powered cars, designed and built by the students, compete. Tech Trek is but one program offered through aauw-ca .

The Lights and Camera are focused on NCCWLS and Tech Trek. Now it’s time for Action: interact with our guests, volunteer to help with a committee, and/or donate to the branch for one or both of these programs. Or write your own role.

Closing credits and details:

This article represents your TICKET! Take advantage of this opportunity to see AAUW Sacramento in action. Greet old friends and make new ones. Bring a relative, neighbor and/or friend. This event is open to the public. Let’s spread the word!!


NCCWSL is Live Again!

NCCWSL is Live Again! By Gloria Yost

The Sacramento Branch is proud to sponsor three young women from Sac State to attend the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL).  The conference will be held at the University of Maryland, College Park, May 31-June 3, 2023.  This year’s theme:


Our attendees are:

  • Roshelle Czar – women’s studies major
  • Marissa Floyd – child development in social and community context major
  • Paola Mendez – political science journalism major

We hope they take full advantage of this experience.

Medical Internship In Cusco, Peru

Medical Internship In Cusco, Peru By Tiffiny Joseph

Introduction by Gloria Yost: Tiffiny Joseph, one of our November speakers, is a past scholarship winner and one of our NCCWSL (National Conference for College Women Student Leaders) attendees.  She has expressed her great appreciation for the financial support given to her by various branch members.

Tiffiny’s article: After a long day’s travel with my husband and 5-month-old son, we made it to Cusco, Peru. We were visiting for three weeks so that I could complete a medical internship at a clinic in the heart of the city.

I am an aspiring doctor, a non-traditional student studying at the University of California, Davis, majoring in neurobiology, physiology and behavior. I will be applying for medical school this upcoming 2022-2023 cycle. A big part of the application is writing about experiences that have been significant to the candidate in affirming their path to medicine and preparing them for the challenges that come with medical school. Due to the pandemic, finding clinical experiences had been discouragingly difficult. Many of my applications were rejected, even the ones for the student-run clinic at UCD upon which I was relying for this necessary experience.

Understandably, most clinics could not welcome extra bodies who were not staff already. I was desperate. I needed to prove that the medical field is where I belong.

My husband found a medical internship program opportunity, but we were hesitant because of the investment. I was an AAUW scholarship recipient and NCCWSL attendee so thought to ask for some support from the members of AAUW through a GoFundMe page. Fortunately, with support from members of AAUW, we were able to go.

It was the first day of my internship, I was nervous. I was instructed not to be shy.  Since I speak Spanish, I had an advantage over some of the other volunteers attending since they did not speak Spanish.

The program directors told me that I would get out of the experience what I put into it. I left my child and husband at the home of our host family and took a taxi to meet the people with whom I would be working for the next three weeks.

I was greeted by a man who was flustered. He urged me to hurry, no real official introduction, just urgency. I followed him quickly. He told me to get dressed, put on a head cap, booties and scrubs. I did so as fast as I could. Once ready, I met him outside the changing area. He had a disappointed expression and informed me that I had missed a cesarean operation by just moments but that, fortunately, there was another surgery going on that I could watch.

Surgery? Really? I was excited. To be honest, I had never seen one. He brought me to the second “sala” (room). In this surgical unit, there were about four to five doctors operating on a patient, performing a hip surgery. I felt an adrenaline rush. This was an important moment that I will never forget. I could prepare, but until I actually experienced this event, I could not be certain how I would feel or respond.

They were sawing and removing pieces of bone. Interestingly enough, “Suavemente” was playing in the background, a song that I had grown up listening to and every Peruvian family plays during family functions. It was surreal. Later, when sharing this experience with a friend, she offered some insight for me to consider.  She suggested that this song that felt like home to me, was my family sending me comfort and telling me they were proud of me in that moment.

This experience was a gift. One that I will cherish forever. I continued to watch more than a dozen surgeries over the next three weeks.  Every day, I learned more and more. I was even able to assist surgeons in small ways, such as helping them to tie their gowns or passing more gauze as needed. I continued to feel that same initial enthusiasm.  This experience confirms for me that medicine is where I belong.

Education and Social Change Focuses of November Program

Education and Social Change Focuses of November Program By Kim Rutledge

The November AAUW Sacramento branch program will focus on our organization’s efforts to improve educational opportunities for women and girls. We will first hear from this year’s AAUW Sacramento Branch scholarship recipients, who will tell us about their education and career ambitions. We also expect to hear from the women our branch sent to the National Conference for College Women Student Leaders (NCCWSL).

The program also will include a talk by new branch member Jennifer Krebsbach, who recently completed the eight-week AAUW National Social Change Ambassador Program. She will discuss how she first learned about AAUW and incorporated National’s research into her thesis. She will also give an overview of what she learned in the ambassador program, starting with defining and exemplifying social change. She will go in depth to explain intersectionality and unconscious bias. The goal will be to identify how we as a branch can use these ideas to help us identify areas that can change at the local level, the work we can do as a group and also as an individual.

There will be a bit of lecture, some individual activities, and a discussion time to brainstorm action items toward diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI).

The meeting will take place on Thursday, Nov. 18, at 7 p.m. via Zoom. The Zoom link will be sent to all who register prior to the event by clicking on Eventbrite.

Messages from our 2021 NCCWL Attendees

Messages from our 2021 NCCWSL Attendees-Forwarded by Gloria Yost

NCCWSL = National Conference for Collegiate Women Student Leaders

I wanted to let you know that I got the NCCWSL tote bag and the wonderful card! I did have such an enjoyable experience at NCCWSL. I learned a lot, but my favorite part was the STEM table. Being a STEM major myself, I found it inspiring to hear from the women featured. One of the ladies, Jen Tassi, was a forensic chemistry major in college and that’s what I’m majoring in, so it was just so exciting to hear from someone who went through the same path I’m currently working through. We focused a lot on mentorship in our breakout room with Maria Molina Higgins, who is a professor of engineering at Penn State University; how to find a mentor, how to be a mentor, how to promote yourself, etc. It was a smaller and more intimate talk than the main Zoom session, so it was good to hear the questions from the other girls.

Overall, I had an amazing experience, and it made me excited for the future working with AAUW! Thank you very much for the opportunity!
–Serena Sotelo

I want to thank the Sacramento AAUW chapter for the tote bag and support in attending the NCCWSL. I enjoyed listening to the amazing speakers and participating in conversations around succeeding as a woman in a science major. I left the conference feeling inspired and motivated. It was great to speak with those who are on, or have been on, a similar path.

I also enjoyed Dr. Taharee Jackson’s talk that centered around the Black Lives Matter movement. I appreciated her sharing different stories, wisdom, and the importance of being willing to learn about the challenges people in our communities face.  Humanity is a community, and when someone is suffering in a community, it is important to listen and learn to make changes so that every person in that community feels equal, safe and respected.

Thank you again for the meaningful experience!
–Tiffiny Joseph

I want to thank the Sacramento AAUW chapter for sponsoring me to attend NCCWSL, sending me the NCCWSL tote bag, and for opening your doors to allow me to get to know the chapter better!

I thoroughly enjoyed NCCWSL, and attended several panels and workshops, including one on starting a nonprofit, which reignited my excitement in nonprofit work! I also attended a panel on financial confidence, something that was and continues to be so helpful to me right now as I have just graduated and my financials will be changing soon, once I get a job.

Thank you again for your assistance and kindness, and I hope to meet you all in October! Sending wishes of health and happiness to you all.
–Ashley D. Jeffers